Purpose. No land, building, structure, or improvement shall be used and no building, structure, or improvement shall be made, erected, constructed, moved, altered, enlarged, or rebuilt which is designed, arranged, or intended to be used or maintained for any purpose or in any manner except in accordance with the use, height, area, coverage, yard, space, and other requirements established in the District in which such land, building, structure, or improvement is located, and such use is authorized, except as provided by ARTICLE VI, Nonconforming Structures and Uses.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Accessory Building:
No accessory building shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the main use building has been actually commenced. No accessory building shall be used unless the main use building on the lot is also being used.
Railroad Right-of-Way:
On all existing rights-of-way of railroad companies, regardless of the zoning district in which such rights-of-way are located, railroad tracks and accessories to railroad movement may be constructed or maintained.
When a single-family residence is built in a nonresidential district it shall comply with all “R-1S” District requirements.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Residential uses shall comply with the Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
No on-site sewage facilities shall be allowed on tracts of land of 1/2 acre or less.
In a district in which commercial or industrial buildings are built with one (1) or more stories for residential purposes above the commercial or industrial uses, no side yards will be required for the residential portions of the building, provided that the part of the building intended for residential use is not more than two (2) rooms deep from front to rear.
No setback or other open space provided about any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of these regulations shall again be used as a setback or an open space for another building. Every part of a required setback shall be open to the sky and unobstructed by buildings except for accessory buildings in the rear setback and except the ordinary projections of skylights, sills, belt courses, cornices, and other ornamental features which may project into such yards a distance of no more than two (2) feet.
Open, unenclosed porches, platforms, or landing places not covered by roof or canopy may extend or project into the front yard for a distance not exceeding six (6) feet.
Uncovered terraces, porches, platforms, and patios which do not extend more than three (3) feet above the floor level of the ground (first) story may project into a required side yard, provided these projections be distant at least two (2) feet from the adjacent side lot lines.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Lots used for residential uses shall comply with the Minimum Lot Width standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Lot width shall be measured as the distance between the side lot lines measured along the front setback. In the case of a lot having more than one required front yard, the lot width shall be measured along the building line associated with the shortest front lot line.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance, lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of forty (40) feet wide at the right-of-way.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Residential uses shall comply with the Minimum Floor Area per Dwelling Unit standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
The floor area of a dwelling, for the purpose of these minimum floor area per dwelling unit requirements, refers to the total of the horizontal area of each floor, measured from the outside face of the building walls and excluding garages, carports, cellars and accessory buildings.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The location of buildings shall comply with the minimum front yard setback standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Permitted obstructions.
Every part of a required front yard shall be open and unobstructed, except for the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices and other architectural features of the main building, projecting no more than twelve (12) inches into the required front yard. Roof eaves and roof extensions of the main building or a porch without posts or columns may project into the required front yard for a distance of no more than two (2) feet, and subsurface structures, platforms or slabs may project into the front yard to a height no greater than thirty (30) inches above the average grade of the yard.
Corner lots.
For lots with frontage on two (2) intersecting streets, a front yard shall be provided along the shorter of the two (2) street lines.
Plat building lines.
Where a building line has been established by a plat approved by the City and such line requires a greater or lesser front yard setback than is prescribed by this Ordinance for the district in which the building line is located, the required front yard shall comply with the building line so established by such Ordinance or plat, provided that no such front yard setback shall be less than fifteen (15) feet.
Special regulations for residential districts.
In all residential zoning districts, including agricultural, the following building setbacks from street lines shall be required:
On minor arterials, a minimum twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback shall be required.
On major arterials, the minimum front yard setback shall be forty (40) feet.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the platting process, the City Council may authorize exception to these special front yard requirements in instances where there exists right-of-way widths in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet, irregular or jogged right-of-way lines, or other such special circumstances.
Special regulations for nonresidential districts.
In the nonresidential districts, the following building setbacks from street lines shall be required:
On major arterials, a minimum thirty (30) foot front yard shall be required.
On all other streets and roads, one of the following shall be provided, except that a combination of the two setback options may be allowed if approved by the planning and zoning commission on a site plan:
A minimum ten (10) foot front yard with no parking allowed in the minimum front yard; or
A fifty (50) foot front yard.
Gas pump islands.
Motor vehicle fuel dispenser islands, including any roof or canopy over such islands, may not be located closer than twenty (20) feet to the front property line.
