Licenses shall be required for the following activities and businesses. The license fee to conduct such activity or business shall be as provided for in section A6.03.001 of the fee schedule in appendix A to this code and shall be obtained from the planning department:
Acrobatic shows.
Carnivals or circuses.
Exhibitions of inanimate objects.
Shooting galleries.
Skating rinks.
Other amusements.
(1990 Code, sec. 3.501; Ordinance adopting Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person to give, conduct, exhibit or maintain any show, exhibit or place of amusement of any character whatsoever, except in a legally constructed building having adequate toilet facilities as approved by the city sanitarian and with adequate exits and fire escapes as approved by the fire marshal. A lot, tract or parcel of land may be used in lieu of such building in the event that:
Such premises shall have adequate toilet facilities approved by the city sanitarian capable of suitably providing for the attending crowds.
Such premises shall have at least one (1) fireplug annexed to the city water system for protection against fire within three hundred feet (300) of the place of exhibition and other provisions related to fire prevention, protection and safety as required by the fire marshal.
Such premises shall have adequate parking facilities within such premises for automobiles of the visiting public or in lieu thereof adjacent parking lots properly policed and protected.
Provisions, approved by the chief of police, for traffic control are provided.
Such premises shall not be used without first obtaining written consent of the landowner.
A person who violates this section is guilty of a separate offense for each day or part of day the violation is committed, continues, or permitted. Each offense, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine as provided in section 1.01.009.
(1990 Code, sec. 3.502)
Section 6.03.002 shall apply to all shows, performances, exhibitions, medicine shows, panoramic or view shows, menageries, carnivals, circuses, wild west shows or rodeo shows, acrobatic performances, moving picture shows, dramatic or theatrical productions or skating rinks held in or exhibited upon streets or under any tent or in any airdrome, hall or building within the city, except as mentioned in the above section 6.03.001.
(1990 Code, sec. 3.502)