That the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Double Oak, Texas, as passed and approved on the 27th day of February, 1988, together with all amendments thereto (except as herein contained) is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
The Zoning Regulations and Districts as herein established have been made for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Town. They have been designed to lessen the congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements. They have been made with reasonable consideration, among other things, for the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses specified; and with a view to conserving the value of adjacent property, buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the Town.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
The Town of Double Oak is hereby divided into nine (9) zoning districts and one (1) flood plain overlay subdistrict. The use, height, and area regulations as set out herein are uniform in each district. The districts established herein shall be known as:
Abbreviated Designation
Zoning District Name
Agricultural District 1
Agricultural District 2
Single-Family District
Ranch Estate District
Planned Development District
Business District
Office District
Retail District
Specific Use Permit District
Flood Plain Subdistrict
Summary Purpose of Zoning Districts
“AG-1” Agricultural District. This district classification serves as a temporary classification for areas of undeveloped land of less than 3 acres on which farming and raising of cows and/or horses may be conducted until given a permanent classification.
“AG-2” Agricultural District. This district classification serves as a permanent classification for areas of undeveloped or developed land containing 3 acres or more on which farming and raising of cows and/or horses may be conducted and on which a single-family dwelling may be constructed.
“SF” Single-Family. The principal use of land in this district is for single-family dwellings of at least 1,600 square feet in size on lots of at least 1 acre and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area.
“RE” Ranch Estate District. The principal use of land in this district is for single-family dwellings of at least 2,300 square feet in size on lots of at least 1 acre and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area.
“PD” Planned Development District. The Planned Development District is intended to provide for the combining and mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate regulations, and to permit growth flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings in situations where modification of special provisions of this Ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. A PD District may be used to permit new and innovative concepts in land utilization. The zoning requirements of land having “Planned Development” zoning are detailed in writing in the adoptive ordinance or shown on the “Development Plan” that is attached to and made a part of the adoptive ordinance that grants the zoning change. The adoptive ordinance may establish requirements by reference to the basic zoning ordinance or may list specific conditions or requirements.
“B” Business District. This district is to allow the development of an office and business district with offices and stores grouped together, designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood providing professional services and goods that are classified as convenience goods. This district was formerly designated as “BOP” and any reference elsewhere in this Code of Ordinances shall refer to this “B” Business District.
“O” Office District. This district is to allow the development of an office park setting with offices grouped together designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood, providing professional and semiprofessional services. This designation may abut areas zoned Residential and shall act as a buffer between residential and retail zoned districts.
“R” Retail District. This district is to allow the development of a business district with offices and stores grouped together designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood, providing professional services and goods that are classified as convenience services and/or goods.
“SP” Specific Use Permit. The Specific Use Permit District is a specific zoning classification. The uses that normally fall into the specific use category are uses that have unique characteristics that may, depending on the location or condition of the property, require different regulations not otherwise listed under the basic zoning districts. For this reason, when an applicant seeks a change of zoning for a use listed in the Specific Use Section, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Town Council may impose, necessary additional special zoning conditions.
“FP” Flood Plain - Prefix. The flood plain overlay designation “FP” on the zoning map is a subdistrict zoning classification that refers to a specific area subject to flooding. When this subdistrict designation “FP” is noted on the official zoning map, it shall designate land areas that have been identified as areas of special flood hazard by flood insurance studies and officially designated as such by the Town Council. This subdistrict shall overlay the basic zoning classification of the property to provide appropriate regulation for the use of land that has a history of inundation or is determined to be subject to flood hazards.
(Ordinance 05-32, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/05; Ordinance 05-32, sec. 2, adopted 12/19/05)
The boundaries of the zoning districts set out herein are delineated on the Zoning District Map of the Town of Double Oak, Texas, said map being hereby adopted as a part of this ordinance as fully as if the same were set forth herein in detail.
It is not the intent of this ordinance to change the zoning classification of any property heretofore zoned under the Town's prior Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and to the extent there should be any variance between the map adopted by this ordinance and such zoning classification, such prior zoning shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise changed by proper public hearings and amendment ordinance, and any error on the map adopted by this ordinance may be corrected to reflect the proper zoning classification without the necessity of amendment.
After the effective date of this ordinance all requests for zoning changes shall be made pursuant to this ordinance, and if zoning changes and use designations are made by the Town Council they shall be made under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, in accordance with the Districts and the regulations herein established.
Two (2) original, identical copies of the Zoning District Map adopted by this ordinance, bearing the signature of the Mayor and attestation of the Town Secretary and shall be maintained as follows:
One copy shall be marked "Original Zoning Map Adopted by Ordinance No. __________" This copy shall be retained by the Town Secretary as the copy attached to this ordinance and shall not be changed in any manner.
The second copy shall be marked "Official Zoning Map of the Town of Double Oak, Texas, Adopted by Ordinance No. __________, and as thereafter amended." This copy shall be maintained as the official zoning map of the town by posting thereon all zoning changes and subsequent amendments so that such map shall reflect the current zoning of property within the town.
After the adoption of an ordinance changing the zoning on any tract shown on the official zoning map, such area shall be marked on the map with a notation giving the ordinance number and date of adoption.
Reproductions of the Official Zoning Map may, from time to time, be made for information purposes.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
The district boundary lines shown on the zoning map are usually along streets, alleys, property lines or extensions thereof. Where, after review of the legal description in any original adoptive ordinance, uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of districts shown on the official zoning map, the following rules shall apply:
Boundaries indicated as approximately following streets, highways or alleys shall be construed to follow the center line of such street, highway or alley.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following city limits.
Boundaries indicated as following railroad or utility lines shall be construed to be the center line of the right-of-way or if no center line is established, the boundary shall be interpreted to be midway between the right-of-way lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, drainage-ways or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as paralleled to or extensions of features indicated in 5-1 through 5-6 above shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the original Zoning Map shall be determined from the graphic scale on the Map.
Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official action of the Town Council, or whenever street or alley area is franchised for building purposes, the zoning district line adjoining each side of such street, alley or other public way shall be automatically extended to the center line of such vacated street, alley or way, and all area so involved shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts.
Where physical features of the ground are at variance with information shown on the official Zoning District Map, or if there arises a question as to how or whether a parcel of property is zoned and such question cannot be resolved by the application of Subsections 5-1 through 5-8 or the zoning of property is invalidated by a final judgment of a Court of competent jurisdiction, the property shall be considered as classified temporary "AG-l," Agricultural District if the tract is less than three acre and "AG-2" if the tract is three acres or over.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
All territory containing less than 3 acres, hereinafter annexed to the Town of Double Oak shall be classified as "AG-1 Agricultural District.
All territory containing 3 acres or more, hereinafter annexed to the Town of Double Oak shall be classified as "AG-2" Agricultural District.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
All land, buildings, structures or appurtenances thereon located within the town of Double Oak, Texas, which are hereafter occupied, used, erected, altered, removed, placed, demolished or converted shall be occupied, used, erected, altered, removed, placed, demolished or converted in conformance with the zoning regulations prescribed for the zoning district in which such land or building is located as herein provided.
A person commits an offense if the person violates this ordinance. An offense under this ordinance is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and in addition to being unlawful, if a building or other structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or maintained or if a building, other structure, or land is used in violation of this ordinance, the Town of Double Oak, through its Town Council may institute appropriate action to:
prevent the unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance, or use;
restrain, correct, or abate the violation;
prevent the occupancy of the building, structure, or land; or
prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or use on or about the premises.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
General Purpose and Description:
This district classification serves as a temporary classification for areas of undeveloped land of less than 3 acres on which farming and raising of cows and/or horses may be conducted until given a permanent classification.
Use Regulations:
The land or premise shall be used only for the following purposes:
Agricultural Use:
Temporary farming and raising of cows and/or horses. Upon compliance with all other ordinances and laws, one animal may be kept on the first acre. For each additional adjoining half-acre, one additional such animal may be kept.
The agricultural use must not cause a hazard to health by reason of unsanitary conditions; must not be offensive by reason of odors, dust, fumes, or noise; and must not otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare.
The agricultural use may include the construction and use of barns, private stables and loafing sheds as accessory buildings meeting the requirements of this Section.
A permanent classification must be obtained before any structure other than barns, private stables or loafing sheds may be constructed. All existing structures are grandfathered.
Other Uses:
Any other use as may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit.
Temporary buildings require a Specific Use Permit, with a one (1) year maximum with no option for renewal.
No person shall construct or occupy any dwelling or use any structure within the AG-1 Agricultural District as a permanent residence.
Accessory Building Regulations:
Barns, private stables and/or loafing sheds.
Maximum Number:
Loafing shed:
Maximum Height:
One Story.
Located at least 30 feet from any property line of an adjacent owner, at least 40 feet from any dwelling on any adjacent property, and at least 40 feet from any road.
NOTICE: Barns, stables or loafing sheds shall not be permitted to remain as nonconforming structures if after construction of a dwelling they will not conform to all regulations of the particular zoning district. Therefore, if barns, stables, or loafing sheds are to be used on property that may later be considered for any other zoning classification which would permit a single-family dwelling, careful consideration of the location of these structures on the property in relation to the possible future location of a dwelling should be made. For example, barns are not permitted in other residential classifications, and stables and loafing sheds are permitted only behind the rear line of the dwelling, with specific side and rear yard setbacks.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
General Purpose and Description:
This district classification serves as a permanent classification for areas of undeveloped or developed land containing 3 acres or more on which farming and raising of cows and/or horses may be conducted and on which a single family dwelling of at least 2,300 square feet may be constructed.
Use Regulations:
The land or premise shall be used only for the following purposes:
Agricultural Use:
Agriculture, including any customary agricultural building and structure, and such uses as livestock ranges, general ranching, farming, the raising of crops, fruit, and vegetables, horses, cattle, or poultry, on a commercial or business basis and upon compliance with all other ordinances and laws. One cow or horse may be kept on the first acre. For each additional adjoining half-acre, one additional such animal may be kept. For any other animal, a permit must be approved by the Town Council.
The agricultural use must not cause a hazard to health by reason of unsanitary conditions; must not be offensive by reason of odors, dust, fumes, or noise; and must not otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare.
The agricultural use may include the construction and use of barns, private stables and loafing sheds as accessory buildings meeting the requirements of this Section.
All existing structures are grandfathered.
Other Uses:
Parks, playgrounds, community buildings, museums and other public recreational facilities, owned and/or operated by the municipality or other public agency; and privately owned and maintained playgrounds and like recreation areas.
Public buildings, including libraries, museums, police and fire stations, and similar public uses or facilities.
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work on the premises, which said buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work, one year maximum with no option for renewal. A permit shall be required.
Churches and Public Schools (kindergarten through high school), shall be considered a permitted use, however, a specific use permit zoning change must be applied for and granted pursuant to the Specific Use Section of this ordinance in order to provide conditions to protect health, provide safety and regulate traffic as related to these uses.
Such other uses as may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit.
Principal Building (Dwelling or Structure):
All single family dwellings must meet the following requirements:
Minimum Building Size: 2,300 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches.
Maximum Height: 30 feet or not more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories.
Maximum Lot Coverage: Principal Building not to exceed 10% of total area.
Exterior Construction: At least 70% of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures, including frame work surrounding all doors and windows, shall be of masonry construction, exclusive of doors, windows, the area above the top plate line, gables and roofs. The 70% masonry requirement shall also apply to all additions or modifications to the Principal Building and to all attached garages.
Front Yard: Minimum depth from edge of road easement to front of principal building shall be at least 45 feet.
Side Yard: Setback of at least 20 feet from any property line or road easement, whichever is closer.
Rear Yard: Setback of at least 35 feet from the rear property line.
Accessory Building Regulations
All accessory buildings must be of one of the following types.
Type 1:
This type or class of accessory building consists of accessory buildings that support the agricultural use of the property as defined or permitted in Section 9-2(1), such as barns, loafing sheds, private stables or tool/equipment sheds. Electricity and water connections are permitted. Use as additional living quarters is prohibited.
Type 2:
This type or class of accessory building consists of accessory buildings that are not used for the support of livestock or crops or other agricultural use. Shop or recreation building, swimming pool cabana, boat storage, detached garage for boat, recreational vehicle and motor vehicle storage, home office, or stable are permissible. Major accessory buildings shall not be used as rental property, guest houses or servant's quarters. If toilet and/or shower facilities are provided, adequate wastewater disposal must be provided and approved by the appropriate Town representative. Major accessory buildings may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be used as rental property. No Type 2 accessory building will be permitted unless there is a principal residential dwelling on the property. No carports or other exterior structures designed or intended for the storage of vehicles or boats, whether attached or free-standing, shall be allowed and are expressly prohibited; provided, however, that a porte-cochere for the main entrance of the residential dwelling may be permitted.
Major Accessory Buildings:
A building permit is required for all major accessory buildings prior to the commencement of construction.
Type 1 Major Accessory Buildings
Location: Located at least 30 feet from any property line of an adjacent owner, at least 40 feet from any dwelling on any adjacent property and at least 40 feet from any road.