Accessory buildings.
No accessory building shall be located within the required front yard in any district.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The location of buildings shall comply with the Minimum Side Yard Setback standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Permitted obstructions.
Every part of a required side yard shall be open and unobstructed, except for accessory buildings as permitted in subsection (c) of this section and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices and other architectural features of the main building projecting no more than twelve (12) inches into the required side yard. Roof eaves of the main building shall project no more than two (2) feet into the required side yard.
Accessory buildings.
Detached accessory buildings may be located within a required side yard, subject to Article V DIVISION 5 Section 551.2, Accessory Buildings.
Garage or carport.
Where a garage or carport is designed and constructed to be entered from a side street, such garage or carport shall be set back from the side street a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way line and shall not encroach over a sidewalk so as not to interfere with the use of the street by other vehicles or persons.
Special regulations for residential districts.
In all residential zoning districts, including agricultural, the following building setbacks from street lines shall be required:
On minor arterials, a minimum twenty-five (25) foot side yard setback.
On major arterials, a minimum forty (40) foot side yard setback.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the platting process, the City Council may authorize exceptions to these special side yard requirements in instances where there exists irregular or jogged right-of-way lines, or other such special circumstances.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The location of buildings shall comply with the minimum rear yard setback standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Permitted obstructions.
Every part of a required rear yard shall be open and unobstructed to the sky from a point thirty (30) inches above the general ground level of the graded lot, except for accessory buildings as permitted herein and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices and roof overhangs and other architectural features of the main building projecting no more than two (2) feet into the required rear yard.
Nonresidential buildings.
No rear yard shall be required for nonresidential buildings if an alley is located adjacent to the rear lot line. In the “M-1” or “M-2” district where rail lines exist at the rear of lots or tracts occupied by industrial or commercial buildings, the buildings may be located for direct service by rail transportation.
Accessory buildings.
Detached accessory buildings may be located within a required rear yard, subject to Article V DIVISION 5 Section 551.2, Accessory Buildings.
In the “R-1S”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-TH”, “R-3” or “R-MH” District accessory buildings shall not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the required minimum rear yard area. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from the main use building. In the “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-TH”, “R-3”, “R-DT”, or “R-MH” District no accessory building shall be more than one (1) story high.
Special regulations for residential districts.
In all residential zoning districts, including agricultural, the following building setbacks from street lines shall be required:
On minor arterials, a minimum twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback.
On major arterials, a minimum forty (40) foot rear yard setback.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the platting process, the City Council may authorize exceptions to these special rear yard requirements in instances where there exists an irregular or jogged right-of-way line, or other such special circumstances.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The size of buildings shall comply with the maximum building coverage standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Lot coverage refers to the percentage of the lot area covered by the foundation or first floor of the main and all accessory buildings.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12; Ordinance Z22-05 #3 adopted 5/19/2022)
The size of buildings shall comply with the minimum floor area ratio (FAR) standards contained in the district, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Floor area refers to the total of the horizontal area of each floor, measured from the outside face of the building walls. Floor area ratio (FAR) refers to the ratio of the total floor area on a lot to the area of the lot.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Generally. The percent of a lot with impervious improvements shall comply with the maximum (%) coverage standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Measurement. Maximum (%) coverage refers to the percentage of the lot area with any impervious improvements including but not limited to building improvements, patios, driveways, and parking.
(Ordinance Z22-05 #3 adopted 5/19/2022)
The height of buildings and structures shall comply with the maximum height standards contained in the district regulations, as may be modified by additional provisions in the district regulations, in this section or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
Height refers to the vertical distance of a building or structure measured from the average established grade at the street line or from the average natural front yard ground level, whichever is higher. Height may be measured in either feet or number of stories. Where the district regulations establish height standards in both feet and number of stories, buildings and structures shall comply with both standards as follows:
Height, when measured in feet, shall be measured to the highest point of the roof surface if a flat surface, the deck line of mansard roofs or the mean height level between eaves and ridges for hip and gable roofs. If the street grade has not been officially established, the average front yard shall be used for a base level.
Height, when measured in stories, shall not include cellars or basements where more than one-half of the height of the story is below average grade.
Permitted exceptions.
The calculation of building height shall exclude chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, penthouses, tanks, water towers, radio towers, ornamental cupolas, domes or spires, and parapet walls not exceeding fifteen (15) feet in height[.]
