There is hereby adopted by reference as the building code for the town, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations regarding all nonresidential buildings and structures in the town, that certain building code known as the International Building Code, 2009 edition. A copy of this code shall be kept on file in the office of the town secretary for reference and inspection.
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, erect, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the town, or cause same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of the International Building Code, 2009 edition.
For the purposes of this code, unless a particular section, subsection or clause places compliance responsibility upon a different person, the owner or tenant of the premises and the person, firm or corporation performing the work authorized by the building permit have the duty to insure that all applicable requirements of this code are complied with. The owner or tenant of the premises and the person, firm or corporation performing the work authorized by the building permit shall provide the applicable materials, methods of construction, standards and specifications required by this code. The failure of the owner or tenant or person, firm or corporation performing the work to so provide is a violation of this code and subjects the owner, the tenant and the person, firm or corporation to the penalty prescribed by this article.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 2 (3.101), adopted 5/23/07; Ordinance 15-007 adopted 6/8/15)
Building permits heretofore issued under existing ordinances shall be valid for the time and project for which they were issued; however, all permits, regardless of the date of issuance, shall expire one hundred twenty (120) days from April 9, 2007.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 2 (3.102), adopted 5/23/07)
Local amendments to the International Building Code as adopted by the town and as amended from time to time are not printed herein, but shall remain in full force and effect. Said amendments shall be available and on file in the office of the town secretary.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
Required; application.
Each contractor shall be required to maintain a registration with the town before performing any type of construction work regulated by the town’s building code. Each contractor shall furnish the building inspection department with the following information:
Contractor classification;
Company name;
Company mailing address;
Company telephone number;
Contact person for company;
Principal owner’s name and mailing address; and
Principal owner’s driver’s license number.
Annual registration fees shall be required for all contractors. The annual registration fee shall be established in this code and shall be payable at the town’s building inspection department. The fiscal year for the payment of registration begins on January 1 of each year and ends at midnight on December 31 of the same year.
The registration may be renewed for the ensuing calendar year by filing a new registration and payment as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) above. No refund shall be made in the event of the revocation or surrender of any such registration certificate.
Incomplete or incorrect information.
The registration of a contractor may be denied by the building official if the application is incomplete or incorrect, or the registration may be revoked by the building official if the registration is issued on the basis of incorrect information supplied by the contractor.
Suspension or revocation.
In the event of a contractor knowingly committing violations of town requirements, the building official may revoke or suspend a general contractor’s registration up to one year. After the one-year revocation, the contractor may reapply for registration as a new contractor as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
In the event that a contractor wishes to appeal the decision of the building official for denial, revocation, or suspension, the contractor shall file a written notice of appeal in the office of the building official within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice for denial, revocation, or suspension.
A hearing shall be held before the building board of appeals after the contractor has been given notice of the hearing by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date.
After the hearing, the contractor shall be notified in writing of the determination of the building board of appeals by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested.
Exemption for homeowners.
No such registration procedure shall be required for alteration or repair work to be performed on a residential structure when the person performing the alteration or repair work is the owner of the structure, has his legal residence there, and is not assisted by any other person for remuneration. The homeowner shall be automatically termed a registrant for the purposes of such a project without registration. Notwithstanding such relief from registration, all requirements for permits for the work and all other applicable provisions of this building code shall remain in force.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.104)
The work of demolishing any building shall not be commenced until dust control procedures and rat elimination methods are in place. The town administrator or designee shall require the permittee to submit plans and a complete schedule for demolition, rat elimination and dust control measures. No work shall be done until such schedule and measures are approved by the town administrator or designee.
(Ordinance 2009-269 adopted 2/9/09)