Type of Exterior
Construction: The building's construction materials may be of wood, brick, simulated wood, vinyl, painted aluminum, or corrugated, galvanized sheet metal.
Type 2 Major Accessory Buildings
Maximum Size: 1,000 square feet of usable enclosed area. As an exception to the foregoing maximum size requirement, a Type 2 major accessory building may not exceed 1,200 square feet of usable enclosed area if there is no minor accessory building. If two (2) stories the footprint of the accessory building is to be reduced in proportion, so that the total usable space does not exceed the maximum size requirement. Porch areas may not exceed an additional 20% of the total usable enclosed area.
Maximum Height: Two (2) stories or 30 feet to roof peak. Total height may not exceed that of the principal dwelling.
Location: Must be located completely behind the rear line of the residential building. Setback shall be at least 15 feet from any property line or road easement, whichever is closer.
Door: One (1) 12 feet wide by 14 feet high maximum size door which may face the front and one (1) entry type door which may not exceed 48 inches in width. For safety purposes, a minimum of two (2) openings is required.
Exception: It shall be an exception to the foregoing requirement if the structure has one (1) 16 foot by 10 foot door or two (2) 9 foot by 10 foot doors, provided that they may not face the front of the structure or any public street and that the construction of the building must be 70% brick or masonry construction substantially similar in color, composition and design as the main residential building. At least two (2) openings shall be required.
Type of Exterior
Construction: The building's construction materials must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, and at least 70% of the structure must be brick or masonry and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building. Sheet metal siding is expressly prohibited. Roofing material must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town's Roofing ordinance. A major accessory building which is 500 square feet or less of usable space is exempted from the foregoing 70% brick or masonry requirement but must be substantially similar in color, composition and design of the principal dwelling and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building.
Foundation: A concrete foundation is required for all Type 2 major accessory buildings.
Minor Accessory Building
(including pre-fabricated buildings and buildings on skids).
Type 2 Minor Accessory Building:
Storage for tools, lawn care equipment etc., will be permitted only in connection with the residential dwelling on the property.
Maximum Size:
200 square feet footprint.
Maximum Height:
One story, not to exceed 18 feet to roof peak.
Must be located behind the rear line of the residential dwelling and at least 8 feet from the property line or road easement, whichever is closer.
Type of Exterior
Construction: The building's construction material must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, be of wood, brick, simulated wood, vinyl or factory painted aluminum. Sheet metal siding is expressly prohibited. Roofing materials must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town's Roofing ordinance. Greenhouses may be made of glass or like products.
The construction of a driveway shall require a separate permit.
Private Swimming Pool.
A private swimming pool will be permitted only in connection with a residential dwelling. Both in-ground and above-ground pools require a fence at least 4 feet in height with no gaps or openings larger than 4 inches and with all gates to be self-latching and self closing. Any pool must be located at least 4 feet from the property line or road easement, measured from water's edge.
Wood, plastic, metal or wire may be used to corral animals. Barbed wire and electric fences are permitted.
NOTICE: If a different zoning classification is later sought or imposed on the property, barns, stables or loafing sheds shall not be permitted to remain as nonconforming structures if after construction of a dwelling they will not conform to all regulations of the particular zoning district. Therefore, if barns, stables, or loafing sheds are to be used on property that may later be considered for any other zoning classification which would permit a single-family dwelling, careful consideration of the location of these structures on the property in relation to the possible future location of a dwelling should be made. For example, barns are not permitted in other residential classifications, and stables and loafing sheds are permitted only behind the rear line of a dwelling, with specific side and rear yard setbacks.
In addition to the foregoing, fences will have to conform to specifications for residential classifications where barbed wire is expressly prohibited. New driveways will have to be constructed of asphalt, concrete, paving bricks or gravel. However, driveways made of gravel will have to be paved with asphalt, concrete, paving bricks or other approved surfacing material when a new zoning classification is later sought.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
General Purpose and Description of the Single Family Estate District:
The principal use of land in this district is for single-family dwellings of at least 1,600 square feet in size and lots of at least 1 acre, and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area. Low density residential areas shall be protected from higher density residential development and from the encroachment of incompatible uses.
Use Regulations:
A building, dwelling, structure or premise shall be used only for the following:
“Single-family Dwelling” with an Attached Garage (2 car minimum).
An “Attached Garage” is a Side Entry or Rear Entry private garage that is a physical part of the dwelling or one having a substantial physical connection with or under the roof line of the Single-family Dwelling. Front entry private garages shall be permitted only if the door opens into an enclosed courtyard separated from the front yard of the main residence by another garage or similar building or by a masonry wall of six (6) feet in height constructed of the same material as the main residential structure. Such additional garage, building or wall must also comply with all pertinent set-back provisions. For corner lots, the garage door may face the side street without an enclosed courtyard.
Additional “Detached Garage” only as an accessory use meeting the requirements of a Major Accessory Building, 40 feet from the main structure. All driveways connecting any public street or alley with the Detached Garage shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt or paving brick.
Parks, playgrounds, and other public recreational facilities, owned and/or operated by the municipality or other public agency; and privately owned and maintained playgrounds and like recreation areas.
Public buildings, including libraries, museums, police and fire stations, and similar public uses or facilities.
Real estate sales offices during the development of residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two years.
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work on the premises, which said buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. A permit shall be required with a one year maximum with no option for renewal.
Churches and Public Schools (kindergarten through high school), shall be considered a permitted use, however, a specific use permit zoning change must be applied for and granted pursuant to the Specific Use Section of this ordinance in order to provide conditions to protect health, provide safety and regulate traffic as related to these uses.
Such other uses as may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit.
The following Accessory Uses if such uses are conducted within the principal building in connection with the primary use of a “Single-family Dwelling:”
A “customary home occupation” that does not include visits by customers or the general public with a greater frequency than four per day.
Guest Quarters and servant quarters for persons in the employ of the family occupying the principal dwelling.
Private swimming pool. Both in-ground and above-ground pools require a fence at least 4 feet in height with no gaps or openings larger than 4 inches, and with all gates to be self-latching and self closing. Any pool must be located within the setbacks specified in Section 10-4, measured from water edge.
Upon compliance with all other ordinances and laws, one horse, or equine (horse related animal), may be kept on the first acre on which the primary residence is located. For each additional adjoining half-acre, one additional such animal may be kept. At least 10,000 square feet of the property must be dedicated and available for use for each horse. Private “stable or loafing shed” uses may be conducted in a Minor Accessory Building meeting the requirements of Section 10-5(1).
“Greenhouse” for non-commercial usage conducted in a Minor Accessory Building meeting all the requirements of such an accessory building.
Off street parking (uncovered) may be provided for vehicles having valid and current license plates, registration, and inspection certificates or stickers or for boats with valid and current registration numbers, plates, certificates and stickers, as follows:
If located in front of the front line of the residence, off-street parking may be provided for cars, vans, and pick-up trucks not exceeding one-ton gross vehicle weight rating. The parking area and all driveways and drive approaches must be constructed of concrete, asphalt, or paving brick.
If located on the side of the residence, off-street parking shall be located behind the front line of the residence and may be provided for cars, vans, pick-up trucks and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 1 1/2 tons; or, one camper, travel trailer or recreational vehicle; or one pleasure boat and boat trailer, none of which may exceed forty (40) feet in length. The driveways and drive approaches must be constructed of concrete, asphalt, or paving brick.
If located behind the rear line of the residence, off-street parking may be provided for properly registered (to the extent required by law) cars, vans, pick-up trucks, trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 1 1/2 tons, campers, travel trailers, utility trailers, recreational vehicles, or pleasure boats and boat trailers, none of which may exceed forty (40) feet in length. Not more than three (3) of any of the foregoing vehicles may be parked at one time. No additional vehicle in excess of the three-vehicle maximum shall be permitted within the off-street parking area unless the property owner or occupant shall first have obtained the written permission of all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the property line of the premises, excluding streets and alleys. The parking area may be of any hard, all weather surface, whether or not improved, including grass.
Minimum Size of Lot:
Lot Area: One (1) acre (43,560 square feet).
Lot Width: 150 feet.
Lot Depth: 200 feet.
Principal Building (Dwelling or Structure):
Minimum Building Size: 1,600 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches.
Maximum Height: 30 feet or not more than two and one-half (2½) stories.
Maximum Lot Coverage: Principal building not to exceed 20% of total lot area.
Exterior Construction: At least 70% percent of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures, including all frame work surrounding all doors and windows, shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows, the area above top plate line, gables and roofs. The 70% masonry requirement shall also apply to all additions or modifications to the principal building and to all attached garages and attached accessory buildings.
Front Yard: Minimum depth from edge of road easement to front of Principal Building - 45 feet.
Side Yard: Setback of at least 20 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Rear Yard: Setback of at least 35 feet from the property line.
Accessory Building (Detached):
Minor Accessory Building:
(including pre-fabricated buildings and building on skids.)
“Storage” type for tools, lawn care equipment, etc., and,
Gazebo or pavilion
“Stable or loafing shed” type for animals.
Maximum Size:
Storage type:
200 square feet footprint
Gazebo or pavilion:
200 square feet footprint
Loafing shed:
200 square feet footprint
200 square feet footprint
Maximum Number: Two (2) (provided no major accessory building exists); only one (1) minor accessory building may be a stable or loafing shed. If a major accessory building of 1,000 square feet or less exists, only one (1) minor accessory building shall be allowed. No minor accessory building will be allowed if a major accessory building over 1,000 square feet exists. The following table illustrates the maximum number of accessory buildings, including pavilion or gazebos allowed for each property:
Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings
(1000 sf)
(1200 sf)
Maximum Height: One story, not to exceed 18 feet to roof peak.
Location: Must be located behind the rear line of the residential dwelling and at least 15 feet from any other structure.
Side Yard/Rear Yard:
Storage type: Setback of at least 8 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Stable or loafing shed: Located at least 30 feet from any property line of an adjacent owner, at least 40 feet from any dwelling on any adjacent property and at least 40 feet from any road.
Type of Exterior Construction: The building’s construction material must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, and be of brick, wood, simulated wood, vinyl or factory painted aluminum. Sheet metal siding is expressly prohibited. A gazebo/pavilion is defined as an open structure without walls; railings are permissible. Roofing material must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town’s Roofing ordinance. Greenhouses may be made of glass or like products.
Major Accessory Building:
Type: Shop or recreation building, swimming pool cabana, boat storage, detached garage for boat, recreational vehicle and motor vehicle storage, home office, or stable. Major accessory buildings shall not be used as rental property, guest houses or servant’s quarters. If toilet and/or shower facilities are provided, adequate wastewater disposal must be provided and approved by the appropriate Town representative. Major accessory buildings may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be used as rental property.
Note. No carports or other exterior structures designed or intended for the storage of vehicles or boats, whether attached or free-standing, shall be allowed and are expressly prohibited; provided, however, that a porte-cochere for the main entrance of the residential dwelling, may be permitted
Maximum Size: 1,000 square feet of usable enclosed area, where enclosed area is defined by the inside dimensions and usable area as any area which has side walls of at least 4 feet in height. As an exception to the foregoing maximum size requirement, a major accessory building may not exceed 1,200 square feet of usable enclosed area provided there is no minor accessory building on the property, except one pavilion or gazebo. If two stories, the footprint of the major accessory building is to be reduced in proportion, so that the total, usable enclosed area does not exceed the maximum size allowed.
A porch, if attached to the main structure, whether under roof or not, may not exceed in size an additional 20% of the total footprint of the building itself. If a larger porch is desired, the usable enclosed area must be reduced proportionally so that the total under roof does not exceed 1200 square feet or 1440 square feet respectively.
Maximum Number: One (1). The following table illustrates the maximum number of accessory buildings, including pavilion or gazebos allowed for each property:
Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings
(1000 sf)
(1200 sf)
Maximum Height: One story, not to exceed 18 feet to roof peak.
Maximum Height: 2 stories or 30 feet to roof peak, total height may not exceed that of the principal dwelling.
Location: Located behind the rear line of the residential building, and at least 15 feet from it or any other structure.
Side Yard/Rear Yard: Setback of at least 15 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Driveway: Requires a separate permit. A driveway from the street to any major accessory building, detached garage or off-street parking, must be constructed of concrete asphalt or paving brick.
Door: For safety, a minimum of two (2) openings is required one of which may not exceed 48" in width. If used as a garage, one 12' wide by 14' high maximum size door which may face the front will be allowed.
Exception: As an exception, one 16 foot by 10 foot door or two 9 foot by 10 foot doors may be permitted, provided that they may not face the front and that construction of the building must be 70% brick or masonry substantially similar in color, composition and design as the main residential building. At least two openings will be required.
Type of Exterior Construction: The building’s construction materials must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, and at least 70% of the structure must be brick or masonry and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building. Sheet metal siding are expressly prohibited. Roofing material must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town’s Roofing ordinance. A major accessory building which is 500 square feet or less of usable space is exempted from the foregoing brick or masonry requirement but must be substantially similar in color, composition and design of the principal dwelling and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building.
