The city cemetery, which is the following tract of land, to-wit:
Beginning at the northeast corner of the Tucker addition to the old cemetery, at the main entrance; thence north 45 degrees west 33-1/3 varas to the northwest corner; thence north 45 degrees east 100 varas to the southeast corner; thence south 45 degrees west 147-1/2 varas to a hackberry tree 10 inches in diameter for a corner; thence south 60 degrees west 74 varas to a corner on Tucker land; thence north 45 degrees west 122 varas to northwest corner; thence north 45 degrees east 121-1/2 varas to the place of beginning,
lying within the limits of the city and set apart for burial purposes, with its divisions into portions, lots, blocks and places for single interments, as more minutely described upon the map of the same on file in the office of the city secretary, together with all additions that may hereafter be made thereto, be and the same is hereby designated as the “Cameron City Cemetery” for the burial of the dead and shall be under the superintendence of a sexton for the purpose of enforcing the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city herein.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:A)
The city secretary is hereby appointed as the sexton in charge of the city cemeteries, to keep them in good order and to see that the dead are buried in proper places. It shall be the duty of the sexton to supervise the burial of all deceased persons properly presented to him at the cemetery for burial therein, on the presentation of the burial permit and transit permit, if applicable, necessary to enable him to make the entries hereby required in his register. No deceased person shall be buried by the city sexton without said permit(s). The sexton shall promptly prepare or cause to be prepared the graves as requested and superintend burials. It shall be unlawful to bury a deceased person in city cemeteries without first procuring permission from the sexton to do so and paying any applicable fees.
The city sexton shall keep a register, properly indexed and ruled in columns, showing the date of burial, the name of the deceased, lot, block and ownership of the burial plot, and the name of the funeral home responsible for such burial. All burials made in the city cemeteries shall be entered in said register. Said register shall be open to inspection, at all reasonable times, by anyone interested.
The sexton shall not receive for burial in the city cemetery any corpse unless the bearer or bearers thereof shall deliver to him the certificate of a licensed physician, or of the mayor or some magistrate, containing a statement of the place whence taken, cause of death, sex, color, name and age, if known; and if the bearer or bearers as aforesaid refuse to furnish a certificate as above, or if the body be borne to another place for burial after application as above to the sexton, the sexton shall notify the mayor at once of the fact.
The sexton shall make monthly reports in writing to the city council of the number and kind of interments in the city cemetery, giving name, sex, color and the cause of death, and of the state of repairs and condition of the grounds. He shall take special care that the fences, streets, walks and other public parts of the cemetery are kept in good condition, and kept clean of weeds, and of the lots owned by private parties which may be neglected by such owners, and shall superintend all repair done by private parties on their grounds, and shall have such repairs made upon the streets, walks and other public places of the cemetery, from time to time, as the city council may order.
The sexton shall adopt rules and regulations for the city cemetery for the safety and operations of the cemetery. Such rules and regulations may include rules and regulations for flowers, decorations, and other aesthetic policies.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:B; Ordinance 2020-08-03-017 adopted 8/3/20)
It shall not be lawful for any person to have a grave dug or a body buried in the city cemetery without the written consent of the person owning or controlling the same; and if a grave be dug or a body so buried on a place not purchased by the person so digging or burying, or by those under whose authority he acts, the sexton shall cause the grave to be closed or the body to be disinterred and buried in that portion of the cemetery set aside for the interment of strangers, and the sexton’s fee therefor shall be collected as other costs against the person so offending.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(1))
It shall not be lawful for any person to disinter or remove from any grave or vault in the city cemetery any dead body, or any of the articles thereto belonging, except upon the written consent of the nearest friend of the deceased and on the written order of the mayor and under the superintendence of the sexton.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(2))
It shall not be lawful for the sexton, without proper authority as provided for in the preceding provisions, to suffer, cause or allow the disinterment or removal of any dead body in the city cemetery, or to participate directly or indirectly therein, or to unlawfully or improperly prevent the interment of any dead body properly presented for interment.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(3))
The mayor may, using sound discretion, order the burial in the city cemetery of the dead body of any pauper or person thrown upon the care of the city, at the cost of the city.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(4))
It shall not be lawful for any person to write upon, cut, break or otherwise injure or deface any tombstone, head or foot board or stone, vault, monument, enclosure, tree, shrub, ornament or other article, public or private, in the city cemetery not his own property.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(5))
It shall not be lawful for any person to ride or drive inside the city cemetery faster than fifteen (15) miles per hour; nor shall any person ride or drive over any lot or lots, whether improved or unimproved.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:C(6))
Permit required.
