The plumbing inspector of the city is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to supervise all gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus, whether now or hereafter existing, placed in or in any manner connected in all buildings or structures of any character, whether used for business or residence purposes, in the city, and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof, and to see that all of the rules and regulations of the city with respect thereto are properly complied with, and to inspect and reinspect all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment or repairs thereof whenever and as often as advisable or necessary, and to do so in order to prevent fires, accidents or injuries to persons or property, and the plumbing inspector be and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to cause all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repairs thereof to be such as not to cause fire or accidents or injury to life or property, and any and all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus now existing or hereafter existing and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof shall be subject to the foregoing inspection and supervision. The plumbing inspector shall give general information and advice as to the meaning and requirements of this article, and the rules and regulations governing gas piping, to persons desiring same. He shall investigate all cases of violations of this article and of the rules and regulations relating thereto on the part of the gasfitter, builder, owner or agent, and shall cause the offending party or parties to be prosecuted.
No gas appliance, fixture or apparatus, either for heating, illuminating or hot water heating, shall be installed until the type of said gas appliance, apparatus or fixture has been approved by the plumbing inspector of the city.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:A)
It shall be the duty of the gasfitter installing, altering, repairing, constructing or reconstructing gas piping in any building in the city to notify the plumbing inspector when the work is ready for inspection, and said gasfitter shall prepare the whole system of gas piping in said building for the inspector to make a proper test of the same. The gasfitter installer is to furnish the mercury column for testing. The fee for inspection is included in the plumbing permit cost. All gasfitting work must be performed by a master licensed plumber.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:B)
The plumbing inspector shall be subject to the order and direction of the city council and is hereby vested with full authority to enter any building or premises or structure, either public or private, at any time, in the discharge of his duties, and to pass upon and decide any question arising under the provisions of this article or applicable ordinance hereafter passed or any rules or regulations already adopted or hereafter adopted by the city council relative to any such gas piping, appliances, fixtures or apparatus or the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof or relative to the materials used therein, whether the same be in the original construction and erection or in any alterations or repairs thereof.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:C)
Plumbers and gasfitters are requested and directed to familiarize themselves thoroughly with these rules and regulations. All work must be done strictly in accordance herewith in order that it may pass inspection. City plumbing inspectors have positive instructions to withhold approval on any work until all requirements, as set out herein, have been met.
These rules and regulations are to be used in connection with meters set at the curb or property line.
Where two (2) or more consumers are to be supplied in the same building, the company will set individual meters for each consumer and a separate yard line must be laid from each meter to the building.
Elbows, and not tees, must be used on all meter connections and at the bottom of meter risers, and any unnecessary tee or other fitting in the yard service or house lines will not be approved.
The specifications for house piping must be strictly in accordance with the Standard Gas Code, 1994 edition.
No person, firm or corporation shall enter upon the installation, construction or reconstruction of any work provided for herein until a permit has been issued by the plumbing inspector covering each installation or addition to be made, and, when required by the plumbing inspector, plans and specifications for the proposed work must be filed with him before the permit is granted or during the progress of the work; provided, however, the plumbing inspector may issue a general permit to any person, firm or corporation owning or controlling any building for a term of three (3) months from the date thereof, authorizing minor alterations or changes, but such permit shall be revocable. No permits will be required for the repair or adjustment of gas piping, appliances, fixtures, and apparatus.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:D)
When the plumber or gasfitter has completed the system of piping and has all full drop and bracket extensions and heater openings firmly and permanently fastened, he shall test the piping and, if found tight, make application for tests with the plumbing inspector, and the inspector will call and inspect the piping and witness the test, and if the plumbing inspector finds the piping tight and sizes and work in accordance with the provisions of this article then the plumbing inspector will issue and deliver a proper certificate to such effect.
The piping must be tight under a pressure of fifteen (15) pounds on mercury column. This test will be made before the fixtures are hung and appliances connected and before the piping is closed in.
Any additional piping of outlets installed after a certificate of inspection is granted must be reported for inspection and test.
No gasfitter, plumber or other person doing work in any house or structure shall conceal any of said gas piping until a certificate of inspection is issued and an inspection card attached to said piping.
For each inspection of new gas piping, or alteration of gas piping of fixtures already installed in any building or structure in the city, or of any gas piping connecting any building or structure with the gas main, the plumbing inspector shall demand and receive from the person, firm or corporation applying for each inspection an inspection fee as set by the city council.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:E)
Any and all gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus or material which may at any time become defective and in the opinion of the plumbing inspector likely to cause leaks, fires or accidents, or to endanger persons or property, shall be condemned by the plumbing inspector, and when, in his opinion, it is deemed necessary in order to prevent such accident or danger, said plumbing inspector is hereby authorized to disconnect such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus, or to cause the service of gas to such consumers to be discontinued, until the person or persons owning or using such gas piping, appliances, fixtures, apparatus or material shall cause the same to be put in safe condition and tested and approved by the plumbing inspector.
When any such gas piping, appliances, fixtures, apparatus or material of any nature whatsoever has been in any manner disconnected and rendered inoperative by the plumbing inspector or the service discontinued, as set forth in the foregoing provision, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to in any manner reconnect the same or cause the same to be reconnected to any supply of gas or to use the same as a part of any gas piping system until they have been put in safe condition and a certificate of acceptance has been issued by the plumbing inspector.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:F)
In every gas installation, all piping and attachments must be of at least such capacity as will supply gas up to the full maximum requirements of all appliances contemplated to be connected thereon according to the requirements of this article.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:G)
When any gas piping, appliance, fixture or apparatus is found to have been installed without a proper permit or not in accordance with the provisions of this article, the plumbing inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to prevent any supply of gas thereto or to the consumer until such permit has been secured from said plumbing inspector and such work inspected or reinspected and approved.
Before any such gas piping, appliances, fixtures or apparatus constructed or furnished under permits hereafter granted shall be approved, or any certificate of acceptance of the same be granted, the work must be completed and in compliance with the provisions of this article.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:G)
Plumbers or gasfitters shall consult the gas company for the location of meters before starting the job. The plumber or gasfitter shall be held responsible for any changes in meter risers installed in a location not authorized by the gas company.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:G)
Each person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of gasfitting in the city shall have the right to make water heater connections and other appliances incident thereto where gas is used to heat water; provided, however, that application for a permit to do such work must be made to the plumbing inspector and, in his discretion, a permit therefor granted. Such work must be inspected by the plumbing inspector.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:H)
Any gas installation not specifically covered by this article must be approved by the plumbing inspector of the city.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6:I)