Foundation: A concrete foundation is required for all major accessory buildings.
Reserved for Future Use
Editor’s note–Subsection 10-6, Fences, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance 06-03, section 2, adopted 1/23/06.
(Ordinance 04-15 adopted 9/20/04; Ordinance 04-15 adopted 9/30/04; Ordinance 06-03, sec. 1, adopted 1/23/06)
General Purpose and Description of the Ranch Estate District:
The principal use of land in this district is for single-family dwellings of at least 2,300 square feet in size and lots of at least 1 acre, and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area. Low density residential areas shall be protected from higher density residential development and from the encroachment of incompatible uses.
Use Regulations:
A building, dwelling, structure or premises shall be used only for the following:
“Single-family Dwelling” with an Attached Garage (2 car minimum). An “Attached Garage” is a Side Entry or Rear Entry private garage that is a physical part of the dwelling or one having a substantial physical connection with or under the roof line of the Single-family Dwelling. Front entry private garages shall be permitted only if the door opens into an enclosed courtyard separated from the front yard of the main residence by another garage or similar building or by a masonry wall of six (6) feet in height constructed of the same material as the main residential structure. Such additional garage, building or wall must also comply with all pertinent setback provisions. For corner lots, the garage door may face the side street without an enclosed courtyard.
Additional “Detached Garage” only as an accessory use meeting the requirements of a Major Accessory Building, 40 feet from the main structure. All driveways connecting any public street or alley with the Detached Garage shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt or paving brick.
Parks, playgrounds, and other public recreational facilities, owned and/or operated by the municipality or other public agency; and privately owned and maintained playgrounds and like recreation areas.3
Public buildings, including libraries, museums, police and fire stations, and similar public uses or facilities.
Real estate sales offices during the development of residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two years.
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work on the premises, which said buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work. A permit shall be required with a one year maximum with no option for renewal.
Churches and Public Schools (kindergarten through high school), shall be considered a permitted use, however, a specific use permit zoning change must be applied for and granted pursuant to the Specific Use Section of this ordinance in order to provide conditions to protect health, provide safety and regulate traffic as related to these uses.
Such other uses as may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit.
The following Accessory Uses if such uses are conducted within the principal building in connection with the primary use of a “Single-family Dwelling:”
A “customary home occupation” that does not include visits by customers or the general public with a greater frequency than four per day.
Guest Quarters and servant quarters for persons in the employ of the family occupying the principal dwelling.
Private swimming pool. Both in-ground and above-ground pools require a fence at least 4 feet in height with no gaps or openings larger than 4 inches, and with all gates to be self-latching and self-closing. Any pool must be located within the setbacks specified in Section 11-4, measured from water edge.
Upon compliance with all other ordinances and laws, one horse, or equine (horse related animal), may be kept on the first acre on which the primary residence is located. For each additional adjoining half-acre, one additional such animal may be kept. At least 10,000 square feet of the property must be dedicated and available for use for each horse. Private “stable or loafing shed” uses may be conducted in a Minor Accessory Building meeting the requirements of Section 11-5(1).
“Greenhouse” for non-commercial usage conducted in a Minor Accessory Building meeting all the requirements of such an accessory building.
Off-street parking (uncovered) may be provided for vehicles having valid and current license plates, registration, and inspection certificates or stickers or for boats with valid and current registration numbers, plates, certificates and stickers, as follows:
If located in front of the front line of the residence, off-street parking may be provided for cars, vans, and pick-up trucks not exceeding one-ton gross vehicle weight rating. The parking area and all driveways and drive approaches must be constructed of concrete, asphalt, or paving brick.
If located on the side of the residence, off-street parking shall be located behind the front line of the residence and may be provided for cars, vans, pick-up trucks and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 1 1/2 tons; or, one camper, travel trailer or recreational vehicle; or one pleasure boat and boat trailer, none of which may exceed forty (40) feet in length. The driveways and drive approaches must be constructed of concrete, asphalt, or paving brick.
If located behind the rear line of the residence, off-street parking may be provided for properly registered (to the extent required by law) cars, vans, pick-up trucks, trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 1-1/2 tons, campers, travel trailers, utility trailers or recreational vehicles, or pleasure boats and boat trailers, none of which may exceed forty (40) feet in length. Not more than three (3) of any of the foregoing vehicles may be parked at one time. No additional vehicle in excess of the three-vehicle maximum shall be permitted within the off-street parking area unless the property owner or occupant shall first have obtained the written permission of all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the property line of the premises, excluding streets and alleys. The parking area may be of any hard, all weather surface, whether or not improved, including grass.
Minimum Size of Lot:
Lot Area: One (1) acre (43,560 square feet).
Lot Width: 150 feet.
Lot Depth: 200 feet.
Principal Building (Dwelling or Structure):
Minimum Building Size: 2,300 square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches.
Maximum Height: 30 feet or not more than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories.
Maximum Lot Coverage: Principal building not to exceed 20% of total lot area.
Exterior Construction: At least 70% percent of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures, including all frame work surrounding all doors and windows, shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows, the area above top plate line, gables and roofs. The 70% masonry requirement shall also apply to all additions or modifications to the principal building and to all attached garages and attached accessory buildings.
Front Yard: Minimum depth from edge of road easement to front of Principal Building - 45 feet.
Side Yard: Setback of at least 20 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Rear Yard: Setback of at least 35 feet from the property line.
Accessory Building (Detached):
Minor Accessory Building:
(including pre-fabricated buildings and building on skids.)
“Storage” type for tools, lawn care equipment, etc., and,
Gazebo or pavilion
“Stable or loafing shed” type for animals.
Maximum Size
Storage type:
200 square feet footprint
Gazebo or pavilion:
200 square feet footprint
Loafing shed:
200 square feet footprint
200 square feet footprint
Maximum Number: Two (2) (provided no major accessory building exists); only one (1) minor accessory building may be a stable or loafing shed. If a major accessory building of 1,000 square feet or less exists, only one (1) minor accessory building shall be allowed. No minor accessory building will be allowed if a major accessory building over 1,000 square feet exists. The following table illustrates the maximum number of accessory buildings, including pavilion or gazebos allowed for each property:
Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings
(1000 sf)
(1200 sf)
Maximum Height: One story, not to exceed 18 feet to roof peak.
Location: Must be located behind the rear line determined by the nearest back corner of the residential dwelling closest to the street, and at least 15 feet from any other structure.
Side Yard/Rear Yard:
Storage type: Setback of at least 8 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Stable or loafing shed: Located at least 30 feet from any property line of an adjacent owner, at least 40 feet from any dwelling on any adjacent property and at least 40 feet from any road.
Type of Exterior Construction: The building’s construction material must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, and be of brick, wood, simulated wood, vinyl or factory painted aluminum. Sheet metal siding is expressly prohibited. A gazebo/pavilion is defined as an open structure without walls; railings are permissible. Roofing material must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town’s roofing ordinance. Greenhouses may be made of glass or like products.
Major Accessory Building:
Type: Shop or recreation building, swimming pool cabana, boat storage, detached garage for boat, recreational vehicle and motor vehicle storage, home office, or stable. Major accessory buildings shall not be used as rental property, guest houses or servant’s quarters. If toilet and/or shower facilities are provided, adequate wastewater disposal must be provided and approved by the appropriate Town representative. Major accessory buildings may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be used as rental property.
Note. No carports or other exterior structures designed or intended for the storage of vehicles or boats, whether attached or free-standing, shall be allowed and are expressly prohibited; provided, however, that a porte-cochere for the main entrance of the residential dwelling, may be permitted.
Maximum Size: 1,000 square feet of usable enclosed area, where enclosed area is defined by the inside dimensions and usable area as any area which has side walls of at least 4 feet in height. As an exception to the foregoing maximum size requirement, a major accessory building may not exceed 1,200 square feet of usable enclosed area provided there is no minor accessory building on the property, except one pavilion or gazebo. If two stories, the footprint of the major accessory building is to be reduced in proportion, so that the total, usable enclosed area does not exceed the maximum size allowed.
A porch, if attached to the main structure, whether under roof or not, may not exceed in size an additional 20% of the total footprint of the building itself. If a larger porch is desired, the usable enclosed area must be reduced proportionally so that the total under roof does not exceed 1200 square feet or 1440 square feet respectively.
Maximum Number: One (1). The following table illustrates the maximum number of accessory buildings, including pavilion or gazebos allowed for each property:
Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings
(1000 sf)
(1200 sf)
Maximum Height: Roof peak not to exceed 30 feet.
Location: Must be located behind the rear line determined by the nearest back corner of the residential dwelling closest to the street, and at least 15 feet from any existing structure. For privacy, no second story window or door can face a neighboring property that is within 25 feet of the accessory building.
Side Yard/ Rear Yard: Setback of at least 15 feet from the property line or road easement, which ever is the closest.
Driveway: Requires a separate permit. A driveway from the street to any major accessory building, detached garage or off-street parking, must be constructed of concrete asphalt or paving brick.
Door: A door may be of any size up to a maximum width of 16 feet wide and a maximum height of 14 feet tall. On the front facing side, only one garage door is permitted. For safety, a minimum of two (2) openings is required one of which may not exceed 48" in width.
Type of Exterior Construction: The building’s construction materials must be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building, and at least 70% of the structure must be brick or masonry and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building. Sheet metal siding are expressly prohibited. Roofing material must also be substantially similar in color, composition and design as that of the residential building and comply with the Town’s roofing ordinance. A major accessory building which is 500 square feet or less of usable space is exempted from the foregoing brick or masonry requirement but must be substantially similar in color, composition and design of the principal dwelling and generally meet the requirements for the principal residential building.
Foundation: A concrete foundation is required for all major accessory buildings.
Reserved for Future Use
Editor’s note–Subsection 11-6 “Fences” was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance 06-03, section 4, adopted January 23, 2006.
(Ordinance 04-15 adopted 9/20/04; Ordinance 06-03, sec. 3, adopted 1/23/06; Ordinance 18-03 adopted 7/16/18)
General Purpose and Description of the Ranch Estates 2 District:
The principal use of land in this district is for single-family dwellings of at least 2,300 square feet in size and lots of at least 2 acres, and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area. Low density residential areas shall be protected from higher density residential development and from the encroachment of incompatible uses.
Use Regulations:
A building, dwelling, structure or premises shall be used only for the uses allowed in the RE Ranch Estates District.
Minimum Size of Lot:
Lot Area: Two (2) acres (87,120 square feet).
Minimum Lot Width: 150 feet.
Minimum Lot Depth: 200 feet.
Principal Building: Accessory Buildings:
All regulations and requirements, including but not limited to those applicable to principal and accessory buildings in the RE Ranch Estates District shall apply in this district, save and except the minimum lot size requirement.
(Ordinance 18-06 adopted 9/17/18)
General Purpose and Description of the Planned Development District:
The Planned Development District is intended to provide for the combining and mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate regulations, and to permit growth flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings in situations where modification of special provisions of this Ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. A PD District may be used to permit new and innovative concepts in land utilization. The zoning requirements of land having "Planned Development" zoning are detailed in writing in the adoptive ordinance or shown on the "Development Plan" that is attached to and made a part of the adoptive ordinance that grants the zoning change. The adoptive ordinance may establish requirements by reference to the basic zoning ordinance or may list specific conditions or requirements.
Pre-Application Conference:
Prior to the filing of a Planned Development Application, the applicant shall consult with a Development Review Committee that will consist of the Mayor, a least one Councilmember appointed by the Mayor, the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment and the Town Attorney, to discuss concerns relating to the suitability of the proposed project for Planned Development Zoning.
Development Requirements:
Development requirements for each separate PD District shall be set forth in the Ordinance granting the PD District and may include, but not be limited to; uses, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, lighting, management associations, and other requirements as the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission may deem appropriate.
The Ordinance granting a PD District may include a statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD granted therein.
The Ordinance and attached Development Plan that grants a Planned Development Zoning District classification to a tract of land will determine the uses permitted but the Planned Development district shall conform to all other sections of this ordinance unless specifically excluded in the granting ordinance.
All applications shall state all requested deviations from the standard requirements set forth throughout this ordinance and must be indicated in written form and on the face of the zoning exhibit.
During the review and public hearing process, the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council shall require a detail development plan.
Development Plan - This plan shall be submitted by the applicant. The plan shall show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed planned development district in a graphic manner and as may be required supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development.
A Development Plan shall show general use, thoroughfares and preliminary lot arrangements. For development which does not propose platted lots, the plan shall set forth the size, type and location of buildings and building sites, access, density, building height, fire lanes, screening, parking areas, landscaped areas and other pertinent development data.
Minor changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, building height or coverage of the site, or which do not decrease the off-street parking ratio or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site or does not significantly alter the landscape plans as indicated on the approved plan, may be authorized by the Town Council without formal amendment.
A landscape plan may be made or required as a part of the Development Plan showing screening walls, ornamental planting, wooded areas and trees to be planted.