No person shall perform any grave digging services in cemeteries owned and operated by the city without first having obtained a permit in accordance with the terms and provisions of this section.
Application for permit; fee; insurance.
Any application for a grave digger’s permit shall be made to the office of the city secretary. Such application shall include the following:
Name of person making application, name of business, name of owner of business and address of business;
A nonrefundable annual application fee as set forth in appendix A to this code, to cover the costs of processing the application and the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article;
An insurance certificate indicating minimum coverage for the applicant of worker’s compensation coverage of $100,000.00; comprehensive general liability coverage of $300,000.00 personal injury per occurrence and $25,000.00 property damage per occurrence; and automobile liability coverage of $100,000.00 personal injury per person, $300,000.00 personal injury per occurrence, and $25,000.00 property damage per occurrence. The comprehensive general liability insurance shall name the city as an additional insured. Worker’s compensation coverage will be waived upon the execution of an indemnity or hold-harmless agreement;
A list and description of the equipment which the applicant will be using for grave digging. The application shall include an affirmative statement that such equipment is capable of operating between graves which have seven-foot walkways;
A statement by the applicant that he is an independent contractor and will hold harmless the city and its officers and employees from any liability for any claim arising out of the applicant’s performance of grave digging services in city cemeteries; and
The application shall include a sworn statement by the applicant that all information provided in the application is true and correct.
Review of permit application.
The city secretary shall inspect the equipment to be used by the applicant to determine if it meets the requirements set forth herein and shall review the application to determine if all requirements have been met. If he disapproves such applications, he shall indicate the reason thereof and the applicant shall be given the opportunity to correct such deficiency.
Issuance of permit.
The city secretary shall issue a one-year permit provided the applicant has paid the application fee and has on file with the city the insurance certificates required by this section.
Cancellation of permit.
Upon receipt of complaints from the general public or the city secretary regarding the provisions of grave digging services by the permit holder, the city council may hold a hearing to consider the cancellation of the permit. The permit holder shall be given at least ten (10) days’ advance notice by registered mail of such hearing. The permit holder shall be given the opportunity to appear and contest the cancellation of his permit at such hearing. Any cancellation of a permit shall be provided in writing to the permit holder and shall state the reasons for such cancellation. The reasons may include failure to comply with applicable ordinances, unpaid damages to public or private property or the collection of fees not authorized by the city.
Grave diggers will be under the immediate supervision of the funeral home which has contracted for their services. The funeral director in charge of the service is hereby granted the authority to direct and require grave diggers to remove any or all of their equipment from the grave site, at an appropriate time, to a location within the cemetery that, in his opinion, will not distract from the dignity of the service. Equipment so ordered removed from the grave site will not be allowed to return for grave closing unless and until directed by the funeral director.
Upon closing of the grave, grave diggers will be required to remove all excess dirt from the grave site to the closest road within the cemetery, where it will be placed in a pile between the road and grave sites. The excess dirt so placed will be removed from the cemetery by the city.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:D; Ordinance adopting Code)
Permit required.
Hereafter, no person, firm, corporation or other legal entity or contractor may excavate for curbing or cause curbing to be placed in the Oak Hill Cemetery of the city without first obtaining a prior written permit to do so signed by the code enforcement officer or city secretary.
Placement of corner stakes.
After the permit has been ordained, the city will cause the four (4) corners of the area to be curbed to be marked by wooden stakes, said stakes to be placed on property lines and all curbing work to be confined inside the lines marked by said stakes. No excavation or work is to commence until these stakes are in place.
Inspection prior to pouring concrete.
Forms may be set after the city has placed corner stakes, but no concrete will be poured into forms until after there is requested and received an inspection from the code enforcement officer or the city secretary and the permit is signed by either, attesting to the inspection.
Removal of excess material.
All excess material excavated for the curbing and curbing forms or other material used in connection with the placement of the curbing must be removed from the job site and from the premises of the cemetery. Removal must be completed and the job site cleaned to the approval of the code enforcement officer or the city secretary within three (3) working days after completion of the project.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 9:E)