Additional height.
Additional height above that permitted by district regulations may be granted by the planning and zoning commission at the time of site plan approval, and the planning and zoning commission may require that the front, side and rear yards be increased above the minimum requirements to mitigate the impacts of such increased height.
Public, semi-public or public service buildings, hospitals, institutions of [or] schools, when permitted in a district, may be erected to a height not exceeding sixty (60) feet, and churches and temples may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet if the building is set back from its established setback at least one (1) foot for each two (2) feet additional height above the height limit otherwise provided in the district in which the building is located.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Attached accessory buildings shall conform to the regulations applicable to the main building to which they are attached.
Number and area.
Except in A-1: General Agricultural Zoning Districts, no more than two (2) accessory buildings may be placed on any residential lot. In no case shall the combined area of the primary structure and accessory buildings exceed the maximum percentage of building coverage allowed for the zoning district in which the structures are located. Accessory dwellings are not subject to these regulations and shall be governed by other provisions of this Ordinance.
Barns and stables.
Barns and/or stables directly associated with the support of a bona fide agricultural use of the property shall be limited in area to that allowed by the building code for their use and construction type, but in no case shall the combined floor area of the primary use and all accessory buildings exceed the maximum percentage of lot coverage allowed for in the district. Such barns and/or stables shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of any property line.
Accessory buildings must be located at least five (5) feet from any other building or structure on the property.
Walls abutting property line.
When accessory buildings are constructed less than five (5) feet from any property line, no windows, doors or other penetrations of the exterior wall shall be allowed in the wall abutting that property line.
Setback requirements.
Detached accessory buildings less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet shall be subject to the following regulations, in addition to any applicable regulations of this Ordinance.
No accessory building shall be located within any easement.
No accessory building may be placed so as to negatively impact drainage on any adjacent lot by diversion or impoundment of stormwater flows.
Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to the front property line than the primary building or the front yard setback requirement for that zoning district, whichever is greater.
Accessory buildings shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the side property line. When accessory buildings are placed on corner lots adjacent to an exterior side yard setback, the accessory building shall be required to adhere to the exterior side yard setback established for the primary structure. Garages detached or attached to the main use building entering on the side street of a corner lot shall maintain a side yard of twenty-five (25) feet in the front of the garage.
There need be no rear setback for accessory buildings where lots abut an alley. Where lots do not abut an alley, the rear setback shall be in accordance with district regulations.
Accessory buildings shall be limited to a height of not more than fifteen (15) feet.
A building permit shall be required. Accessory buildings thirty-six (36) square feet or less do not require a permit but must meet all other regulations of the Ordinance.
Detached accessory buildings one hundred twenty (120) square feet or larger shall be subject to the following regulations, in addition to any applicable regulations of this Ordinance.
No accessory building shall be located within any easement.
No accessory building may be placed so as to negatively impact drainage on any adjacent lot by diversion or impoundment of stormwater flows.
Accessory buildings shall not be located closer to the front property line than the primary building or the front yard setback requirement for that zoning district, whichever is greater.
Accessory buildings shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from an interior side property line. When accessory buildings are placed on corner lots adjacent to an exterior side yard setback, the accessory building shall be required to adhere to the exterior side yard setback established for the primary structure. When accessory buildings are constructed less than five (5) feet from a side property line, no windows, doors or other penetrations of the exterior wall shall be allowed in the wall abutting the side property line. Where a garage or carport is designed to be entered from a side street, the structure shall be set back not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the exterior side property line.
There need be no rear setback for accessory buildings where lots abut an alley. Where lots do not abut an alley, the rear setback shall be a minimum of five (5) feet. Where a garage or carport is designed and constructed to be entered from an alley or street at the rear of a lot, such garage or carport shall be set back not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the rear property line.
Accessory buildings shall be limited to a height of not more than twenty (20) feet.
Exception. Accessory building located in A-1: General Agricultural Zoning Districts shall be no more than thirty-five (35) feet to the peak of the roof.
The minimum roof slope shall be three (3) to twelve (12) feet.
Exception. Metal carports and engineered metal buildings.
The color and materials of the roof of the accessory building must closely resemble the color and materials of the roof of the main building.
Exterior walls.
Accessory buildings over three hundred (300) [square] feet in area must have exterior walls that are at least the same masonry content required of the main structure. The masonry used on the accessory building shall closely resemble the masonry used on the main building.
