It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, or permit to be kept upon premises under his control, any hog or pig within the city, except that hogs and pigs being held for slaughtering purposes may be kept within the city for a period not exceeding forty-eight (48) hours.
Subsection (a) shall not apply to hogs or pigs being kept by an individual as a project animal for the purposes of raising and showing in Future Farmers of America, 4-H, and related events.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep more than two (2) hogs or two (2) pigs within the city in lots or pens.
Lots and pens within the city wherein hogs and pigs are kept shall not be within three hundred (300) feet of any dwelling house without the written consent of the owner or occupant thereof. Such lots and pens shall be drained and kept free from all decaying substances and shall be subject to inspection by the city manager or health officer and, if deemed advisable on complaint, shall be condemned and abated as any other nuisance.
This section shall not apply to hogs or pigs placed in any pen of a railroad yard or transportation company for purposes of shipment.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-31)
It shall be unlawful for any person who is the owner or keeper of any livestock to permit such animal to run at large or to stake or otherwise tie or make fast by rope or otherwise any such animal so that the animal may be in and upon any street or alley within the city.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-32)
Any person owning or keeping any livestock or domestic fowl within the city shall be required to keep such livestock or domestic fowl adequately penned in an enclosure sufficiently secure to prevent escape.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-33)
It shall be unlawful for the owner, keeper or person in control of any chicken or other domestic fowl to permit it to run at large in the city.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-34)
The chief of police, any police officer, or the animal control officer shall take up and impound, or cause to be impounded by the county livestock officer, any animal found in violation of this article and proceed with the sale of such animal unless redeemed by the owner or caretaker as provided in this section.
The chief of police or his authorized agent shall, after ten (10) days’ notice of the time, place and terms of sale posted in three (3) places in the city, sell any animal impounded under this section to the highest bidder for cash, rendering the surplus, if any, after payment of all costs, to the owner or his authorized agent.
The chief of police or his agent shall be allowed, for impounding and taking up any animal under this section, the fees established from time to time by the city council. All such fees when collected shall be paid into the general fund.
The chief of police or his authorized agent, having impounded an animal under this section, shall care for such animal while it is in his custody by providing adequate drinking water within the enclosure in which the animal is kept and by feeding the animal, beginning not later than twenty-four (24) hours after impounded and until redeemed or sold, a sufficient amount of the kind and quality of feed as is usually provided for such purposes, the cost of feeding to be paid by the city.
The chief of police or his authorized agent shall record a correct description of each animal impounded and sold under this section, giving the price at which sold, to whom sold and the amount of fees paid and charged. Such record shall be kept among the official records of the city for inspection by any citizen thereof.
The owner or caretaker of any animal impounded under this section shall have the right to have the animal released at any time before the sale thereof by paying all fees and costs accrued at that time, provided the chief of police is satisfied as to the claimant’s ownership. In case of doubt as to the ownership, the chief of police shall require the claimant to make affidavit before some officer authorized to administer oaths that he is the owner, or agent of the owner, of such animal.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-35)