An election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law; said election was held in the manner required by law; only duly qualified resident electors of the city voted at said election; due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; said election resulted favorably to the proposition: “For adoption of a one-percent (1%) local sales and use tax within the city”; and a majority of the qualified voters of the city voting at said election have voted in favor of approving and adopting a one-percent (1%) local sales and use tax within the city.
The city council hereby officially and affirmatively declares that said one-percent (1%) local sales and use tax within the city has been properly and lawfully adopted in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Tax Code, chapter 321.
The city secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the comptroller of public accounts of the state, in Austin, Texas, by United States registered mail, or by United States certified mail, a certified copy of the resolution and order canvassing the returns of special election, under the official seal of the city, showing the approval of said local sales and use tax by the qualified voters of the city, together with a map of the city clearly showing the boundaries thereof as of the date of said election.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 6:A)
The city, by majority vote of the membership of its governing body, hereby votes to continue the taxes authorized by the Municipal Sales and Use Tax Act (V.T.C.A., Tax Code, chapter 321) on the receipts from the sale, production, distribution, lease or rental of, and use, storage or other consumption of, gas and electricity for residential use, effective October 1, 1979, as authorized by V.T.C.A., Tax Code, section 321.105.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 6:B)
An election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law; said election was held in the manner required by law; only duly qualified resident electors of the city voted at said election; due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; said election resulted favorably to the proposition: “For adoption of an additional one-half of one percent (1/2%) local sales and use tax within the city”; and a majority of the qualified voters of the city voting at said election have voted in favor of approving and adopting an additional one-half of one percent (1/2%) local sales and use tax within the city.
The city council hereby officially and affirmatively declares that said additional one-half of one percent (1/2%) local sales and use tax within the city has been properly and lawfully adopted in accordance with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Tax Code, chapter 321.
The city secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the comptroller of public accounts of the state, in Austin, Texas, by United States registered mail, or by United States certified mail, a certified copy of the resolution and order canvassing the returns of the special election, under the official seal of the city, showing the approval of said local sales and use tax by the qualified voters of the city, together with a map of the city clearly showing the boundaries thereof as of the date of said election.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 16:A)
A tax is hereby authorized on all telecommunications services sold within the city. For the purposes of this section, the sale of telecommunications services is consummated at the location of the telephone or other telecommunications device from which the call or other communication originates. If the point of origin cannot be determined, the sale is consummated at the address to which the call or other communication is billed.
The application of the exemption provided for in V.T.C.A, Tax Code, section 321.210(a), is hereby repealed by the city, as authorized by section 321.210(b) thereof.
The rate of tax imposed by this section shall be the same as the rate imposed by the city for all other local sales and use taxes as authorized by the legislature of the state.
The city secretary shall forward to the comptroller of the state, by United States registered or certified mail, a copy of the ordinance codified in this section, along with a copy of the minutes of the council’s vote and discussion on the ordinance.
This section shall become effective as of October 1, 1987.
(Ordinance adopted 7/20/87, sec. 1)
This division shall be and is hereby declared to be cumulative of all other ordinances of the city, and this division shall not operate to repeal or affect any of such other ordinances. The tax provided for hereunder shall not serve as an offset to, be in lieu of or in any way reduce any amount payable to the city pursuant to any franchise, street use ordinance, charter provision or statute, or, without limitation by the foregoing enumeration, otherwise payable by any provider of telecommunications service, it being the express intent hereof that all such obligations, impositions and agreements of every kind and nature shall remain in full force and effect without reduction or limitation hereby.
(Ordinance adopted 7/20/87, sec. 2)