An architectural plan may be made or required as a part of the Development Plan, showing elevations and signs to be used throughout the development.
Any or all of the required information may be incorporated on a single drawing if one drawing is clear and can be evaluated.
The Development Plan shall have supplemental data describing standards, schedules or other data pertinent to the development of the Planned Development District which is to be included in the text of the amending Ordinance.
All Planned Development Districts approved in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be referenced on the Zoning Districts Map with a notation as to the adoptive ordinance number.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88; Ordinance 04-11 adopted 7/6/04; Ordinance 05-32, sec. 3, adopted 12/19/05)
General Purpose and Description of the Business District:
This district is to allow the development of an office and business district with offices and stores grouped together designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood, providing professional services and goods that are classified as convenience goods.
Use Regulations:
The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
Offices such as:
Executive and administrative offices.
Business offices of a public utility, real estate, insurance, commercial or industrial establishment.
Medical, dental offices and clinics, legal, engineering, architectural and similar professional offices, accounting, auditing and bookkeeping service offices.
Finance agency offices and banks, including drive through facilities.
Miscellaneous business services such as credit reporting agencies, stenographic services, business and management consulting services.
Offices of non-profit organizations.
Municipal and other governmental offices.
Any other office in which goods or merchandise are not commercially created, displayed, stored, exchanged or sold.
For retail sales uses and personal service shops and establishments. The following listing is given as examples, but is not intended as a limitation:
Food market
Drug Store and/or pharmacy
Clothing Store
Shoe Store
Jewelry Store
Gift Shop
Radio, TV and Music Store
Dry Goods and Notion Store
Hardware Store
Restaurants serving food and beverages
Barber and Beauty Shops
Dry Cleaning Service
Shoe Repair Shop
Tailor and Dressmaker Shop
Nursery Schools and Day Care Center[1]
Editor’s note–Subsection o. was renumbered per Ordinance 05-30, section 1, adopted 12/19/05.
Accessory Uses
Accessory uses, defined as and limited to uses customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses.
Parking Regulations
One (1) parking space shall be required for each 200 to 300 square feet of interior floor area (under roof). Exceptions to this requirement may be made by the Town Council following recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
All driveways and parking areas must be asphalt or concrete construction.
Area Regulations
The following minimum requirements are:
A buffer zone with appropriate screening by an engineered masonry wall, 6–8 feet in height. The buffer zone between this wall and adjoining areas will be 20 feet set inside the property line when adjoining area is zoned residential. When adjoining area is zoned Business or Specific Use Permit Districts, setback regulations shall apply.
For each 30 linear feet of buffer zone frontage the minimum landscaping requirement shall be one (1) large evergreen tree and eight (8) evergreen shrubs. The trees shall be a minimum 8-10 feet in height at planting and reach a minimum of 20-feet in height and spread at maturity. The shrubs shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height at planting (5 gallon container minimum) and reach a height of 8-feet at maturity. All shrubs shall be edged and all plant material mulched with two-inch layer of bark or shredded Cypress mulch. All other areas of this buffer zone shall be covered with appropriate type of turf grass. The entire buffer zone area shall be provided with adequate and inconspicuous automatic irrigation system, and shall be properly maintained at regular intervals, according to the town’s standards. Other landscaping concepts that promote water conservation will be considered.
Depth of front setback - 50 feet
Depth of rear setback, excluding buffer zone - 50 feet
Width of side setback, excluding buffer zone - 25 feet
Minimum width of lot - 150 feet
Height and Area Regulations
The following maximum height and area regulations shall be observed:
All building elevations and exterior surfaces shall be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation. The height of any structure including the parapet front elevation shall be limited to 40 feet in height. The structure shall also be limited to two (2) stories or less.
Lot coverage by building excluding buffer zone – 30%.
Lot coverage by buildings, driveways and parking spaces – 80%
All structures shall be compatible, in the sole judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing Business structures.
Additional Regulations
All building elevations to be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation.
All buildings over 5000 square feet under roof, regardless of occupancy, will require the installation of interior sprinklers and fireproof construction, to be inspected and approved by the Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department. All commercial buildings, regardless of size, will also require fire hydrants, which must be installed so that all portions of proposed buildings are within 300 feet of a fire hydrant. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the Bartonville Water Supply Corporation. All fire hydrants must have a minimum clearance of 5 feet for access and visibility, for 180 degrees facing the front.
All structures shall be compatible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing Business structures.
All applicable ordinances of the Town including roofing ordinance will apply. All outside lighting features shall be placed and reflected in such a manner so as not to create annoyances, nuisances, or hazards.
All signs must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, for recommendation to the Town Council. All signs must be in accordance with the Town’s sign ordinance.
No pole signs or billboards will be allowed and no signs above the roof line will be approved.
In the event that any project in this section is proposed to be built in stages, a second or following stage has to not only be in accordance with all regulations but also assure continuity in style and construction with the first stage built.
Special Factors for Consideration
In granting or denying an application for Business District classification, the Planning and Zoning Commission in its recommendation and the governing body of the Town may take into consideration the following factors, without limitation to the consideration of other factors:
Safety of motoring public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area immediately surrounding the site.
Safety from fire hazards, and measures of fire control.
Protecting the property, adjacent property, and other properties within the Town from flood or water damage.
Noise producing elements, glare of vehicular and stationary lights and the effect of such noise and lights on the established character of neighboring property.
Street size and adequacy of pavement width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the mediate neighborhood.
Adequacy of on-site parking facilities; location of ingress or egress points for parking and off-street loading and the surfacing of all parking areas to control dust and for the protection of public health.
Such other measures as will secure and protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
Off-street parking, unless specifically regulated in the ordinance adopting the Business District classification, shall be governed by other applicable provisions of the comprehensive zoning ordinance or other applicable ordinances of the Town.
The economic and/or environmental impact the use may have on property within the Town as a whole, as well as on adjoining property, and whether an economic and/or environmental impact study should be submitted as a part of the application, for Business District.
The aesthetic appearance of the use, and other sensory effects that the use may have on the established character of the neighborhood, its property and the property within the Town as a whole.
Waste water disposal.
The existing natural landscape character (especially native oaks, elms, and pecan trees) shall be preserved to the extent reasonable and feasible. In an area of the street frontage containing a stand of trees, the developer shall use best faith efforts to preserve such trees. In determining whether there is compliance with this subsection the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider topographical constraints on design, drainage, access and egress, utilities, and other factors reasonably related to the health, safety and welfare of the existing public which necessitate disturbance of the existing natural landscape character, the nature and quality of the landscaping installed to replace it, and such other factors as may be relevant and proper. Indiscriminate clearing or stripping of the natural vegetation on a lot is prohibited.
Compliance With Site Plan
All improvements to the land and all buildings and construction on the land shall be submitted for review to the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall be in accordance with a site plan and/or development plan which shall be made a part of the adoptive ordinance. If a zoning change has previously been approved without the approval of a contemporaneous site plan or development plan, the submission and recommendation for approval of such plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the approval by the Town Council shall nevertheless be required prior to all development and building construction within the Business District. When a simultaneous zoning change is not required, the site or development plan must comply with the special factors for consideration enumerated herein and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council shall take such factors into consideration prior to recommendation or approval.
After adoption of the ordinance that grants the Business District zoning change, the Town Council, with the prior recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and upon finding that a requested site plan change is a minor change that will not adversely impact adjacent or other properties within the Town, may authorize by written order minor alterations to the site plan, without further notice or public hearing. The Council’s order shall be attached to or filed with the original ordinance or original site or development plan; provided, however, no such amendment to the site plan shall be made that would conflict with the final plat of such property after the final plat has been approved by the Town and filed of record.
Designation Of Zoning Map
On the official zoning map of the Town, BD, Business District, shall bear the prefix designation of BD followed by the ordinance number granting the Business District classification.
(Ordinance 04-11 adopted 7/6/04; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/05; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 2, adopted 12/15/05; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 3, adopted 12/15/05; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 4, adopted 12/19/05; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 5, adopted 12/19/05; Ordinance 05-30, sec. 6, adopted 12/19/05)
General Purpose and Description of the Office District:
This district is to allow the development of an office park setting with offices grouped together designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood, providing professional and semiprofessional services. This designation may abut areas zoned Residential and shall act as a buffer between residential and retail zoned districts.
Use Regulations:
The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
Offices such as:
Executive and administrative offices.
Business offices of a public utility, real estate, insurance, commercial or industrial establishment.
Medical, dental offices and clinics, legal, engineering, architectural and similar professional offices, accounting, auditing and bookkeeping service offices.
Finance agency offices and banks, including drive-through facilities.
Miscellaneous business services such as credit reporting agencies, stenographic services, business and management consulting services.
Offices of non-profit organizations.
Municipal and other governmental offices.
Any other office in which goods or merchandise are not commercially created, displayed, stored, exchanged or sold.
Accessory Uses:
Accessory uses, defined as and limited to uses customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses.
Parking Regulations
One (1) parking space shall be required for each 200 to 300 square feet of interior floor area (under roof). Any deviations from this requirement must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with a recommendation forwarded to the Town Council for final approval.
All driveways and parking areas must be asphalt or concrete construction.
Area Regulations
The following minimum requirements are:
A buffer zone with appropriate screening by an engineered masonry wall, 6-8 feet in height placed upon or in close proximity to the property line. The buffer zone between this wall and adjoining paved areas will be 20 feet set inside the property line when adjoining areas zoned residential. When adjoining area is zoned Retail or Specific Use Permit Districts, setback regulations shall apply.
For each 30 linear feet of buffer zone frontage the minimum landscaping requirement shall be one (1) large evergreen tree and eight (8) evergreen shrubs. The trees shall be a minimum 8-10 feet in height at planting and reach a minimum of 20 feet in height and spread at maturity. The shrubs shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height at planting (5 gallon container minimum) and reach a height of 8 feet at maturity. All shrubs shall be edged and all plant material mulched with two-inch layer of bark or shredded Cypress mulch. All other areas of this buffer zone shall be covered with appropriate type of turf grass. The entire buffer zone area shall be provided with adequate and inconspicuous automatic irrigation system, and shall be properly maintained at regular intervals, according to the town’s standards. Other landscaping concepts that promote water conservation will be considered.
Depth of front setback - 50 feet
Depth of rear setback, excluding buffer zone - 50 feet
Width of side setback, excluding buffer zone - 25 feet
Minimum width of lot - 150 feet
Height and Area Regulations
The following maximum height and area regulations shall be observed:
All building elevations and exterior surfaces shall be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation. The height of any structure including the parapet front elevation shall be limited to 40 feet in height. The structure shall also be limited to two (2) stories or less.
Lot coverage by building excluding buffer zone - 30%
Lot coverage by buildings, driveways and parking spaces - 80%
All structures shall be compatible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing structures within the Office district.
Additional Regulations
All building elevations to be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation.
All buildings over 5000 square feet under roof, regardless of occupancy, will require the installation of interior sprinklers and fireproof construction, to be inspected and approved by the Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department. All commercial buildings, regardless of size, will also require fire hydrants, which must be installed so that all portions of proposed buildings are within 300 feet of a fire hydrant. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Bartonville Water Supply Corporation. All fire hydrants must have a minimum clearance of 5 feet for access and visibility, for 180 degrees facing the front.
All structures shall be compatible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing structures within the Office district.
All applicable ordinances of the Town including roofing ordinance will apply. All outside lighting features shall be placed and reflected in such a manner so as not to create annoyances, nuisances, or hazards.
All signs must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, for recommendation to the Town Council. All signs must be in accordance with the Town’s sign ordinance.
No pole signs or billboards will be allowed and no signs above the roof line will be permitted.
In the event that any project in this section is proposed to be built in stages or phases, a second or following stage has to not only be in accordance with all regulations but also assure continuity in style and construction with the first stage built.
Special Factors For Consideration
In granting or denying an application for Office District classification, the Planning and Zoning Commission in its recommendation and the governing body of the Town may take into consideration the following factors:
Safety of motoring public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area immediately surrounding the site.
Safety from fire hazards, and measures of fire control.
Protecting the property, adjacent property, and other properties within the Town from flood or water damage.
Noise producing elements, glare of vehicular and stationary lights and the effect of such noise and lights on the established character of neighboring property.
Street size and adequacy of pavement width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood.
Adequacy of on-site parking facilities; location of ingress or egress points for parking and off-street loading and the surfacing of all parking areas to control dust and for the protection of public health.
Such other measures as will secure and protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
Off-street parking, unless specifically regulated in the ordinance adopting the Office District classification, shall be governed by other applicable provisions of the comprehensive zoning ordinance or other applicable ordinances of the Town.
The economic and/or environmental impact the use may have on property within the Town as a whole, as well as on adjoining property, and whether an economic and/or environmental impact study should be submitted as a part of the application for Office District zoning.
The aesthetic appearance of the use, and other sensory effects that the use may have on the established character of the neighborhood, its property and the property within the Town as a whole.
Waste water disposal.
