The city manager shall have authority to make expenditures without the prior approval of the council for all budgeted items which do not exceed the amount of $50,000.00.
As required by section 72 of the city charter, any expenditure greater than $50,000.00 must be approved in advance by the city council.
(Ordinance 08-101 adopted 9/9/08)
If changes in plans or specifications are necessary after the performance of a contract is begun or if it is necessary to decrease or increase the quantity of work to be performed or of materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, the city manager or designee is hereby granted general authority to approve such change orders involving a decrease or an increase of $25,000.00 or less.
The administrative authority to approve a change order is further limited to the extent that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent. The city council may approve a change order that increases the original contract price by more than twenty-five percent. The original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent. The original contract price may not be decreased by more than twenty-five percent without the consent of the contractor.
At the next regular city council meeting following the approval of a change order under this section, the city manager or designee shall deliver to the city council a detailed written report including, at a minimum, the following:
The change made to the contract;
The circumstances which required the change;
The costs (savings) resulting from the change order;
The change in quantity of work to be performed or of materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished;
The original contract price;
The amount of each previous change order;
The new contract price; and
The department and/or fund from which the funding for the change order was taken.
(1990 Code, sec. 1.1900; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 08-101 adopted 9/9/08)
Editor’s note–Former section 2.05.003 pertaining to the convenience fees and deriving from section 2 of Ordinance 06-060 adopted by the city on June 13, 2006, was deleted by Ordinance 08-119 adopted October 28, 2008.
The following policies and guidelines are established as investment rules governing the investment of local funds:
All city funds from various revenue sources shall be billed or requested as early as they are recognized, computed, and determined to be due to the city.
Funds received by the city shall be deposited into the depository bank at the end of each business day or as early as practical operating circumstances will allow.
All debts owed by the city shall be paid as of the date they come due and not before unless approval is given by the city manager.
Based on cash forecasts, all monies not required immediately to pay obligations shall be invested in an income-producing instrument or account.
(1990 Code, sec. 1.1001)
The city’s funds shall be invested in instruments or accounts that yield the highest possible rate of return that comply with the statutes of this state regulating investments of city funds.
(1990 Code, sec. 1.1002)
Under the direction of the city manager, the director of finance shall have custodial responsibility for all investments and invested funds.
(1990 Code, sec. 1.1003; Ordinance adopting Code)
As soon as practicable after the close of each month, the city manager and director of finance shall prepare a written report concerning the city’s investment transaction for the preceding month and describe in detail the investment position of the city as of month end. The report shall be signed by the director of finance and presented to the city council.
(1990 Code, sec. 1.1004; Ordinance adopting Code)