A building permit shall be required.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12; Ordinance Z22-05 #3 adopted 5/19/2022)
Whenever the specific District regulations pertaining to one District permit the uses of a more restricted District, such uses shall be subject to the conditions set forth in the regulations of the more restricted District, unless otherwise specified.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
It is intended that these regulations be interpreted as not permitting a dwelling unit to be located on the same lot with or within a structure used or intended to be used primarily for nonresidential purposes except that one (1) accessory residential unit may be provided for a night watchman, motel manager, or similar purpose where essential to the main use of the lot.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
An improved lot shall not hereafter be divided into two (2) or more lots unless all lots resulting from such division comply with all the applicable yard, space, area, parking and loading regulations of the Zoning District in which it is located.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
No building, structure, or improvement shall be permitted to encroach upon required setbacks set forth in the provisions of this Ordinance; provided, however, that surfaced parking facilities, sign[s], fences, and gasoline pumping services units may be permitted to occupy required yard space unless otherwise prohibited in those Districts permitting such improvements and provided that no inoperative vehicle may be stored in the front or side setback of a lot in a Residential District.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
No principal building shall hereafter be constructed on a lot which does not abut a public dedicated street.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Commercial vehicles, trailers of all types, including travel, camping and hauling trailers, and manufactured homes shall not be parked or stored on any lot occupied by a dwelling or on any lot in any Residential District except in accordance with the following provisions:
No more than one (1) commercial vehicle per lot shall be permitted.
Any commercial vehicle lawfully parked under this Section shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) tons rated capacity.
No commercial vehicle shall be used for hauling explosives.
No more than two (2) camping, travel, or hauling trailer[s] per lot shall be permitted, and only one (1) shall be permitted in front of the front yard building line.
Any trailer parked in front of the front yard building line shall be parked on an all-weather surface such as asphalt, concrete, or other similar permanent hard surface material.
Any trailer lawfully parked under this Section shall not exceed thirty-two (32) feet in length.
Any trailer lawfully parked under this Section shall not exceed nine (9) feet in width.
No trailer of any type, including travel, camping and hauling shall be occupied either temporarily or permanently while it is parked or stored in any area within the City Limits.
No commercial vehicles, trailers of any type, including travel, camping and hauling trailers, or manufactured homes shall be parked on a City right-of-way, City easement, drainage area, roadway, road, alley, street curb, sidewalk or fire lane for any period of time.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
All hobby, race, or rally vehicle repairs (Major or Minor) in any residential district shall be: (1) performed in an enclosed building, or (2) screened from public view by a landscape buffer or opaque fence. Each hobby, race, or rally vehicle repair shall also be performed behind the front yard building line. Only one (1) hobby, race, or rally vehicle repair per lot is permitted at any given time. Any noise audible at the property line associated with the repair shall be restricted to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
No more than one (1) hobby, race, or rally vehicle per lot shall be permitted in any residential district. Said hobby, race, or rally vehicle shall be located behind the front yard building line and shall be: (1) in an enclosed building, or (2) screened from public view by a landscape buffer or opaque fence.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Commercial vehicles and trailers of all types may be displayed in such Business Districts allowing sales of said vehicles or in such Industrial Districts allowing their manufacture; provided, however, said vehicles may not be used for advertisement purposes unless it is advertisement for the business granted to the lot in which it sets on; and may not be used for dwelling purposes either temporarily or permanently.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Along streets and roadways with less than twenty-four (24) feet of improved driving surface, mailboxes serving single-family residences shall not be placed closer than twelve (12) feet from the centerline of the improved surface. An all-weather driving surface of asphalt, concrete crushed stone, or other material as approved by the City shall be placed so as to provide access to the mailbox. Maintenance of the mailbox and driving surface shall be the sole responsibility of the property owner. A light reflective device shall be affixed to each side of the supporting structure of the mailbox which faces in the direction of traffic.
Along streets and roadway[s] with twenty-four (24) feet or more of improved driving surface, mailboxes serving single-family residences may be placed adjacent to the roadway or at the back of the curb.
A building permit shall not be required; however, the location of the mailbox must be approved by the building official or authorized representative prior to construction of the mailbox.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Permanent structure required.
Except as herein provided, every business within the City must be operated out of a permanent, stationary, site-built building. Temporary buildings used for educational purposes by the school district are, however, permissible.
