A fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per peddler or solicitor shall be paid to the city per year.
A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per agent of the peddler or solicitor shall be paid to the city each year.
No fee shall be required of those peddlers solicitors engaging in interstate commerce and any other activity where a city permit is preempted by a permit issued by the state; however, all other provisions of article 4.02 of this code shall apply .
(Ordinance 1571 adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 1696 adopted 8/15/2023)
Towing charges.
The charges allowed for towing within the city limits originated by the city police department shall be as provided for in the police-authorized tow agreement on file in the office of the city secretary.
Storage of vehicle.
The charges allowed for storage of vehicles resulting from calls originated by the city police department shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per twenty-four (24) hour period or part thereof.
Permit fee.
For auto wrecker permits, one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) each.
(Ordinance 1571 adopted 9/18/18)
A fee in the maximum amount allowed by state law is hereby adopted and imposed upon each original or renewal license or permit issued to sell alcoholic beverage.
A fee imposed under this section shall be collected for each license or permit issued regardless of whether the amount of the fee is set forth in this fee schedule.
Annual fee for wine and beer retailers off-premises: $60.00.
Annual fee for mixed beverage permit: $375.00 (pursuant to section 11.38(d) of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, the annual fee for a mixed beverage permit shall not be charged during the three (3) year period following issuance of the permit).
(Ordinance 1571 adopted 9/18/18)
The annual fee for a carriage operator license shall be $100.00.
(Ordinance 1712 adopted 3/19/2024)