The custodian (excluding animal shelters as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code, section 823.001) of each dog or cat shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies by 16 weeks of age. The animal must be vaccinated by or under the direct supervision of a veterinarian with rabies vaccine licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for that animal species at or after the minimum age requirement and using the recommended route of administration for the vaccine. The attending veterinarian has discretion as to when the subsequent vaccination will be scheduled as long as the revaccination due date does not exceed the recommended interval for booster vaccination as established by the manufacturer. The custodian shall retain each vaccination certificate until the animal receives a subsequent booster. Livestock (especially those that have frequent contact with humans), domestic ferrets, and wolf-dog hybrids should be vaccinated against rabies. The administration of a rabies vaccine in a species for which no licensed vaccine is available is at the discretion of the veterinarian; however, an animal receiving a rabies vaccine under these conditions will not be considered to be vaccinated against rabies virus in potential rabies exposure situations.
An official rabies vaccination certificate shall be issued for each animal by the veterinarian responsible for administration of the vaccine and contain the following information:
Custodian’s name, address, and telephone number;
Animal identification: species, sex (including neutered if applicable), approximate age, size (pounds), predominant breed and colors;
Vaccine used: product name, manufacturer, and serial number;
Date vaccinated;
Revaccination due date;
Rabies tag number if a tag is issued;
Veterinarian’s signature, signature stamp, or computerized signature, plus address and license number.
Each veterinarian who issues a rabies vaccination certificate, or the veterinary practice where the certificate was issued, shall retain a readily retrievable copy of the certificate for a period of not less than two years after the revaccination due date.
If a veterinarian ceases the practice of veterinary medicine, the duplicate rabies vaccination certificate retained by that practice shall be turned over to the local rabies control authority. This does not apply to the sale or lease of a practice, when the records of the practice are transferred to a new owner.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
The chief of police is designated as the local rabies control authority to enforce the provisions of the Rabies Control Act of 1981 (V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code, title 10, Health and Safety of Animals, chapter 826, Rabies).
The duties of the local rabies control authority shall include, but are not limited to, the enforcement of:
The provisions of the Rabies Control Act of 1981, and the rules of the state board of health which comprise the minimum standards for rabies control;
The ordinances of the city;
The rules adopted by the state board of health with regard to area quarantine provisions.
The city manager shall appoint such assistants to the local rabies control authority as may be required. It shall be the duty of the local rabies control authority or his designee to pick up and impound all dogs and cats, the owners of which have violated or are violating this article. Such officer shall keep and properly care for all dogs and cats impounded, humanely destroy all dogs and cats that have not been redeemed, and perform such other duties as may be directed under this article.
The local rabies control authority shall report in writing to the city manager once each month the total number of dogs and cats impounded, the total number of dogs and cats redeemed, and the total number of dogs and cats destroyed under this article.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-121; Ordinance adopting Code)
Whenever any animal subject to having rabies bites a person, the owner of the biting animal or the person observing the incident shall immediately report the incident to the local rabies control authority or animal control office. Any police officer or animal control officer shall complete an animal bite report. The animal making the attack shall be placed under observation, at the owner’s expense, for a period of ten (10) days (240 hours), from the time of the bite, and held in the animal shelter or a veterinary hospital operated by a licensed veterinarian within the county, except:
In cases where the animal bites a member of the immediate family of the owner and has been currently vaccinated for rabies and currently licensed by the city and the local rabies control authority has determined the owner has adequate facilities to prevent the animal’s escape and that the animal will be isolated from contact from any other family pet.
Any guard or police dog currently vaccinated and licensed, but only when the bite occurs in line of duty, and only if any lawful patrol or visitor of a business is not jeopardized by the guard dog during the hours said business is open to the public. Any guard or police dog currently vaccinated and licensed that is involved in a bite incident while in the performance of its guard or police duties shall be allowed to continue on duty under observation. Where an exception is granted, the owner of the animal shall be responsible for confining the animal so as to prevent further exposure to humans or other animals during the observation period.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-122)
The violation of observation confinement of the biting animal shall be just cause for seizure and confinement of the animal in the animal shelter of the city or a veterinary hospital operated by a licensed veterinarian.
No biting animal shall be released from observation unless a licensed veterinarian or local rabies control authority certifies in writing that the animal is not showing any symptoms of rabies and that the animal is vaccinated against rabies upon redemption. Exemption from placing such animal in the animal shelter or in a veterinary hospital shall not exempt such owner from securing a proper release as provided above.
Whenever any animal subject to having rabies bites a person and the owner or person in control of such animal fails, neglects or refuses to deliver such animal to the animal shelter or licensed veterinary clinic in the county as provided by section 2.04.002 and such fact is made known to the judge of the municipal court upon affidavit of a credible person, it shall be the duty of such judge to issue a written order directed to the animal control officer ordering him or her to seize such animal and deliver it to the animal shelter instanter.
Any person who resists or interferes with the officer in the enforcement of such order may be proceeded against under this chapter or the Penal Code of the state or by contempt proceedings in municipal court or all of these.
The owner of any animal confined in the animal shelter under the provisions of this section shall pay the quarantine fee as established from time to time by the city council. If the animal is confined in a veterinary hospital, the owner of the animal shall pay the fee established by that facility.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-123)
The animal control officer shall serve notice in writing upon an owner of a dog, cat, or other animal known to have been bitten by an animal known or suspected of being infected with rabies, requiring such owner to have the dog or other animal examined and treated within twenty-four (24) hours by a licensed veterinarian. In such cases that the biting animal is not captured and is high risk for rabies or is captured and tests positive for rabies, the owner of the animal bitten shall have the animal vaccinated against rabies and placed into isolation for the period of time according to its vaccination status at the time of the bite, as defined by state board of health rule 169.30 (Disposition of Animals Exposed to Rabies), or be humanely killed.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-124)
The heads of animals that have died of rabies or suspected of having rabies shall be turned over to the animal control officer for dispatch to an authorized laboratory for fluorescent rabies antibody testing.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-125)
Whenever a dog, cat, or other animal is infected with rabies or suspected of being infected with rabies or has been bitten by an animal known or suspected of being infected with rabies, the owner of the animal, or any person having knowledge thereof, shall immediately notify the animal control officer where the animal may be found.
(1988 Code, sec. 4-126)