The existing natural landscape character (especially native oaks, elms, and pecan trees) shall be preserved to the extent reasonable and feasible. In an area of the street frontage containing a stand of trees, the developer shall use best efforts to preserve such trees. In determining whether there is compliance with this subsection the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider topographical constraints on design, drainage, access and egress, utilities, and other factors reasonably related to the health, safety and welfare of the existing public which necessitate disturbance of the existing natural landscape character, the nature and quality of the landscaping installed to replace it, and such other factors as may be relevant and proper. Indiscriminate clearing or stripping of the natural vegetation on a lot is prohibited.
Compliance With Site Plan
All improvements to the land and all buildings and construction on the land shall be submitted for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and final approval by the Town Council and shall be in accordance with a site plan and/or development plan which shall be made a part of the adoptive ordinance. If a zoning change has previously been approved without the approval of a contemporaneous site plan or development plan, the submission and recommendation for approval of such plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the approval by the Town Council shall nevertheless be required prior to all development and building construction within the Office District. When a simultaneous zoning change is not required, the site or development plan must comply with the special factors for consideration enumerated herein and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council shall take such factors into consideration prior to recommendation or approval.
After adoption of the ordinance granting Office District zoning classification, the Town Council, with the prior recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and upon finding that a requested site plan change is a minor change that will not adversely impact adjacent or other properties within the Town, may authorize by written order minor alterations to the site plan without further notice or public hearing. The Council’s order shall be attached to or filed with the original ordinance or original site or development plan; provided, however, no such amendment to the site plan shall be made that would conflict with the final plat of such property after the final plat has been approved by the Town and filed of record.
Designation Of Zoning Map
On the official zoning map of the Town, “O” Office districts shall bear the prefix designation of “O” followed by the ordinance number granting the Office District classification.
(Ordinance 05-31, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/05)
General Purpose and Description of the Retail District:
This district is to allow the development of a business district with offices and stores grouped together designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood, providing professional services and goods that are classified as convenience services and/or goods.
Use Regulations:
The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses but are not intended as a limitation:
Food market
Drug Store and/or pharmacy
Clothing Store
Shoe Store
Jewelry Store
Gift Shop
Radio, TV and Music Store
Dry Goods and Notion Store
Hardware Store
Restaurants serving food and beverages
Barber and Beauty Shops
Dry Cleaning Service
Shoe Repair Shop
Tailor and Dressmaker Shop
Nursery Schools and Day Care Center
Accessory Uses
Accessory uses, defined as and limited to uses customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses.
Parking Regulations
One (1) parking space shall be required for each 200 to 300 square feet of interior floor area (under roof). Any deviations from this requirement must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with a recommendation forwarded to the Town Council for final approval.
All driveways and parking areas must be asphalt or concrete construction.
Area Regulations
The following minimum requirements are:
A Retail District shall be no closer (as measured by the closest positioning of property lines) than 500 linear feet to a residential district as dictated by intervening non-retail and non-residential districts.
A buffer zone will be required with appropriate screening by an engineered masonry wall, 6-8 feet in height and placed upon or in close proximity to the property line. The zone between this wall and adjoining paved areas will be 20 feet set inside the screening wall and shall be landscaped as indicated below.
For each 30 linear feet of buffer zone frontage the minimum landscaping requirement shall be one (1) large evergreen tree and eight (8) evergreen shrubs. The trees shall be a minimum 8 to 10 feet in height at planting and reach a minimum of 20 feet in height and spread at maturity. The shrubs shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height at planting (5 gallon container minimum) and reach a height of 8 feet at maturity. All shrubs shall be edged and all plant material mulched with two-inch layer of bark or shredded Cypress mulch. All other areas of this buffer zone shall be covered with appropriate type of turf grass. The entire buffer zone area shall be provided with adequate and inconspicuous automatic irrigation system, and shall be properly maintained at regular intervals, according to the town’s standards. Other landscaping concepts that promote water conservation will be considered.
Depth of front setback - 50 feet
Depth of rear setback, excluding buffer zone - 50 feet
Width of side setback, excluding buffer zone - 25 feet
Minimum width of lot - 150 feet
Height and Area Regulations
The following maximum height and area regulations shall be observed:
All building elevations and exterior surfaces shall be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation. The height of any structure including the parapet front elevation shall be limited to 40 feet in height. The structure shall also be limited to two (2) stories or less.
Lot coverage by building excluding buffer zone - 30%
Lot coverage by buildings, driveways and parking spaces - 80%
All structures shall be compatible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing structures within the Retail district.
Additional Regulations
All building elevations to be 100% masonry exclusive of doors and windows. Acceptable materials are brick, stone, split faced concrete block and stucco. Stucco elements are limited to a maximum of 20% of the area of any elevation.
All buildings over 5000 square feet under roof, regardless of occupancy, will require the installation of interior sprinklers and fireproof construction, to be inspected and approved by the Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department. All commercial buildings, regardless of size, will also require fire hydrants, which must be installed so that all portions of proposed buildings are within 300 feet of a fire hydrant. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Bartonville Water Supply Corporation. All fire hydrants must have a minimum clearance of 5 feet for access and visibility, for 180 degrees facing the front.
All structures shall be compatible, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the surrounding residential structures as well as with other existing structures within the Retail district.
All applicable ordinances of the Town including roofing ordinance will apply. All outside lighting features shall be placed and reflected in such a manner so as not to create annoyances, nuisances, or hazards.
All signs must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, for recommendation to the Town Council. All signs must be in accordance with the Town’s sign ordinance.
No pole signs or billboards will be allowed and no signs above the roof line will be permitted.
In the event that any project in this section is proposed to be built in stages or phases, a second or following stage has to not only be in accordance with all regulations but also assure continuity in style and construction with the first stage built.
Special Factors for Consideration
In granting or denying an application for Retail District classification, the Planning and Zoning Commission in its recommendation and the governing body of the Town may take into consideration the following factors without limitation to the consideration of other factors:
Safety of motoring public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area immediately surrounding the site.
Safety from fire hazards, and measures of fire control.
Protecting the property, adjacent property, and other properties within the Town from flood or water damage.
Noise producing elements, glare of vehicular and stationary lights and the effect of such noise and lights on the established character of neighboring property.
Street size and adequacy of pavement width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood.
Adequacy of on-site parking facilities; location of ingress or egress points for parking and off-street loading and the surfacing of all parking areas to control dust and for the protection of public health.
Such other measures as will secure and protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
Off-street parking, unless specifically regulated in the ordinance adopting the Retail District classification, shall be governed by other applicable provisions of the comprehensive zoning ordinance or other applicable ordinances of the Town.
The economic and/or environmental impact the use may have on property within the Town as a whole, as well as on adjoining property, and whether an economic and/or environmental impact study should be submitted as a part of the application for Retail District zoning.
The aesthetic appearance of the use, and other sensory effects that the use may have on the established character of the neighborhood, its property and the property within the Town as a whole.
Wastewater disposal.
The existing natural landscape character (especially native oaks, elms, and pecan trees) shall be preserved to the extent reasonable and feasible. In an area of the street frontage containing a stand of trees, the developer shall use best efforts to preserve such trees. In determining whether there is compliance with this subsection the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider topographical constraints on design, drainage, access and egress, utilities, and other factors reasonably related to the health, safety and welfare of the existing public which necessitate disturbance of the existing natural landscape character, the nature and quality of the landscaping installed to replace it, and such other factors as may be relevant and proper. Indiscriminate clearing or stripping of the natural vegetation on a lot is prohibited.
Compliance with Site Plan
All improvements to the land and all buildings and construction on the land shall be submitted for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and final approval by the Town Council and shall be in accordance with a site plan and/or development plan which shall be made a part of the adoptive ordinance. If a zoning change has previously been approved without the approval of a contemporaneous site plan or development plan, the submission and recommendation for approval of such plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the approval by the Town Council shall nevertheless be required prior to all development and building construction within the Retail District. When a simultaneous zoning change is not required, the site or development plan must comply with the special factors for consideration enumerated herein and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council shall take such factors into consideration prior to recommendation or approval.
After adoption of an ordinance granting Retail District zoning classification, the Town Council, with the prior recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and upon finding that a requested site plan change is a minor change that will not adversely impact adjacent or other properties within the Town, may authorize by written order minor alterations to the site plan without further notice or public hearing. The Council’s order shall be attached to or filed with the original ordinance or original site or development plan; provided, however, no such amendment to the site plan shall be made that would conflict with the final plat of such property after the final plat has been approved by the Town and filed of record.
Designation of Zoning Map
On the official zoning map of the Town, “R” Retail districts shall bear the prefix designation of “R” followed by the ordinance number granting the Retail District classification.
(Ordinance 05-31, sec. 2, adopted 12/19/05)
General Purpose and Description of Specific Use Permit District:
The SP Specific Use Permit District is a specific zoning classification. The uses that normally fall into the specific use category are uses that have unique characteristics that may, depending on the location of the property, require different conditions and regulations not otherwise listed under the basic zoning districts. For this reason, when an applicant seeks a change of zoning for a use listed in the Specific Use Section, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Town Council may impose, necessary additional special zoning conditions.
Property zoned for a specific use retains or shall be given a basic zoning classification, so that the specific use shall be in addition to the authorized use under the basic zoning of the property. The basic land use district regulations shall be applicable for any permitted use other than the “specific use.” Also, the basic land use district regulations shall apply to the “specific use” unless changed at the time of the grant of the specific use permit zoning. Therefore, any special condition or regulation established by the grant of the specific use shall control the specific use and supersedes any conflicting basic condition or regulation, however, where the grant of the specific use is silent as to a condition or regulation that is imposed by the basic classification of the property, the basic condition or regulation shall control.
Any application for a change of zoning to a Specific Use Permit Classification shall be processed in the same manner as any other request for a zoning change, to-wit: A proper application; public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission; public hearing before the Town Council; and final adoption of an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the Town.
Use Regulations:
A building, structure or premises used for any of the following purposes shall be permitted only upon the grant of a Specific Use Permit Zoning District Classification.
Country clubs and golf courses.
Motels and hotels.
Motion picture theaters, including drive-in theaters.
Any sexually oriented business, including but not limited to, those defined in Article 4.400 of this code.
Business uses designed to serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood providing goods and/or services that are classified as convenience goods and/or services, not otherwise listed as permitted uses in the Business District.
Any structure, not designed to be occupied, in excess of 40 feet in height, other than standard telephone poles, standard lighting poles and standard or residential television receiving antennas.
“Specific Use Home Occupation” as defined in Section 26.
Ground storage water supply tanks.
Elevated water storage supply tanks.
Utility pump stations.
Electrical power substations.
Telephone equipment buildings.
Radio, television or microwave towers.
Gasoline Service Station or Fuel Service Station[.]
Car wash[.]
Wastewater treatment facility[.]
Such other activities, uses and/or structures that in the sole judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council are not detrimental to the town and/or the surrounding neighborhood.
No land shall be used and no building shall be erected or converted to a use named in this section, except on property zoned for a Specific Use Permit for such use under the provisions of this section.
Application For Specific Use Permit Zoning:
In addition to any other provision in this ordinance regulating applications for zoning change, an application for zoning change requesting a Specific Use Permit District Classification shall be accompanied by a site plan containing the following information:
Date, scale, north point, name of owner, name of person preparing the site plan.
Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the tract.
Minimum building setback dimensions adjacent to all property lines.
Drawings and data necessary to show the full scope of the facility.
Designation of the location and size of points of ingress and egress.
The center line of any existing water course, drainage feature or floodway easement.
The location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys with location of all street intersections adjacent to the area of request.
In addition to the site plan, an area map shall be required indicating the neighborhood in which the property is located and showing the existing zoning of adjacent properties.
Where screening, landscaping or a drainage study may be essential to the granting of the specific use permit, the applicant, to avoid delay or denial in the processing of his request, should provide an adequate screening plan, landscaping plan or drainage study. The screening plan and landscaping plan may be separate plans or a part of applicant’s site plan.
Application For a Use Not Specifically Named:
Any applicant seeking a land use not otherwise authorized by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended, or as listed in this section, may make application to amend this section to include the unlisted use and may at the same time make application for a Specific Use Zoning Change for such use, on a specific property. In such a case both amendments may be heard at the same time by the Planning and Zoning Commission; may be heard at the same time by the Town Council; and the adoptive ordinances may be acted upon by the Town Council on the same date.
Special Factors For Consideration:
In granting or denying an application for specific permit zoning district classification, the Planning and Zoning Commission in its recommendation and the governing body of the Town may take into consideration the following factors:
Safety of motoring public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area immediately surrounding the site.
Safety from fire hazards, and measures of fire control.
Protecting the property, adjacent property, and other properties within the Town from flood or water damage.
Noise producing elements, glare of vehicular and stationary lights and the effect of such noise and lights on the established character of neighboring property.
Street size and adequacy of pavement width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood.
Adequacy of on-site and off-site parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street loading and the surfacing of all parking areas to control dust and for the protection of public health.
