The person in charge of the installation shall have a copy of the permit and its attachments on the job at all times. Deviations from the approved permit must have prior approval of the city. Utilities having a franchise with the city shall not be required to obtain permits for street cuts, but shall coordinate with the city as advisable based on the size of the utility project and work.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 1, adopted 7/1/02)
The exact location of any utilities or facilities that may conflict with the proposed installation should be field-verified by the installer during construction. The contractor will be responsible for verifying the location, both horizontal and vertical, of all affected facilities, whether by pot-holing or hand digging, prior to any excavation or boring.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 2, adopted 7/1/02)
Warning and protective devices, including flagmen, shall be used to prevent creation of a traffic hazard and to ensure the safety of the public as advisable and prudent considering the scope of the work. When provided, such devices and flagmen shall be in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic-Control Devices.
Parking of employees’ cars and trucks on both sides of the pavement will be prohibited, and all such vehicles shall be parked on one side of the road and in no instance closer than a minimum of eight feet to the edge of the pavement.
All construction equipment and materials stored on city right-of-way shall be limited to work in progress and stored in such a manner and at such locations (a minimum of 30 feet from the nearest traffic lane) as not to interfere with the safe passage of traffic.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 3, adopted 7/1/02)
Trench width shall be held to a minimum and backfilled to a density approximating that of the adjacent soil in a manner satisfactory to the city. The fill material shall be installed in six-inch (6") layers, each compacted to 95% density. A six-inch concrete slab shall be placed over the trench to extend 12 inches on each side of the trench. The top of the slab shall be two inches below the top of paving. Alternatively, a six-inch layer of asphalt may be substituted and compacted to the finished grade of adjacent pavement.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 4, adopted 7/1/02)
The slab shall be reinforced with six-inch by six-inch no. 6 wire mesh. The wire mesh shall be supported properly throughout the placement to maintain its position approximately equidistant from the top and bottom surface of the slab. High Early type III Portland cement, making 2500 psi concrete at three days, or as directed by the city, shall be used. The slab shall be cured and closed to traffic as per state specifications. (This section shall not apply if 6 inches of asphalt is substituted for the concrete.)
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 5, adopted 7/1/02)
If asphalt is not substituted, the concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and a tack coat of asphalt shall be applied. Then hot mix asphaltic concrete (type D) as specified in item 340 of the state department of transportation manual shall be applied and compacted. If 6 inches of asphalt is substituted, the asphalt shall meet the foregoing specifications.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 6, adopted 7/1/02)
Ingress and egress at all private and public streets and drives will be provided at all times.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 7, adopted 7/1/02)
All excess excavation, materials, supplies, etc., shall be removed from the right-of-way after installation is complete and the right-of-way reshaped to its original section, including fertilizing, seeding and/or sodding as may be required when existing grass has been disturbed.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 8, adopted 7/1/02)
The owner, contractor and permittee will be responsible for any damage to the right-of-way or street, including but not limited to the pavement structure, caused by settlement due to pavement cuts. Contractors are responsible for obtaining exact facility locations from all utilities prior to excavation. Such liability shall extend for a period of one (1) year from the date the repair of such pavement cut is completed.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 9, adopted 7/1/02)
Prior to beginning any excavation, trenching or digging which may damage a pipeline, cable, wire or any other such apparatus or facilities located in, over or under the streets or rights-of-way of the city, such person shall first obtain a permit before excavation and contact all of the owners of such pipeline, cable, wire or other facility and determine if the proposed excavation will cause damage thereto.
If physical contact is made with, or damage or injury is suspected to, any pipeline, cable, wire or other such apparatus or facilities during any excavation, trenching, digging or other construction activities, the person or contractor making the physical contact with or suspecting the damage or injury to the pipeline, cable, wire or other apparatus or facilities shall immediately contact the building official and the owner of the pipeline, cable, wire or other apparatus or facilities for any necessary inspections and repairs.
If, during any excavation, trenching or digging, the person or contractor so excavating, trenching or digging notices or suspects damage or injury to any lateral supports to streets or other facilities in the rights-of-way, streets or adjacent properties, such person shall immediately contact the city and, if applicable, the owner of the property for any necessary inspections and repairs.
All persons to whom permits may be granted to excavate the streets or rights-of-way shall, at their own cost and expense, deliver at such place as may be designated by the building official for such purpose all such surplus earth, dirt, stone, gravel or other material coming out of such excavation as shall be necessary for the purpose of refilling the same.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 10, adopted 7/1/02; Ordinance adopting Code)
Erosion control measures (i.e., silt fence) and advance warning signs, markers, cones and barricades must be in place before work begins. The permittee shall be responsible for stormwater management erosion control that complies with city, state and federal guidelines. Requirements shall include, but not be limited to, silt fencing around any excavation that will be left overnight, silt fencing in erosion areas until reasonable vegetation is established, and barricade fencing around open holes, and high erosion areas will require wire-backed silt fencing.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 11, adopted 7/1/02)
Construction work to be accomplished on weekends, nights or holidays will proceed at the discretion of the building official; provided that emergency work required to be undertaken on weekends, nights, holidays and outside of normal business hours shall be undertaken and completed in compliance with this division and the contractor shall obtain a permit therefor on the first business day following the date of such work.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 12, adopted 7/1/02; Ordinance adopting Code)
The permittee, contractor or subcontractor shall notify the building official not more than twenty-four (24) hours after any damage to other utilities, facilities, or other appurtenances or property, whether public or private. Once a permit has been issued, the permittee must notify the building official at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencing any work or construction activity permitted in such permit.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 13, adopted 7/1/02; Ordinance adopting Code)
The city assumes no responsibility for conflict with existing utility lines, pipelines, highway appurtenances or natural obstacles. Permittees, contractors and owners shall be responsible for the workmanship and any damages by a contractor or subcontractor.
(Ordinance 2002-07-01-010, ex. A, sec. 14, adopted 7/1/02)