The board of adjustment shall have the authority to grant relief in the form of variances and special exceptions to the provisions of this zoning ordinance, subject to the standards and procedures as established herein.
The purpose of this division is to establish procedures and standards for relief where owing to special conditions, the literal enforcement of the regulations of the zoning ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship, provided that the grant of such relief will not be contrary to the public interest and provided further that the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance will be preserved by the relief granted under the terms and conditions herein provided.
To apply for a variance or special exception under the provisions of this ordinance, the applicant must be an owner of the property to be affected by the variance or must have a contractual interest in the property to be affected by the variance or special exception.
The application for a variance or special exception shall be filed with the secretary to the board of adjustment according to rules of procedure adopted from time to time by the board and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as prescribed in such rules of procedure to defray administrative costs.
The board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing on a requested variance or special exception pursuant to the procedures set out in Part V, Section 3 of this ordinance.