There shall be a municipal court of the City of Lufkin which shall have such jurisdiction, powers and duties as are prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)
The municipal court shall be presided over by a magistrate who shall be known as the judge of the municipal court. He/she shall be selected by the city manager and approved by a majority of the council qualified and serving. The person so selected shall be a licensed attorney in the State of Texas and shall be a resident of the county.
In the event the judge of the municipal court is unable to act for any reason, the city manager shall appoint a qualified attorney to temporarily act in his/her place; subject to approval by a majority of the council at its next regular meeting. The judge, or anyone acting in his/her place, shall receive such compensation as may be set by the council.
The council shall have the power to create and establish additional municipal courts with the same or separate jurisdictions.
Neither the mayor, the council, individual members of the council, city manager, nor any officer or employee of the city shall attempt to exert influence upon the judge of the municipal court nor have the power to remit fines and penalties which have been imposed for the violation of penal ordinances of the city.
(Amended at election of 5/7/94)