Such other measures as will secure and protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
Off-street parking, unless specifically regulated in the ordinance adopting the specific use permit zoning classification, shall be governed by other applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance or other applicable ordinances of the Town.
The economic and/or environmental impact the use may have on property within the Town as a whole, as well as on adjacent property, and whether an economic and/or environmental impact study should be submitted as a part of the application for Specific Use Permit.
The aesthetic appearance of the use, and other sensory effects that the use may have on the established character of the neighborhood, its property and the property within the Town as a whole.
Wastewater Disposal.
The existing natural landscape character (especially native oaks, elms, and pecan trees) shall be preserved to the extent reasonable and feasible. In an area of the street frontage containing a stand of trees, the developer shall use best faith efforts to preserve such trees. In determining whether there is compliance with this subsection the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider topographical constraints on design, drainage, access and egress, utilities, and other factors reasonably related to the health, safety and welfare of the existing public which necessitate disturbance of the existing natural landscape character, the nature and quality of the landscaping installed to replace it, and such other factors as may be relevant and proper. Indiscriminate clearing or stripping of the natural vegetation on a lot is prohibited.
Compliance With Site Plan
All improvements to the land and all buildings and construction on the land shall be submitted for review to the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall be in accordance with the site plan and/or the development plan which shall be made a part of the adoptive ordinance. After adoption of the ordinance that grants the Specific Use zoning change, the Town Council, with the prior recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and upon finding that a requested site plan change is a minor change that will not adversely impact adjacent or other properties within the Town, may authorize by written order, the minor alteration to the site plan, without further notice or public hearing. The Council’s Order shall be attached to or filed with the original ordinance. Provided, however, no such amendment to the site plan should be made that would conflict with the final plat of such property after the final plat has been approved by the Town and filed of record.
Designation Of Zoning Map
On the official zoning map of the Town, a Specific Use Permit District shall bear the prefix designation of the Base Zoning and “SP” followed by the ordinance number granting the specific use permit classification.
For example, a property with a base zoning classification of Business District, that is granted a specific use permit zoning classification for operation of a golf course, should be designated in the adoptive ordinance as having a zoning classification of B Business District with a Specific Use Permit to operate a golf course and on the zoning map designated as B SP followed by the adoptive ordinance number.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88; Ordinance 04-11 adopted 7/6/04; Ordinance 05-32, sec. 3, adopted 12/19/05)
Editor’s note–Section 14, “SP” Specific Use Permit District was renumbered to Section 16 per Ordinance 05-32, section 3, adopted December 19, 2005.
General Purpose and Description of Flood Plain Overlay Subdistrict:
A flood plain overlay designation on the zoning map is a subdistrict zoning classification that refers to a specific area subject to flooding. When this subdistrict designation “FP” is noted on the official zoning map, it shall designate land areas that have been identified as areas of special flood hazard by flood insurance studies and officially designated as such by the Town Council. This subdistrict shall overlay the basic zoning classification of the property to provide appropriate regulation for the use of such land that has a history of inundation or is determined to be subject to flood hazards. Areas designated on the Zoning District Map by the “FP” overlay designation shall be subject to the following provisions:
Use Regulations:
A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
Agricultural activities including the ordinary cultivation or grazing of land and legal types of animal husbandry permitted by the zoning regulations of the basic zoning district classification of the property.
Off-street parking incidental to any adjacent main use permitted in the district.
Parks, community centers, playgrounds, public golf courses (no structures), and other recreational areas.
Private open space as part of a Community Unit Development of Planned Residential Development.
Other uses but only when approved by Specific Use Permit, as provided for in this ordinance.
No building or structure shall be erected in that portion of any land having a Flood Plain “FP” overlay designation until and unless such building or structure has been approved by the Town Council after engineering studies furnished by the landowner have been made and it is ascertained that such building or structure is not subject to damage by flooding and would not constitute an encroachment, hazard, or obstacle to the movement of flood waters and that such construction would not endanger the value and safety of other property or the public health and welfare.
An area may be removed from the Flood Plain designation when, through drainage work, grading, flood protection, or specific drainage study, it is determined by the Town Council that the flood hazard has been alleviated.
The fact that land is, or is not, within a district having a Flood Plain designation shall not be interpreted as assurance that such land or area, is or is not, subject to periodic local flooding.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88; Ordinance 05-32, sec. 4, adopted 12/19/05)
Editor’s note–Section 16 “FP” Flood Plain Overlay Subdistrict was renumbered to Section 17 per Ordinance 05-32, section 4, adopted December 19, 2005.
All roofing and roof structures shall be constructed in accordance with and meet the requirements set forth hereinafter.
Roofing materials must have a Class A fire protection rating.
Roofing materials must be installed per manufacturer’s specifications.
Roofing materials must have a minimum 25 year manufacturer’s warranty.
Roofing Systems:
Roofing systems must have a Class C or better fire protection rating.
Roofing systems must be installed per manufacturer’s specifications for chosen roofing material.
Acceptable Roofing Materials:
Laminated composite shingles with a minimum 25 year manufacturer’s warranty;
Stone-coated galvanized steel shingles;
Standing seam metal (Galvanized steel and copper only; 26 gauge minimum thickness only.) (No exterior fasteners allowed);
Clay or cement tiles;
Any new materials that may become available in the future due to technological advancements, provided, however, that such materials must first be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Double Oak, after consultation with roofing and insurance experts and the Double Oak Volunteer Fire Department; or
Three tab shingles only for buildings and structures under 200 square feet in footprint.
Unacceptable Roofing Material:
Wood shingles;
Fiber cement shingles;
Three tab shingles for any structure of at least 200 square feet (footprint);
Corrugated metal; or
Corrugated plastic or fiberglass.
These requirements shall be applicable to all new roofs and the replacement of existing roofs constructed hereafter and shall apply equally to all primary structures and accessory buildings and other structures (i.e. – gazebos, pool houses, etc.), in which the roofing material is to complement that of the primary structure. The exception to this is structures built to provide shade, i.e., arbor-type structures with “roofs” constructed of several parallel wood slats (2"x2", 2"x4", 2"x6"), spaced a minimum of 2" apart.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88; Ordinance 05-17, sec. 2, adopted 4/4/05; Ordinance 05-17, sec. 3, adopted 4/4/05)
Editor’s note–Section 3 of Ordinance 05-32, adopted December 19, 2005, specifically renumbers section 14, “SP” specific use permit district, as section 16, and section 4 of that same ordinance specifically renumbers section 16, “FP” floodplain subdistrict, as section 17. However, Ordinance 05-32 and no subsequent ordinance make any provisions for renumbering existing section 17, roofing. To avoid duplication and confusion, the editor has renumbered section 17, roofing as section [18] roofing.
A nonconforming status shall exist under the following provisions of this ordinance:
When a use or structure which does not conform to the regulations prescribed in the district in which such use or structure is located was in existence and lawfully operating prior to the adoption of the previous Zoning Ordinance and has been operating since without discontinuance.
When on the effective date of this Ordinance, the use or structure was in existence and lawfully constructed, located and operating in accordance with the provisions of the previous Zoning Ordinance or which was a nonconforming use thereunder, and which use or structure does not now conform to the regulations herein prescribed for the district in which the use or structure is located.
No nonconforming use or structure may be expanded or increased beyond the lot or tract upon which such nonconforming use is located as of the effective date of this Ordinance except to provide off-street loading or off-street parking space upon approval of the Board of Adjustment.
Repairs and normal maintenance may be made to a nonconforming building, provided that no structural alterations or extensions shall be made except those required by law or ordinance, unless the building is changed to a conforming structure.
Any nonconforming use may be changed to a conforming use and once such change is made, the use shall not thereafter be changed back to a nonconforming use.
Where a conforming use is located in a nonconforming structure, the use may be changed to another conforming use by securing a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official.
When a nonconforming use or business involving a permanent type structure is discontinued or the structure vacated for a period of one (1) year, the nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned and such facts shall be construed as conclusive proof of intent to abandon the nonconforming use. When a nonconforming use or business, not involving a permanent type structure, is discontinued or moved from the premises for a period of six (6) months, the nonconforming use shall be deemed abandoned and such facts shall be construed as conclusive proof of intent to abandon the nonconforming use.
If a nonconforming structure or a structure occupied by a nonconforming use is destroyed by fire, the elements or other cause, it may not be rebuilt except to conform to the provisions of this Ordinance. In the case of partial re-construction of a nonconforming use, not exceeding fifty (50) percent of its reasonable value, reconstruction may be permitted after a building permit has been granted.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
Editor's note-The board of adjustment was moved to Chapter 1 and Section 22 was reserved for future use by Ordinance 05-21, section 1, adopted June 6, 2005.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
Editor's note-The planning and zoning commission was moved to Chapter 1 and Section 23 was reserved for future use by Ordinance 05-21, section 1, adopted June 6, 2005.
Amendments Made By Ordinance
The Town Council may by ordinance amend, supplement, or change the boundaries of the use districts; the use designation of any property; or the regulations, standards, or requirements, of this ordinance. Any such proposed change shall be first submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing and its recommendation and report.
Petitions For Amendments
Any person, corporation, or group of persons having a proprietary interest in any property, may petition the Town Council for a zoning change or amendment to the provisions of this ordinance. All petitions for a zoning change shall bear the signature of the owners of the property that is the subject of the request. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, on its own motion, institute proposals for changes and amendments.
Public Hearings
The zoning process is conducted as a public hearing that should be opened and closed. Within the public hearing, there is a public input portion which should be opened and closed.
Public Hearing Before The Planning And Zoning Commission
After public notice has been given pursuant to Section 24-4, a public hearing shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any proposed change in zoning classification as well as any proposed amendment to the zoning regulations of any zoning district.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall first make a preliminary report and then hold its public hearings on that report before submitting a final report to the Town Council.
When the zoning change request is by petition, the preliminary report shall be the request as stated in the notice of public hearing. When the Planning and Zoning Commission makes a study and initiates a change or amendment on its own motion, or at the request of the Town Council, the preliminary report shall be that stated in the notice of public hearing. Upon completion of the public hearing the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit its final report and recommendation to the Town Council.
When all public input has been received the public input portion of the hearing shall be closed. Thereafter, the Commission shall consider the matter and make its recommendation to the Town Council in the form of a final report. After the public input portion of the public hearing has been closed the public may not thereafter be recognized for the purpose of adding additional argument or input, however, the Commission may ask questions of any person and receive additional information in response to questions. After public input has been closed and the Commission has no further questions, a motion should be made to close the public hearing. Thereafter the Commission may deliberate and vote on its final report to the Town Council which shall be in the form of a recommendation.
Public Hearing Before The Town Council
The Town Council, except in the case of a joint public hearing, may not hold its public hearing until it receives a final report from the Planning and Zoning Commission and even in the case of a joint public hearing may not take action on the matter until it receives the final report of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
After proper notice by publication pursuant to Section 24-4, the Council opens the public hearing and usually calls upon staff to summarize the proposed zoning change or amendment. This is usually followed by the applicant's presentation. The Council then opens the public input portion of the public hearing. When all public input has been received the public input portion of the hearing shall be closed. After the public input portion of the public hearing has been closed the public may not thereafter be recognized for the purpose of adding additional argument or input, however, the Council may ask questions of any person and receive additional information in response to questions. When the Council has no further questions, a motion should be made to close the public hearing. Thereafter the Council may deliberate and take appropriate action.
The Town Council usually acts on a zoning change or amendment by following a two step process.
The first step is to take action on the matter by either (i) denial of the zoning change or amendment; (ii) approval of a zoning change or amendment; or (iii) approval of a zoning change different from that requested, that is more restrictive or at least as restrictive, as that stated in the public notice. Only a majority vote of the council present and voting is required for this first step.
The second step is the adoption of an ordinance granting or making the change where appropriate. This second step, adoption of the ordinance, usually requires only a majority vote of those present and voting, however, under certain circumstances a 3/4 vote of all the members of the Town Council is required to approve the zoning change or amendment. (See section 24-5)
The Joint Public Hearing
The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council are hereby authorized to hold joint public hearings. If a joint public hearing is called the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council shall hear all matters jointly. When all public input has been received the public input portion of the hearing shall be closed. Thereafter, the Commission shall consider the matter and make its recommendation to the Town Council in the form of a final report. After receiving the final report the Town Council shall consider the matter and take any appropriate action. Although the public input portion of the hearing is closed, the public hearing continues until the public hearing is closed by the Town Council. The Town Council may not continue with the public hearing or take action on the matter until it receives the final report of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
If the Commission makes its report/recommendation at the same meeting the Council may then proceed, keeping in mind that the public input portion of the hearing has been closed. If either the Commission or the Council fails to conclude the matter at the first meeting the public hearing portion of the meeting shall be recessed and continued to a certain date and time that shall be announced to all those attending the meeting.