Temporary construction structures.
Temporary buildings and building material storage areas to be used for construction purposes may be permitted for a specific period of time in accordance with a temporary permit issued by the building official for a period not exceeding the period of construction. Upon completion or abandonment of construction, such field offices and buildings shall be removed at the owner’s expense.
Temporary sales structures.
Temporary buildings for temporary sales offices, and temporary off-street parking areas, may be permitted in conjunction with new home sales. Such uses may not be placed on-site until public improvements are accepted by the City Council, or in the case of developed sites where improvements exist, until a permit is issued. Such structures and parking areas shall be removed when the subdivision is sold out. One temporary sales office is permitted per builder in a subdivision.
Used car sales.
It shall be prohibited to place on lots any vehicles, including automobiles, boats, lawn equipment, all-terrain vehicles, or other similar items, for sale or lease, unless the sale of such items are permitted within the district and there is a current certificate of occupancy for the location. Provided however, that this prohibition shall not apply to the sale, by owner, of a private vehicle, boat, trailer, or recreational vehicle, provided such is in operating condition, and when parked, is parked on an all-weather surface on the owner’s residential property.
Portable buildings or structures.
Portable buildings or structures. including but not limited to cargo boxes or tractor-trailers, are permitted for use as commercial or business operations, and accessory structures for storage for a main business are permitted provided, however, that they meet the following criteria and shall be subject to site plan review and approval:
Intermodal Shipping Container.
A six-sided steel unit originally constructed as a general cargo container used for the transport of goods and materials.
The provisions of this section shall apply to intermodal shipping containers that are repurposed for use as buildings or structures or as a part of buildings or structures.
Intermodal shipping containers previously approved as existing relocatable buildings complying with Chapter 14 of the International Existing Building Code.
Stationary storage battery arrays located in intermodal shipping containers complying with Chapter 12 of the International Fire Code.
Intermodal shipping containers that are listed as equipment complying with the standard for equipment, such as air chillers, engine generators, modular data centers, and other similar equipment.
Intermodal shipping containers housing or supporting experimental equipment are exempt from the requirements of Section 3114 provided they comply with both of the following:
Such units shall be single stand-alone units supported at grade level and used only for occupancies as specified under Risk Category I in Table 1604.5; and
Such units are located a minimum of 8 feet from adjacent structures and are not connected to a fuel gas system or fuel gas utility.
Construction documents.
The construction documents shall contain information to verify the dimensions and establish the physical properties of the steel components, and wood floor components, of the intermodal shipping container in addition to the information as required by Sections 107 and 1603.
Intermodal shipping container information.
Intermodal shipping containers shall bear an existing data plate containing the following information as required by ISO 6346 and verified by an approved agency.
Manufacturer’s name or identification number
Date manufactured
Safety approval number
Identification number
Maximum operating gross mass or weight (kg) (lbs)
Allowable stacking load for 1.80 (kg) (lbs)
Transverse racking test force (Newtons)
Valid maintenance examination Date
A report of the verification process and findings shall be provided to the building owner.
Where approved by the building official, or designee, the markings and existing data plate are permitted to be removed from the intermodal shipping containers before they are repurposed for use as buildings or structures or as a part of buildings or structures.
Protection against decay and termites.
Wood structural floors of intermodal shipping containers shall be protected from decay and termites in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 2304.12.1.1.
Under-floor ventilation.
The space between the bottom of the floor joists and the earth under any intermodal shipping container, except spaces occupied by basements and cellars. shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with Section 1202.4.
Roof assemblies.
Intermodal shipping container roof assemblies shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 15.
Exception: Single-unit stand-alone intermodal shipping containers not attached to, or stacked vertically over. other intermodal shipping containers. buildings or structures.
Joints and voids.
Joints and voids that create concealed spaces between intermodal shipping containers, that are connected or stacked, at fire resistance-rated walls, floor or floor/ceiling assemblies and roofs or roof/ceiling assemblies shall be protected by an approved fire-resistant joint system in accordance with Section 715.
Intermodal shipping containers which conform to ISO 1496-1 that are repurposed for use as buildings or structures, or as a part of buildings or structures, shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 16 and this section.
Intermodal shipping containers repurposed for use as a permanent building or structure shall be supported on foundations or other supporting structures designed and constructed in accordance with Chapters 16 through 23 of this code.
