The city council hereby authorizes the fire chief to issue permits for outdoor burning within the city limits in compliance with the Texas Clean Air Act, located at Texas Health and Safety Code section 382.001 et seq., and the rules and regulations of the state commission on environmental quality (TCEQ) regarding outdoor burning, located in 30 Texas Administrative Code chapter 111.
(1990 Code, sec. 7.1601)
The city council hereby adopts as guidelines for the regulation of outdoor burning the provisions of the Texas Clean Air Act relating to outdoor burning and chapter 111 of 30 Texas Administrative Code which contains the rules and regulations of the TCEQ regarding outdoor burning.
(1990 Code, sec. 7.1602)
The city council hereby authorizes the fire chief to promulgate an application for a permit for the outdoor burning within the city limits, which said application will contain the name of the applicant, the time of the scheduled outdoor burn, the amount and description of items to be burned, the location of said outdoor burn, safety precautions to be taken, and any other information relevant to the decision of whether the outdoor burn should take place. The application shall also state the times such burning is allowed, the minimum safety precautions which applicants must take, and any limitations regarding weather conditions. The fire chief or his designated representatives may stop any burn which does not comply with all these requirements set out herein.
(1990 Code, sec. 7.1603)