Notice Of Public Hearings
Notice Of Public Hearing Before The Planning And Zoning Commission
Before the 10th day before the hearing date, written notice of each public hearing before the zoning commission on a proposed change in a zoning classification shall be sent to each owner, as indicated by the most recently approved municipal tax roll, of real property within 200 feet of the property on which the change in classification is proposed. The notice may be served by its deposit, properly addressed with postage paid, in the United States mail. If the property within 200 feet of the property on which the change is proposed is located in territory annexed to the municipality and is not included on the most recently approved municipal tax roll, the notice shall be given by publication published in the official newspaper at least 15 days before the date of the hearing.
Notice Of Public Hearing Before The Town Council
Notice of the public hearing to be held by the Town Council, before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement or change, shall be published once in the official newspaper of the Town at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing.
Notice Of Public Hearing For Joint Public Hearing
Where the public hearing is to be a Joint Public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council, the joint notice shall be mailed in time to give each owner, as indicated by the most recently approved municipal tax roll, of real property within 200 feet of the property on which the change in classification is proposed, 10 days notice, and the joint notice shall be published at least 15 days before the date of the hearing in the official newspaper of the Town.
Signage Required For Zoning Changes
Any person who seeks, files or submits an application for a change in a zoning classification shall, at said applicant's expense, place at least one sign on the property which is the subject of the application. Such sign shall be in black or dark lettering on a white or light background, must state "Zoning Change Requested, Town of Double Oak" and must bear the current telephone number and area code of the Town Hall. The sign shall also identify the current zoning district on the property and the classification sought by the zoning change. It shall be sufficient to identify the abbreviated zoning district classifications set forth in Section 3-1 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The sign shall be not less than four feet by two feet in size, not less than three feet in height, and must be posted on the property fifteen feet from the property line, facing the street frontage of the property. The sign and lettering thereon must be of sufficient size and type to be conspicuous and plainly visible. The sign placement must be conspicuous and sufficiently legible so as to be seen by any ordinarily observant person traveling upon the fronting public street. Where a property fronts two or more public streets, signs shall be posted facing each of the public streets. All signs shall be approved by the Town Secretary prior to posting.
The signage required herein shall be posted within ten (10) days after the filing of the zoning change application with the Commission. The failure of an applicant to properly post or place the signage required herein shall of itself be a sufficient basis to deny or, where appropriate, recommend denial of the requested change in zoning classification but in no event shall such failure serve to invalidate, annul, negate, repeal or otherwise impair the validity of any ordinance adopted hereunder.
Three-Fourths Vote Of Town Council (When Required)
If such proposed amendment, supplement, or change has been denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or if a written protest against such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been filed with the Town Secretary, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of twenty (20) percent or more, either of the area of the lots or land included in such proposed change, or those immediately adjacent to and extending two hundred (200) feet therefrom, such amendment shall not become effective except by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all the members of the Town Council of the Town of Double Oak, to wit:
3/4 of 5 (full council consisting of members eligible to vote) = minimum of 4 votes required.
3/4 of 4 (one vacancy on the 5 member council, not a mere absence) = minimum of 3 votes required.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
Any person, firm or corporation requesting a change of zoning from one district classification to another district classification is required to make an application in writing to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and shall submit the following information with such request:
A clearly typed legal description of the land on which a zoning change is requested, together with the local street address, if any.
Name and address of the owner or owners of the property, the name and address of the person making the application. If the application is made by anyone other than the owner or owners, the application must contain a statement that the applicant is authorized to act for the owner pursuant to an attached statement in writing signed by the owner or owners of the property authorizing the applicant to make such application on their behalf.
The specific district use requested and the specific district use under which the property is regulated at the time of making the application.
A scale drawing showing the property and any proposed public or private streets and alleys; building sites and individual building lots; any areas proposed for dedication or reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds or school sites, all easements for utilities, garbage, drainage or street widening; all proposed changes of existing streets or street widening; the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets; an accurate survey of the boundaries of the tract and its topography with contour intervals of not less than five (5) feet, or spot grades where the relief is limited; a plan showing major drainage divides, drainage flow paths, off-site drainage discharge onto the site and drainage locations from the site and any areas subject to flooding (including FEMA 100-year floodplain); a plan showing proposed water service to the site including location of fire hydrants; and, a detailed plan showing wastewater disposal and/or collection for each building site.
Where multiple types of land use are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various uses shall be required.
Where Building complexes are proposed, a site plan showing the location of each building and the minimum distance between buildings, and between buildings and the property line, street line and/or alley line shall be submitted. For buildings more than one 1 story in height, except single family and two-family residences, elevations and/or perspective drawings may be required in order that the relationship of the buildings to adjacent property, open spaces and to other features of the development plan may be determined. Such drawings need only indicate the height, number of floors and exposures for access, light and air.
A plan indicating the arrangement and provision of off-street parking and off-street loading where required. Such a plan may be presented as a ratio of off-street parking and off-street loading area to building area when accompanied by a typical example indicating the feasibility of the arrangement proposed and when the areas where the example would be applied are shown on the drawing of the entire site. Any special traffic regulation facilities proposed or required to assure the safe function of the circulation plan shall also be shown.
A designation of the maximum building coverage of the site shall be indicated upon the site plan.
Screening and landscaping plan shall be required where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development in relation to adjacent property. Such plan shall when required include screening walls, ornamental planting, playgrounds, wooded areas to be retained, lawns and gardens if such are determined as necessary by the Town Council.
Any other information concerning the property as may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council.
Upon the filing of an application for a change in zoning with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall pay to the Town the basic filing fee established by the Town Council in an amount to cover all of the Town's costs including the cost of publication and mailing of notices and any outside engineering costs. An additional filing fee may be required if the applicant requests or causes a hearing to be rescheduled thereby causing additional costs for publication or otherwise.
The following words, when used in this ordinance, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the terms of this ordinance or where the context of this ordinance clearly indicates otherwise.
Accessory Building or Accessory Structure -
shall mean a subordinate building or structure, attached to or detached from the main building, and customarily incidental to the principal building.
Accessory Use -
shall mean a use subordinate to and incidental to the principal use.
Airport -
shall mean a landing facility for aircraft containing a minimum of sixty (60) acres and approved by the United States Federal Aviation Agency.
Alcoholic Beverage -
shall mean alcohol and any beverage defined as alcohol by the laws of the State of Texas.
Alley -
shall mean a public way, public space, or thoroughfare which affords only secondary means of access to property abutting thereon.
Amusement Park -
shall mean a lot, tract or parcel of land, or any improvement thereon, either temporary or permanent, used in whole or in part for the operation and maintenance of any game of skill or chance, any circus, carnival, any riding device or devices, stationary or movable, or any combination thereof, or any animal, any of which is operated for a profit.
Apartment -
shall mean a room or suite of rooms arranged, designed or occupied as a residence by a single family, individual or group of individuals.
Apartment House -
shall mean any building, or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied as three or more apartments or which is occupied as the home or residence of three or more families living independently of each other and maintaining separate cooking facilities.
Area of Lot -
shall mean the recorded area of the lot.
Attached -
shall mean having a substantial physical connection with the roof line of the first floor and not extending more than 20 feet from the side of the structure.
Automotive Repair Garage -
shall mean a garage or portion thereof in which automotive repair and maintenance takes place, but excluding the outdoor storage of automotive parts or inoperative automobiles.
Barn -
shall mean a large building for storage of farm products, for feed, and used for housing of farm animals or farm equipment.
Basement -
shall mean that portion of a building between floor and ceiling, which is partly below and partly above grade, but so located that the vertical distance from grade to floor below is greater than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling.
Bedroom -
shall mean a room other than a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom or closet. This item shall include extra dining rooms, living rooms, and all dens, studies, game rooms, sun rooms or similar extra rooms.
Blind Fence or Wall -
shall mean a fence or wall through which a person is unable to see standing (6) feet from such fence or wall at ground level.
Block -
shall mean an area within the Town enclosed by streets and occupied by or intended for buildings; or, if said word is used as a term of measurement, it shall mean the distance along a side of a street between the nearest two streets which intersect said street on said side.
Boarding House or Rooming House -
shall mean a building, other than a hotel, where lodging and meals are served for compensation.
Boarding School -
shall mean a place of instruction and training where four (4) or more pupils are housed over night and given the majority of their meals on the premises.
Breezeway -
shall mean a covered passage one story in height connecting a main structure and an accessory building.
Building -
shall mean any structure or building for the support, shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable property of any kind.
Building Line -
shall mean a line parallel or approximately parallel to the street line and beyond which buildings may not be erected.
Business Service -
shall mean a commercial use (other than retail sales and professional services) devoted to:
The fabrication, processing, assembly, cleaning, or repair of articles of goods, wares, merchandise, foods, liquids or plants, but excluding the manufacturing of such articles and automobile repair garages.
The instruction, training or physical treatment of animals, but excluding animal shelters or places where animals are kept on the premises overnight.
The providing of temporary abodes for transient persons, such as a hotel or motel.
The providing of food, drink or entertainment to persons.
Carnival -
shall mean a temporary traveling show or exhibition usually housed in tents and which has no permanent structure or installation.
Cellar -
shall mean that portion of building between floor and ceiling which is partly below and partly above grade, but so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is greater than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling.
Church -
shall mean the place of worship and religious training of recognized religions, including the on-site housing of ministers and families, priests, rabbis and nuns.
Circus -
shall mean a temporary traveling show or exhibition usually housed in tents and which has no permanent structure or installation.
Clinic -
shall mean an institution or facilities for examining, consulting with and treating patients, including offices, laboratories and out-patient facilities, but not including hospital beds and rooms for acute or chronic care.
Club -
shall mean an association of persons or promotion of some common object, such as literature, science or good fellowship, and jointly supported by its members and carries the privilege of exclusive use of a club building and premises.
Commercial -
shall mean any business, other than a customary home occupation or manufacturing business, which involves the exchange of goods or services for the remuneration of a person occupying the premises upon which the transaction or part thereof takes place.
Commercial Amusement -
shall mean an amusement enterprise offering entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee or charge.
Condominium -
means the separate ownership of single units or apartments in a multiple unit structure or structures with common elements as defined in Article 1301a, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann.
Convalescent Home -
shall mean any structure, other than a hospital, used for or occupied by persons recovering from illness or suffering from the infirmities of old age.
Corner Lot -
shall mean a lot situated at the junction of two or more streets.
Country Club -
shall mean an area of twenty (20) acres or more containing a golf course and a club house available only to membership of the country club and their guests, including facilities for dining and entertainment, swimming, tennis and similar recreational facilities and services.
Customary Agriculture Building -
shall mean a structure for storing or housing the usual products and animals raised or maintained on a farm, such as a barn, poultry house, stable, machinery shed or granary.
Customary Home Occupation -
See Home Occupations.
Day Nursery -
shall mean a place where children are left for care between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight.
Depth of Front Yard -
except where otherwise provided, shall mean the minimum distance from the front of a building to the front lot line.
Depth of Lot -
shall be defined as the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
Depth of Rear Yard -
shall be defined as the mean horizontal distance between the rear line of a building other than an accessory building and the rear lot line.
Detached -
shall mean having no physical connection above the top of the floor line of the first floor with any other building or structure.
District -
shall mean a section of the Town of Double Oak for which the regulations governing the area, height and use of buildings are uniform.
Duplex -
shall mean a detached building having separate accommodations for two single family dwellings or occupied by two families.
Dwelling -
shall mean an enclosed building or portion thereof having accommodations for only one family or occupied by one family.
Enclosed Building -
shall mean a structure which is floored, roofed and surrounded by outside walls, which contains no opening larger than 120 square feet in area normally open to the air and which contains no series of openings forming a divided opening larger than 120 square feet in area normally open to the air.
Family -
shall mean any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit interdependent upon one another.
Farm, Ranch, Garden, Orchard -
shall mean an area of three (3) acres or more which is used for the growing of usual farm products, vegetables, fruits, trees and grain and their storage as well as the raising of usual farm poultry and farm animals such as horses, cattle, sheep and swine, including dairy farms, with the necessary accessory uses for treating and storing the produce, but not including the commercial feeding of swine or other animals.
Fence -
shall mean a railing, wall or any other means of enclosure or separation, including, but not limited to: wood fencing such as post and rail, picket, trellis or panel; wire mesh and chain link; wrought iron or aluminum; stone or brick; or, plastic materials having similar appearance to any of the foregoing (barbed wire or above-ground electrified fences are permitted only in agricultural districts).
First Floor -
shall mean a floor and the space above it between the floor and the next floor or the ceiling or roof, the height of said space being no more than 5' below grade.
Four Unit Apartment House -
shall mean a detached building containing four single family attached dwellings.
Fraternity House -
shall mean a building used for a meeting place for men's organization which maintains sleeping accommodations for its members only or for a portion thereof.
Front Yard -
shall mean an open unoccupied space on a lot facing a street and extending across the front of a lot between the side yard lines.
Garage, Front Entry -
shall mean a structure or portion thereof for the accessory use of storing or parking of private motor vehicles owned by the occupant of the premises, located in front of or to the side of the living area, where the access thereto is from the front property line.
