Any owner of a dog, cat, or ferret over the age of three (3) months shall have the dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated as prescribed by NMSA 1978, section 77-1-3 and state department of health regulations.
Any owner of a dog, cat, or ferret over the age of three (3) months shall exhibit its certificate of vaccination issued by a licensed veterinarian administering the rabies vaccine upon demand by a sheriff s deputy or animal control officer.
Any owner of a dog, cat or ferret over the age of three (3) months shall securely confine the dog, cat, or ferret until it is vaccinated against rabies, which vaccination shall be administered within one week after entry into the county, unless the owner has a certificate of vaccination issued by a veterinarian licensed and practicing either within New Mexico or in another state or foreign country, and the vaccination conforms to the requirements of the state and this section. A titer test is not an acceptable alternative to a rabies vaccination.
(Ordinance 2017-1, sec. 2, adopted 1/31/17 Penalty, see section 95.999 Penalty, see section 95.999)
Any animal that has rabies or shows signs of having rabies and any animal bitten by an animal afflicted by rabies or that has been exposed to a rabid animal shall be confined at once in a secure place by the owner.
A person who knows or has reason to know that any animal is infected with rabies or an unvaccinated animal has been exposed to rabies shall immediately notify an ACO of the place where the animal is confined or can be found. The owner of the animal shall surrender the animal to the ACO upon demand.
The ACO shall then deal with the rabid animal pursuant to state law.
A vaccinated animal exposed to rabies may be required to be confined on the owner’s premises for a minimum of 14 days until it is determined by an ACO that there are no symptoms of rabies.
(Ordinance 1991-06 adopted 3/12/91 Penalty, see section 95.999)
The owner of an animal that bites a person and the person bitten by an animal shall both report that occurrence to an ACO within 24 hours of the occurrence. The owner of an animal that bites a person shall surrender the animal to an ACO to impound the animal for a period of observation deemed reasonably necessary by the ACO. A vaccinated animal may be confined on its owner’s premises during this time of observation.
The owner of the animal shall bear the cost of confinement. The ACO may consent to confinement on the owner’s premises, but only if the owner can produce evidence of a current rabies vaccination at the time the bite was inflicted. The premises where the home confinement is to occur shall be inspected and approved for such purpose by the ACO. A person who has custody of an animal that has bitten a person shall immediately notify the ACO, if the animal shows signs of sickness or abnormal behavior.
A physician who renders treatment to a person bitten by an animal shall report the fact that he or she has rendered treatment to the ACO within 24 hours of his or her first professional attendance to the bite wound. The physician shall report the name, sex and address of the person bitten as well as the type and location of the bite. The physician shall give the name and address of the owner of the animal that inflicted the bite, if known, and other facts that may assist the ACO in ascertaining the immunization status of the animal.
(Ordinance 1991-06 adopted 3/12/91)
All persons owning or having charge, custody or control of any animal shall keep the animal restrained to prevent damage or harm to people and property. Violation of this section will subject the owner or keeper to a fine as set forth in appendix A to this chapter.[1]
Editor’s note–Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
When a dog is off its owner’s premises, it must be under leash or under control of the owner.
For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Control. Includes a dog who responds to sound commands of its owner to come to its owner on command.
Nuisance. Includes defecation or urination.
The owner of a dog shall not allow it to run at large or create a nuisance on other’s property, be it public or private, including entering onto lawns, driveways, walkways, places of recreation or amusement parks.
Violation of this section will subject the owner or keeper to a fine as set forth in appendix A to this chapter.[2]
Editor’s note–Said appendix is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
Any animal trespassing upon private or public property shall be deemed prima facie not to be under the immediate control of the owner or of his or her designee and the owner shall be in violation of subsections (A) and (B) above and shall be subject to penalties, pursuant to appendix A to this chapter.
(Ordinance 1991-06 adopted 3/12/91 Penalty, see section 95.999)
Any person keeping, harboring or maintaining any dog over three months of age within the county shall obtain a license from the animal control division for each such dog. The ACO shall keep a record of all licenses issued and shall issue a tag for each license granted. A current rabies vaccination certificate shall be presented at the time of the application the license. Licenses shall be issued annually and shall be renewable during the anniversary month or the originally issued license and shall expire on the last day of the anniversary month.
To encourage the alteration of dogs, the licensing fee for unaltered animals shall be higher than for altered animals.
A current license tag or number shall be affixed to the licensed dog at all times and in a reasonable manner.
Dogs belonging to nonresidents, who keep dogs within the confines of the boundaries of the county for less than 90 consecutive days shall be exempt from this section; provided, however, that all other provisions of this chapter are complied with.
Guide dogs will be licensed by the county at no charge to the legally blind and/or deaf, or to a handicapped or disabled person who has a current prescription from a licensed physician prescribing the animal use.
(Ordinance 1991-06 adopted 3/12/91 Penalty, see section 95.999)