The city council may at any time appoint a health authority, who shall possess the legal qualifications required by the state and shall be a regular practicing physician in good standing.
(1986 Code, ch. 8, sec. 4:A)
It shall be the duty of the health authority to attend to all sick city prisoners, all patients in any hospital established by the city, and all persons found sick or wounded on the streets of the city and taken charge of by the police officers.
The health authority shall, when he is informed of the existence of any malignant fever, smallpox, or other pestilential, infectious or contagious disease in this city, cause the person affected to be taken to such place as he may designate for treatment; and the health authority is hereby empowered to make and enforce all proper rules and regulations to keep the diseased person isolated, and to prevent intrusion from parties not under his direction and control.
It shall be the duty of the health authority to require the destruction or removal from the city of all furniture, wearing apparel, bedding, or property of any kind which shall be suspected of being tainted or infected with pestilence, or which shall be likely to pass into such a state as to generate or propagate disease.
The health authority shall keep himself advised of the existence of any pestilential, contagious, or infectious disease within this state or elsewhere, and if at any time there may be danger in his opinion of such disease being introduced into the city he may require all persons and property to remain in quarantine at such place or places as the city council may direct.
It shall be the duty of the health authority to see that all laws and ordinances relative to the health and cleanliness of the city are strictly complied with, and he shall see that city officers perform their duties faithfully in discovering and making complaints against the authors of nuisances.
The health authority is authorized, when the public interest requires, to exercise for the chief of police [such duties] as the city council may in their discretion direct, and he is authorized to enter all houses and other places, public or private, at all times, in the discharge of his duties, having first asked permission of the owners or occupants thereof.
(1986 Code, ch. 8, sec. 4:B)
The city council may at any time erect or establish one (1) or more hospitals for the treatment of the sick and disabled, and, when established, shall make and prescribe or authorize the health authority to make and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the control and management of same.
The city council shall prescribe the conditions of admission to all city hospitals and shall fix the fees and dues to be paid for receiving and keeping persons therein; provided, the mayor may, in his own discretion, send sick or disabled persons who are unable to pay for treatment to any city hospital free of charge.
All city hospitals which may be established shall be under the supervision of the health authority, and he alone shall be authorized to receive or discharge any patient therefrom.
All city hospitals shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor and city council, and all hospital fees and dues shall be paid into the city treasury and set aside as a hospital fund, and the city treasurer shall keep a separate account thereof.
(1986 Code, ch. 8, sec. 4:C)