Garage, Side or Rear Entry -
shall mean a structure or portion thereof for the accessory use of storing or parking of private motor vehicles owned by the occupant of the premises, with the access or door facing the side or rear property line.
Garage, Public Storage or Public Storage Garage -
shall mean a building or portion thereof, not a private garage, constructed or used for the storage or parking of passenger motor vehicles and trucks less than one-ton capacity only, where the rental of space is on an hourly, weekly or monthly basis.
Gasoline Service Station -
shall mean a place or establishment where gasoline, oil, grease or motor vehicle accessories are sold, supplied, or dispensed to the retail motor vehicle trade.
Grade -
shall mean:
For buildings having walls adjoining one street only, it is the elevation of the sidewalk at the center of the wall adjoining the street.
For buildings having walls adjoining more than one street, it is the average of the elevation of the sidewalk at the center of all walls adjoining the street.
For buildings having no wall adjoining the street, it is the average level of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of the building.
Graphic Plan -
shall mean a map indicting the proposed areas of common land usage by generalized sketch.
Guest House -
shall mean a secondary structure on a lot containing dwelling accommodations, but excluding kitchen facilities, for the temporary occupancy by guests and not for rent or permanent occupancy, and such building not having a separate utility meter.
Half Story -
shall mean a story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least 2 exterior walls are not more than 2 feet above the floor of such story.
Height -
shall mean when referring to the height of a building or portion thereof, the measurement from the average established grade at the street lot line, or from the average natural ground level if higher, or if no street grade has been established, to the highest point of the roof's surface if a flat surface, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for hip and gable roofs. In measuring the height of buildings, the following structures shall be excluded: chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, radio towers, ornamental cupolas, domes or spires, and parapet walls not exceeding four (4) feet in height.
Home Occupations:
Customary Home Occupation -
shall mean an occupation or business conducted within a residential dwelling unit by a member of the occupants' family, without customers or the general public making more than two (2) visits per day to the dwelling; without the installation of machinery other than that customary adapted to usual household operation; without structural alteration to the dwelling or any of its rooms; without having a separate entrance for the business; where the activity employs only members of the immediate family of the resident of the dwelling; where there is no external evidence of the business occupation detectable from any lot line, including but not limited to, advertising signs, displays, smoke, dust, fumes, glare, vibration, electrical disturbance, storage of materials or equipment, traffic or the parking of vehicles in a manner evidencing conduct of the business.
Specific Use Home Occupation -
shall mean an occupation or business conducted within a residential dwelling unit by a member of the occupants' family, pursuant to a valid Specific Use Permit Zoning Classification that establishes conditions as to the frequency of visits by customers and the general public, and establishes conditions in regard to the installation and use of machinery not customary adapted to usual household operation; without structural alteration to the dwelling or any of its rooms; without having a separate entrance for the business; where the activity employs only members of the immediate family of the resident of the dwelling; where there is no external evidence of the business occupation detectable from any lot line, including but not limited to, advertising signs, displays, smoke, dust, fumes, glare, vibration, electrical disturbance, storage of materials or equipment, traffic or the parking of vehicles in a manner evidencing conduct of the business.
Hospital -
shall mean an institution or place where sick or injured in-patients are given medical or surgical care, at either public or private expense, but excluding institutions where persons suffering from permanent types of illness, injury, deformity or deficiency or age are given care and treatment on a prolonged or permanent basis.
Hotel or Motel -
shall mean a building or arrangement of buildings designed and occupied as temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or without meals, in which the rooms are usually occupied single for hire, in which there are not provisions for cooking in individual rooms or apartments.
Household Pets -
shall mean pets kept indoors.
Kindergarten -
shall mean school for children of preschool age, in which constructive endeavors, object lessons and helpful games are prominent features of the curriculum.
Loafing Shed -
a slight structure, built for shelter or storage, which is a single story building with one side unenclosed.
Lot -
shall mean a tract of land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, and including such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and having its principal frontage upon a public street or officially approved place.
Lot Coverage -
shall mean the total area of a lot upon which is placed a building, buildings or other structures.
Lot of Record -
a lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas, prior to the effective date of this ordinance.
Manufacturing Plant -
an establishment devoted to the fabrication, processing, assembling, cleaning or repair of articles, foods, liquids, and/or plants in a space of 15,000 square feet or greater, if in an enclosed building or in a space of 25,000 square feet or greater, if in an unenclosed or incompletely enclosed space.
Masonry -
shall mean brick or stone or stucco. As used herein, "stucco" shall mean exterior Portland cement, hand-applied in three (3) coats to a minimum thickness of 3/4 inches. Exposed or painted cement, concrete or cinder blocks, fiber cement siding or other materials of similar characteristics shall not be permitted or considered as masonry.
Mechanical Equipment -
any machinery designed or manufactured for permanent installation in one place, either outside of a building or inside of a mechanical equipment building or room, driven by a motor or motors of more than five (5) horsepower or more.
Minimum Square Footage of Dwelling Unit -
shall mean the minimum square footage of living space required per dwelling unit, excluding porches, patios, or areas designated for automobile parking.
Mobile Home -
any vehicle used or manufactured to be used as a temporary or permanent dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons, and having no foundation other than wheels, jacks or skirting so arranged as to be integral to or portable by the vehicle, and shall include self-propelled and non-self-propelled vehicles so designed, constructed, reconstructed or added to by means of accessories in such manner as will permit the occupancy thereof as a temporary or permanent dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons.
Mobile Home Park -
any lot, tract or parcel of land used in whole or in part for the parking of mobile homes used for or to be used as a temporary or permanent dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons by the day or week, or for a longer period of time with or without compensation and where parking facilities are provided for one or more automobiles and mobile homes to be used for temporary or permanent dwellings.
Motor Freight Terminal -
an establishment which charges for the transportation of goods by motor truck from one city to another, designed for storing and handling of goods so transported or to be transported, and for the parking, storing and maintenance of motor trucks engaged in such transportation.
Multi-Family Dwelling -
a building or buildings containing or aggregating more than four single family dwelling units.
New Car Showroom -
an establishment of a dealer of new automobiles, authorized by the manufacturers of the automobiles.
Non-Commercial -
pertaining to an enterprise which provides goods and/or services only to its members, stockholders or shareholders and their guests, and which returns all profits from the operation, if any, to the members, stockholders or shareholders, in accordance with their share of investment.
Non-Conforming Use -
a building, structure or use of land lawfully occupied at the time of the effective date of this ordinance or amendments hereto, and which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is situated.
Nursing Home -
an institution where persons suffering from generally permanent types of illness, injury, deformity, or deficiency of age are given care and treatment on a prolonged or permanent basis, and which is licensed by the State of Texas or the Town of Double Oak.
Office -
a place where the transaction of business occurs exclusive of retail sales and transfer of goods, manufacturing and storage of commodities.
Off-Street Parking -
hard all-weather surface areas upon which automobiles may be parked and which area has access to a public street.
Old Persons Home -
an institution where those persons suffering from generally permanent or prolonged types of illness or deficiency resulting from old age are given care and treatment on a prolonged or permanent basis, and which is licensed by the State of Texas or the Town of Double Oak.
Open Space -
shall be all land designated for the recreational enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area.
Outdoor Advertising Sign -
a signboard advertising a service, commodity, goods, wares, merchandise or opinion not sold or offered to the public at the site upon which the signboard is located.
Outside Storage -
the storage of commodities, goods and/ or refuse outside of an enclosed building.
Perimeter Plan -
a map indicating the proposed areas of common land usage on a tract of land three hundred (300) feet in depth adjacent to and within the total perimeter of the district.
Premises -
a piece of land or real estate owned, rented, leased, used or occupied distinct from those adjacent by virtue of different ownership, rental lease, usage or occupancy.
Principal Structure -
a building or structure, the use of which is a principal use.
Principal Use -
a use which, in comparison with another use occurring on the same property, has the greatest effective producing power.
Private -
excluding those who have not been invited.
Private Club -
a social organization to which membership is by invitation only, and its meeting place in which only members and their guests are permitted, but excluding private clubs in which alcoholic beverages are stored, possessed or consumed.
Professional Service -
work performed by a member of a profession licensed as a profession by the State of Texas.
Public -
promotion of a public cause or service, including utilities having a franchise from the town of Double Oak, but excluding other profit-making organizations.
Railroad Yards -
a place for the storage of railway cars, boxcars and engines.
Railway Freight Station -
an establishment which charges for the transport of goods by railway from one city to another, designed for storing and handling of goods so transported or to be so transported, but excluding the outside storage of railway cars, boxcars and engines.
Rear Yard -
a space unoccupied by a principal structure extending for the full width of the lot between a principal structure and the rear lot line.
Religious Institution -
shall be held to include a church as defined herein.
Retail Store -
a place where goods, wares, merchandise and commodities are sold and transferred directly to the purchaser or consumer in small quantities such as by the single yard, pound, gallon, or single articles as opposed to wholesale trade.
Rooming House -
an establishment which provides upon a rental basis, either permanently or for a prolonged period of time, abiding places for single people in single rooms, but which does not provide temporary abode for transient persons.
Salvage Yard -
the outside storage of refuse and the recovery of usable portions of same.
Servants Quarters -
an accessory dwelling located on a lot with a main residence structure and used as living quarters for persons employed on the premises only, and not for rent or use as a separate domicile of other than persons employed on the premises, and with no separate utility meters.
Shed -
a slight structure, built for shelter or storage, which is a single story building with one or more sides unenclosed.
Side Yard -
an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, situated between the building and the side line of the lot, and extending through from the street or from the front yard to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front line shall be deemed a side line.
Single Family Attached Unit -
a portion of an enclosed building having accommodations for and occupied by only one family, attached to like units, which units may be sold individually provided that the entire building meets all lot, area, front yard, side yard, rear yard, height and other zoning requirements.
Single Family Dwelling -
an enclosed building having accommodations for and occupied by only one family, which building must of itself meet all the lot, area, front yard, side yard, rear yard, height and other zoning requirements and may include an attached private garage.
Sorority House -
a meeting place for a women's organization, which maintains sleeping accommodations for its members or a portion thereof, but its members only.
Specific Use Home Occupation -
See Home Occupations.
Stable -
an accessory building for quartering horses on a farm or lot when set back from adjacent property lines a minimum distance per requirements of zone in which constructed.
Story -
that portion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above.
Street -
any public thoroughfare dedicated to the public and not designated as an alley.
Street Right-of-Way -
shall mean a street, including its pavement and all the publicly owned property adjacent to it, dedicated for street purposes.
Structural Alterations -
shall mean any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders.
Townhouse -
shall mean a single family attached dwelling on a separately platted lot which is joined at another dwelling unit on one or more sides by a party wall or abutting walls and occupied by not more than one family.
Triplex -
shall mean a detached building containing three single family dwellings attached.
Warehousing -
shall mean storage in an enclosed building 5,000 square feet in area or larger, of articles, foods, liquids and/or plants including all necessary office and/or sales spaces, but not including motor terminal facilities or railway freight station facilities.
Wholesale Business -
shall mean a commercial use devoted to the sale of goods and commodities in large lots to retail outlets and stores and manufacturers.
Width of Lot -
shall mean the distance between the side property lines measured at the building nearest the front property line at the property line, measuring parallel to the front property line, perpendicular to a side line, or perpendicular to a line bisecting the angle between two side lines, whichever is least.
Width of Side Yard -
shall mean the least distance between a side wall of a building and the side line of the lot.
Well -
shall mean any excavation and the associated equipment used to extract liquid or gas from the earth.
Well House -
shall mean any structure intended to cover the equipment associated with a well.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
By the passage of this Ordinance, no presently illegal use shall be deemed to have been legalized unless specifically such use falls within a use district where the actual use is a conforming use. Otherwise, such uses shall remain nonconforming uses where recognized, or an illegal use, as the case may be. It is further the intent and declared purpose of this Ordinance that no offense committed, and no liability, penalty, or forfeiture, either civil or criminal, incurred prior to the time the existing zoning ordinance was repealed and this Zoning Ordinance adopted, shall be discharged or affected by such repeal; but prosecutions and suits for such offenses, liabilities, penalties, or forfeitures may be instituted or causes presently pending proceeded with in all respects as if such prior ordinance had not been repealed. Any pending civil litigation filed prior to the time the existing zoning ordinance was repealed and this Zoning Ordinance adopted that involves rights or duties in regard to the repealed ordinance shall proceed in all respects as if such prior ordinance had not been repealed and this ordinance had not been adopted.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Town of Double Oak Zoning Ordinance No. 37, adopted on February 27, 1988, is specifically repealed.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be punished by a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense continues shall constitute a new and separate offense.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)
All provisions of the comprehensive zoning ordinances of the Town of Double Oak in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. An offense committed before the effective date of this ordinance is governed by the prior law and the provisions of the comprehensive zoning ordinances of the Town of Double Oak, as amended, in effect when the offense was committed and the prior law is continued in effect for this purpose. Should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part hereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, and the same shall not affect the validity of the comprehensive zoning ordinances as a whole. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provide.
(Ordinance 37 adopted 2/27/88)