The city shall have the power to levy, assess and collect taxes of every character and type not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and for any municipal purpose. The city ad valorem property tax rate for any one year shall never exceed one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per one hundred dollars assessed value of taxable property.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
There shall be a tax assessor-collector, appointed by the city responsible for the assessment and collection of all taxes levied by the city. He/she, and all employees under him/her, shall be bonded.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
All property, real, personal or mixed having a situs within the corporate limits of the city on January 1st of each year, not expressly exempted by law, shall be subject to taxation by the city for such year. The council shall prescribe the mode and manner of making renditions, tax lists, assessments and tax rolls. Every person, partnership, association or corporation which holds, owns or controls property within the limits of the city shall, between January 1 and April 1 of each year, file with the city tax assessor-collector a full and complete sworn inventory of such property held, owned or controlled within said limits on January 1 of such year. The council may prescribe by ordinance the mode and manner of making such inventories and penalties for failing or refusing to submit the same. The city tax assessor-collector shall review all renditions made to him/her and determine the value of the property rendered and fix the value thereof for tax purposes. If the city tax assessor-collector fixes a value higher than that shown on the owner’s rendition, he/she shall give written notice thereof to such owner at his/her last known address by depositing the same, postage paid, in the United States mail, notifying him/her of such change and advising him/her that he/she may appear before the board of equalization to protest such change. In all cases where no rendition of real and personal property is made by the owner thereof, the city tax assessor-collector shall ascertain the amount and value of such property and assess the same and such assessment shall be as valid and binding as if the property involved had been rendered by such owner, provided that if the city tax assessor-collector shall assess any such property which has not previously been assessed, or if he/she shall assess any such property at a higher valuation from that shown on the last preceding tax roll, he/she shall give notice of such assessment, or such change in assessment, as above provided.
All assessments of real property, whether rendered by the owner or assessed by the city tax assessor-collector, shall list the value of land and improvements and describe such property sufficiently to identify it, giving the name of the last known owner thereof. The city tax assessor-collector shall assess all property which has been omitted from assessment in prior years upon a current supplemental assessment roll. The taxes upon such supplemental assessments shall be due at once and if not paid within sixty days thereafter shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to the same penalty and interest as other delinquent taxes for such year. If the ownership of any property should be unknown to the city tax assessor-collector, he/she shall enter that fact in the record.
In addition to the powers granted by this section, he/she shall have the same power as county tax assessors and collectors in Texas to make reassessments, all at the same value and tax rates as such property should have been assessed and taxed for past years and indicating the year or years for which it is assessed.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
The council shall each year prior to June 1 appoint a member to the board of equalization as required by state law. The member of said board shall be a qualified voter and a property owner within the city and shall be well informed of property values within the city. Three members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said board shall choose from its membership a chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the board, and a vice-chairman who shall act in the chairman’s absence. Members of the board shall receive such compensation as may be provided by the council.
The board of equalization shall convene as soon as practicable after June 1 and shall give public notice of its time and place of meeting. The board shall adjust assessed values and, in addition to the powers herein granted, shall have all the powers of a county commissioner’s court in regard to the equalization of assessed values of property for taxation. Whenever the board shall find it necessary to increase the rendered or assessed value of any property appearing on the assessment rolls, it shall give immediate notice to the owner of such property, or the person rendering the same, and provide said owner an opportunity to appear and show cause why the value of such property should not be changed. The notice herein required may be served by mailing the same to the last known address of the owner, postage paid. The board shall have the same powers to subpoena property owners of the city, witnesses, books, and records as are granted by the laws of the state to the county board of equalization and shall have the power to administer oaths and to punish for contempt as provided by ordinance.
The board shall be governed by such rules and regulations and shall have such additional powers as may be prescribed by ordinance, but it may adopt such further rules and regulations of its own which are not in conflict with any ordinance, this Charter or the laws of the State of Texas. The board shall cause a record of its proceedings to be made and such record shall be preserved to the same extent and in the same manner as other tax records of the city. Immediately upon completion of its work, the board shall certify its approval of the assessment rolls and forward the same to the council. The council shall thereupon consider and approve the assessment rolls of the city for that tax year.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
All taxes due to the city shall be payable at the office of the city tax assessor-collector. Ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on the first day of October in each year, shall be paid before the first day of February thereafter, and, if not so paid, a penalty shall accrue and be added thereto and be enforced and collected in the same manner as such original taxes; such penalty and collection to be provided by ordinance as designated by the city.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
All property, real, personal and mixed, situated in the city on the first day of January of each year shall stand charged with a lien in favor of the city from said date for the taxes due thereon. The liens provided herein shall be superior to all other liens, except liens for state and county taxes, regardless of when such other liens were created. All persons purchasing any of said property after the first day of January in any year shall take same subject to the liens herein provided. In addition to the liens herein provided, the owner on the first day of January of any year of property subject to taxation by the city shall be personally liable for the taxes due thereon for such year. The city shall have power to sue for and recover personal judgment for taxes without foreclosure or to foreclose its lien or liens or to recover both personal judgment and foreclosure. In any such suit, where it appears that the description of any property in the city assessment rolls is insufficient to identify such property, the city shall have the right to plead a good description of the property to be assessed, to prove the same and to have its judgment foreclosing the tax lien or for personal judgment against the owner for such taxes.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
The city tax assessor-collector shall not be required to make separate assessments of joint or conflicting interests in any real estate. The owner of any such interest may furnish to the city tax assessor-collector at any time before April 1 of each year a written description of any parcel of land in which he/she has an interest less than the whole, showing the amount of his/her interest therein, and the city tax assessor-collector may thereupon assess such interest as a separate parcel.
The city tax assessor-collector may receive the taxes on part of any lot or parcels of real estate, or an undivided interest therein, but no such taxes shall be received until the person rendering the same shall have furnished the city tax assessor-collector a full description of the particular part of interest on which payment is tendered.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
The city shall be entitled to counterclaim and offset against any debt, claim, demand or account owed by the city to any person, firm or corporation who is in arrears to the city for taxes in the amount of taxes so in arrears, including all penalties and interest, and no assignment or transfer of such debt, claim, demand or account after the said taxes are due shall affect the right of the city to so offset against the same.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
Except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter, the council shall have the power to provide by ordinance for the assessment and collection of all taxes and to make such rules, regulations and mode of procedure to enforce the collection by and payment to the city tax assessor-collector as it may deem expedient and shall provide such penalties for the failure to pay such taxes as it may deem expedient.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)