Intermodal shipping containers shall be anchored to foundations or other supporting structures as necessary to provide a continuous load path for all applicable design and environmental loads in accordance with Chapter 16 of this code.
All new welds and connections shall be equal to or greater than the original connections.
Structural design.
The structural design for the intermodal shipping containers repurposed for use as a building or structure, or as part of a building or structure, shall comply with Section 3114.8.4 or 3114.8.5.
Detailed design procedure.
A structural analysis meeting the requirements of this section shall be provided to the building official to demonstrate the structural adequacy of the intermodal shipping containers.
Exception: Intermodal shipping containers designed in accordance with Section 3114.8.5.
Material properties.
Structural material properties for existing intermodal shipping container steel components shall be established by material testing where the steel grade and composition cannot be identified by the manufacturer’s designation as to manufacture and mill test.
Seismic design parameters.
The seismic force resisting system shall be designed and detailed in accordance with one of the following:
Where all or portions of the corrugated steel container sides are considered to be the seismic force-resisting system, design and detailing shall be in accordance with the ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 requirements for light-frame bearing-wall systems with shear panels of all other materials;
Where portions of the corrugated steel container sides are retained, but are not considered to be the seismic force-resisting system, an independent seismic force-resisting system shall be selected, designed and detailed in accordance with ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1; or
Where portions of the corrugated steel container sides are retained and integrated into a seismic force-resisting system other than as permitted by Section 3114.8.4.2 Item 1, seismic design parameters shall be developed from testing and analysis in accordance with Section 104.11 and ASCE 7 Section or
Allowable shear value.
The allowable shear values for the intermodal shipping container corrugated steel sheet panel side walls and end walls shall be demonstrated by testing and analysis accordance with Section 104.11. Where penetrations are made in the side walls or end walls designated as part of the lateral force-resisting system, the penetrations shall be substantiated by rational analysis.
Simplified structural design of single-unit containers.
Single-unit intermodal shipping containers conforming to the limitations of Section 3114.8.5.1 shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with the simplified structural design provisions of this section.
Use of Section 3114.8.5 is subject to all the following limitations:
The intermodal shipping container shall be a single unit. stand-alone unit supported on a foundation and shall not be in contact with or supporting any other shipping container or other structure.
The intermodal shipping container top and bottom rails, corner castings, and columns or any portion thereof shall not be notched, cut, or removed in any manner.
The intermodal shipping container shall be erected in a level and horizontal position with the floor located at the bottom.
The intermodal shipping container shall be located in Seismic Design Category A, B, C or D.
Where permitted by Section 3114.8.5.1, single-unit, stand-alone intermodal shipping containers shall be designed using the following assumptions for the corrugated steel shear walls:
The appropriate detailing requirements contained in Chapters 16 through 23 of this code.
Response modification coefficient, R = 2;
Over strength factor Ω = 2.5;
Deflection amplification factor, C = 2; and
Limits on structural height, h = 9.5 feet (2900 mm).
Allowable shear.
The allowable shear for the corrugated steel side walls (longitudinal) and end walls (transverse) for wind design and for seismic design using the coefficients of Section 3114.8.5.2 shall be in accordance with Table A provided that all of the following conditions are met:
The total linear length of all openings in any individual side walls or end walls shall be limited to not more than 50 percent of the length of the side walls or end walls, as shown in Figure A(1).
Any full height wall length, or portion thereof, less than 4 feet (305 mm) long shall not be considered as a portion of the lateral force-resisting system, as shown in Figure A(2).
All side walls or end walls used as part of the lateral force-resisting system shall have an existing or new boundary element on all sides to form a continuous load path, or paths, with adequate strength and stiffness to transfer all forces from the point of application to the final point of resistance, as shown in Figure A(3).
Where openings are made in container walls, floors, or roofs for doors, windows and other openings:
The openings shall be framed with steel elements that are designed in accordance with Chapter 16 and Chapter 22.
The cross section and material grade of any new steel element shall be equal to or greater than the steel element removed.
A maximum of one penetration not greater than a 6-inch (152 mm) diameter hole for conduits, pipes, tubes or vents, or not greater than 16 square inches (10,322 mm2) for electrical boxes, is permitted for each individual 8-foot length (2438 mm) lateral force resisting wall. Penetrations located in walls that are not part of the wall lateral force resisting system shall not be limited in size or quantity. Existing intermodal shipping container vents shall not be considered a penetration, as shown in Figure A(4).
