Any person operating or handling any aircraft in violation of the rules and regulations herein prescribed, or any one of them, or refusing to comply therewith, may be removed or ejected from the airport or may be temporarily grounded by or under the authority of the airport manager, and, upon the order of the city council, may be deprived of the further use of the airport and its facilities for such length of time as may be deemed by the council necessary to insure the safeguarding of same and the public and its interests therein.
Any person who shall violate or shall refuse to abide by any provisions of this article, or any of the rules and regulations set forth in this article, or any of the provisions or laws incorporated therein, shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:H)
The following rules and regulations for the use and conduct of Cameron Municipal Airport are hereby declared, prescribed and adopted:
Cameron Municipal Airport shall be conducted as a terminal facility for the promotion and accommodation of air commerce and traffic and shall be operated as a public air terminal subject to the provisions of this article;
The airport shall be open for public use at all hours of the day, subject to such restrictions due to inclement weather, the condition of the landing area, the presentation of special events and like causes as may be determined by the airport manager;
Special services may be rendered, or special facilities may be provided thereat, on such terms as the city council may prescribe from time to time. No person shall use the airport as a base for carrying on of commercial activities, for the carrying for hire of passengers, freight, express or mail, for instruction in aviation in any of its branches, for the sale of fuels, refreshments or any other commodity, or for any other commercial purposes, unless a permit has been granted therefor in writing by the city council;
The use of the airport or any of its facilities in any manner shall create an obligation on the part of the user thereof to obey all of the regulations herein provided;
The privilege of using the airport and its facilities shall be conditioned on the assumption of full responsibility and risk by the user thereof, and he shall release, hold harmless and indemnify the city, the city council and their officers and employees from any liability or loss resulting from such use as well as against claims of third persons as against those of the person so using the airport. The exercise of the privilege of use shall constitute an acknowledgement that the city and the city council maintain said airport in a governmental capacity only;
The air traffic rules of the United States of America Federal Aviation Administration, as promulgated and presently in effect, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part of these regulations as fully in all respects as if particularly set forth herein;
No person not properly certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration aforesaid shall operate on or over the airport; provided that this restriction shall not apply to public aircraft belonging to the government of the United States, or to a state, territory, possession or any political subdivision, or to any aircraft of a foreign country operated under permission of the federal government;
No person shall navigate any aircraft over, land upon or take off from, or service, repair or maintain any aircraft on the airport, or conduct any operation on or from the airport, otherwise than in conformity with these rules and regulations and those of the Federal Aviation Administration;
The airport manager shall have authority to take such steps as may be necessary for the handling, policing and protection of the public while present at the airport, subject to review of the city council; and
No person shall take or use any aircraft, parts or accessories thereof, or tools or other equipment owned and controlled by any other person and stored or otherwise left at the airport without the consent of the owner or operator thereof, or other satisfactory evidence for his right to do so.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:A)
No aircraft shall land or take off in such manner as to clear any public road or street at an altitude of less than one hundred feet (100'), nor land or take off on the taxiway or over hangars or other structures, automobile parking areas or groups of spectators.
All aircraft approaching the airport for landing shall fall in the line of traffic and skirt the field to a point where a landing can be made in the direction indicated by the wind-sack and with a straight glide beginning at least one thousand feet (1,000') distance from the leeward end of the landing area.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:B)
All aircraft shall be taxied at a slow and reasonable speed, and when not equipped with adequate brakes shall have an attendant beside at least one (1) wing when taxied in the vicinity of a hangar or other building.
When in the vicinity of aircraft landing or taking off, any aircraft being taxied shall be brought to a complete stop.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:C)
No person shall take any aircraft from the landing area or any hangar, or operate such craft, while under the influence of or using any intoxicating liquor or any habit-forming drug.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:D(1))
No aircraft shall be permitted to remain on any part of the landing or take-off area for the purpose of repairs, and all repairs shall be effected at the place or places designated therefor.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:D(2))
Every aircraft owner, and his pilot and agents, severally, shall be responsible for the prompt removal, under the direction of the airport manager, of wrecked or damaged aircraft.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:D(3))
The airport manager may refuse clearance to any craft until all charges for storage, supplies or services rendered to and about such aircraft shall have been fully paid and discharged.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:D(4))
Every person instructing students in flying at the airport shall acquaint them with the rules and regulations in effect thereat.
The airport manager, by appropriate notices, may restrict practice flights and student training to portions of the airport designated by him.
No aircraft shall remain on the landing or take-off area for the purpose of instructing students between flights.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:E)
No aircraft engine shall be started on an aircraft not equipped with adequate brakes which are fully set, unless the wheels have been set with blocks that are equipped with ropes or other suitable means for removing them.
No aircraft engine shall be started or run unless a competent operator shall be at the controls of said aircraft.
No aircraft engine shall be run or warmed up unless the aircraft is in such position that the propeller blast shall clear all buildings, groups of people in the observation areas and the flight path of landing aircraft.
No aircraft engine shall be started in or run within one hundred feet (100') of a hangar or other building.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:F)
Every person using the airport or its facilities in any way shall use the utmost precaution to prevent fire.
No aircraft shall be fueled or drained while its engine is running, or while in a hangar or other enclosed place. Fueling shall be done in such manner and with such equipment that adequate connections for the grounding of static electricity shall be continuously maintained during such time.
The cleaning of motors or other parts of aircraft shall not be carried on in any hangar, except with nonflammable substances. If flammable liquids shall be employed for this purpose, the operation shall be carried on in open air.
No person shall smoke or ignite any match or cigarette lighter in any hangar or building, except in offices, waiting rooms or buildings in which smoking is specifically authorized by the airport manager.
Repairs on storage floors of hangars shall be limited to inspection and replacement of parts.
No automobile or similar motor vehicle shall enter or remain inside any hangar except in connection with, and then only while engaged in, necessary operations requiring the employment of said automobile or similar motor vehicle.
Hangar entrances shall be kept clear at all times.
Floors of all buildings of every character on the grounds of said airport shall be at all times kept clean and free from oil, and no volatile flammable solvent shall be used for cleaning floors.
No boxes, crates, rubbish, paper or other litter shall be permitted to accumulate in or about any hangar or other building, and all oil, paint and varnish cans, bottles and other containers shall be removed from every hangar or other building immediately upon being emptied.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 12:G)