End wall door or doors designated as part of the lateral force-resisting system shall be welded closed.
Restroom facilities.
Every business within the City must provide permanent restroom facilities on-site available for use by the customers of that particular business. Restroom facilities shall be in compliance with all applicable State, County and City building and health code provisions, including restroom facilities for handicapped individuals, for the size and type of business to be conducted at that location.
(Ordinance Z20-01 #2 adopted 1/16/20)
Outdoor sales, unless otherwise authorized by this Ordinance, shall be permitted in “B” or “M” district for commercial or business purposes, accessory to the principal use, only under the following conditions and procedures:
Permit required.
No person shall conduct outdoor sales either in the open or under a tent or other temporary cover for commercial or business purposes without first obtaining a permit under this section.
Application for permit.
Any person desiring to conduct outdoor sales shall apply to the Zoning Official for a permit. The application shall state: the name of the person conducting the activity; the proposed location; the name of the owner of the property where the sales are to be located; the nature of the intended activity; and the proposed dates of use; and other pertinent information on the form. A copy of the activity’s sales tax certificate shall also be submitted prior to issuance of a permit. A site development plan shall also be submitted to the Zoning Official containing all information required by the zoning Ordinance for administrative review. The City reserves the right to require additional information or verifications, such as health permits, depending upon the type of business and regulatory oversight by other governmental entities.
The Zoning Official shall charge and collect a fee before issuance of a permit, in an amount set by the City Council. If the activity ceases, closes, or is terminated for any reason prior to the expiration of the permit, there shall be no refund of the required fee.
Zoning compliance required.
Outdoor sales will be allowed for commercial or business purposes only at locations which are properly zoned for the nature of commercial or business activity to be conducted at that location. Further, all outdoor sales activities must comply with the setback requirements, parking requirements and other standards in City Ordinances.
Number of permits.
There shall not be more than three (3) permits issued to a person or business, or for a location, within a calendar year, nor shall the aggregate period of outdoor sales within a calendar year exceed seventy-five (75) days.
The permittee must remove all items, tents, and materials used for the conduct of the outdoor sales from the location on or before the final day of the permit period.
Compliance with all codes.
All tents or other coverings and materials used for commercial and business purposes must otherwise comply with all applicable fire, safety, and other codes in effect during the dates of the permitted activity.
A copy of the permit shall be conspicuously posted at or upon the entrance to the outdoor sales activity at all hours during the approved dates of the activity.
Operating without a permit; false information.
Any person or entity conducting outdoor sales for commercial or business purposes without complying with this article, or who gives false, misleading, or incomplete information on an application, shall within one (1) day of notice of violation obtain the required permit for a fee in an amount which shall be triple the normal fee, or immediately cease and desist from all activity covered by this article, and remove the outdoor sales activity from the premises before midnight of that day.
Existing outdoor sales.
Any person conducting outdoor sales on the effective date of this provision is required to be permitted pursuant to this section and must either apply for and receive a permit, or cease the use and remove the activity no later than 5:00 p.m. ninety (90) calendar days after the effective date of this section.
Outdoor sales in parking areas.
Outdoor sales activities within any parking lot shall not be permitted if the proposed area is not within an enclosed and well-defined area, is within a required parking/paving setback area, reduces the capacity of the parking area below that required by this Ordinance, or occupies an area greater than twenty (20) percent of the ground floor area of the building or tenant space.
This article shall not apply to conducting of outdoor sales or commercial activity by a governmental entity, public utility, or tax-exempt not-for-profit organization formed for education, philanthropic, scientific, or religious purposes, where any proceeds and profits are designed to be contributed to such entity conducting the activity, or where the activity occurs on property owned by a governmental entity. However, such entities and organizations shall comply with all other Ordinances and laws applicable to their activity, and no such activities shall be allowed on the public rights-of-way.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Outdoor displays of merchandise by retail businesses shall be allowed, if the display involves items for sale by a commercial retailer located within a permanent structure. Such displays may not cover more than half of the width of the pedestrian walkway between the storefront and the curb, unless other accommodations for pedestrian travel satisfactory to the Zoning Official are made.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
All special events, within any district, must apply for and obtain a permit through the City of Nolanville and have emergency access and provide adequate parking.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)