The laws of the state regulating the speed of vehicles shall be applicable upon all streets within this city, except as this chapter, as authorized by law, hereby declares and determines upon the basis of engineering and traffic investigation that certain speed regulations shall be applicable upon specified streets or in certain areas, in which event it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of any speed so declared when signs are in place giving notice thereof.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-156)
Where no hazard exists that requires lower speed to comply with state law, the maximum reasonable and prudent speed for vehicle operation as determined upon the basis of a traffic investigation study on city streets is thirty (30) miles per hour, and any excess speed of thirty (30) miles per hour shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and therefore unlawful.
Where no special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with state law, the maximum, reasonable and prudent safe speed for which operation as determined upon the basis of a traffic investigation study on city alleys is fifteen (15) miles per hour, and any speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and therefore unlawful.
This section shall not apply at specific city locations where the city council upon the basis of a traffic investigation study found and declared by ordinance a different speed to be the maximum, reasonable safe speed.
No person shall drive a vehicle on a street, highway, or alley at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having due regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing. Speed shall be controlled as necessary to avoid colliding with a person, vehicle, other conveyance or object upon such street, highway, or alley.
No person shall operate a vehicle upon a city street or alley exhibiting sudden vehicle speed or acceleration which produces noise, smoking tires, or causes one or more tires to lose contact with the surface of the street or alley.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
The city council may alter the maximum speed limits established by this article on any street or portion thereof within the city in accord with the provisions of V.T.C.A., Transportation Code, section 545.356. When no special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with state law, the maximum, reasonable and prudent safe speed for vehicle operation as determined upon the basis of a traffic investigation study on city streets as set out in the speed zone schedule below are those speeds set out in connection with specific streets, and any speed in excess of such speeds shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent, and therefore, unlawful.
Andy Taylor Road
Beginning north of U.S. 70, northbound traffic on Andy Taylor Road to U.S. Highway 194
South of U.S. Highway 194 for southbound traffic on Andy Taylor Road to U.S. Highway 70
Broadway Street
From 2nd St. to Southwest 19th St.
From Crestway St. to U.S. Hwy. 87
Columbia Street
From north city limit to West 27th St.
From West 27th St. to West 15th St.
From West 15th St. to a point 0.153 miles north of West 11th St.
From a point 0.153 miles north of West 11th St. to West 5th St.
From West 5th St. to West 3rd St.
From West 3rd St. to a point 0.104 miles south of West 2nd St.
From a point 0.104 miles south of West 2nd St. to south city limit
From southwest city limit to a point 0.096 miles south of West 2nd
From a point 0.096 miles south of West 2nd St. to West 3rd St.
From West 3rd St. to West 5th St.
From West 5th St. to a point 0.153 miles north of West 11th St.
From a point 0.153 miles north of West 11th St. to West 16th St.
From West 16th St. to West 27th St.
From West 27th St. to north city limit
Columbia Street, South
From Southwest 10th St. to a point 0.006 miles south of Southwest 10th St.
From a point 0.033 miles north of Lindberg St. to the south city limit
From south city limit to St. Louis St.
From St. Louis St. to a point 0.232 miles north of St. Louis St.
From a point 0.232 miles north of St. Louis St. to Southwest 8th St.
Columbia Street, Interstate
Hwy. 27 Business Route
Beginning at the point of intersection with the north city limit, a point 1.565 miles north of the point of intersection with the centerline of West 29th Street, the maximum speed limit for both southbound and northbound traffic for a distance of 1.465 miles, a point 0.100 miles north of the centerline of 29th Street
Thence for a distance of 0.308 miles, a point 0.105 miles north of the centerline of 24th Street
Thence for a distance of 0.671 miles, a point 0.162 miles north of the centerline of 13th Street
Thence for a distance of 0.277 miles, a point 0.065 miles north of the centerline of 11th Street intersecting from the west
Thence for a distance of 0.632 miles, a point 0.043 miles north of the centerline of west 4th Street
Thence for a distance of 0.319 miles, a point 0.219 miles north of the centerline of Southwest 3rd Street
Thence for a distance of 0.654 miles, a point 0.054 miles south of the centerline of Southwest 10th Street intersecting from the east
Thence for a distance of 0.404 miles, a point 0.220 miles north of the centerline of Southwest 20th Street
Thence as established by the state transportation commission’s Minute Order Number 107691 dated November 19, 1998, for a distance of 0.712 miles, a point 0.492 miles south of the centerline of Southwest 20th Street which corresponds with the south corporate limits of the city
Date Street
From 24th St. to 14th St.
From 14th St. to 8th St.
From 8th St. to 5th St.
Date Street
From the south city limit a distance of 0.250 miles
Thence for a distance of 0.200 miles to a point 0.050 miles south of the centerline of Oak St. to the west
Thence for a distance of 0.844 miles to East 2nd St.
North Date St. (FM 400)
From the centerline intersection of U.S. 70 (East 5th St.) for a distance of 0.260 miles to the centerline intersection of East 8th St.
Thence for a distance of 1.186 miles to the intersection with the north city limit, a point 0.010 miles north of the centerline of East 24th St.
North Date St. (FM 400)
From a point 0.010 miles north of the centerline of East 24th St. southerly a distance of 0.620 miles to the centerline intersection of East 14th St. from the west
Thence for a distance of 0.823 miles to the centerline intersection of U.S. 70 (East 5th St.)
South Date St.
From the centerline of East 5th St. 0.272 miles to the centerline of East 2nd St.
Thence for a distance of 0.844 miles to a point 0.055 miles south of the centerline of Oak St. to the west
Thence for a distance of 0.200 miles
Thence for a distance of 0.250 miles to the south city limit
Thence for a distance of 0.272 miles to U.S. 70 (East 5th St.)
Interstate I-27 service roads
Beginning at U.S. I-27 state mile post 27.830 (currently mile marker 49) of the West Frontage Road north one (1) mile to state mile post 28.830 (currently mile marker 50) within the north city limits, the maximum legal speed limit for both southbound and northbound traffic of said West Frontage Road
Beginning at U.S. I-27 state mile post 27.830 (currently mile marker 49) of the East Frontage Road north one (1) mile to state mile post 28.830 (currently mile marker 50) within the north city limits, the maximum legal speed limit for both southbound and northbound traffic of said East Frontage Road
Industrial Boulevard
Entire length
Joliet Street
Beginning 50 feet north of the centerline of the intersection of Joliet Street and West 32nd Street, northbound traffic to Industrial Boulevard
South of Industrial Boulevard for southbound traffic, to a point 50 feet north of the centerline of Joliet Street and West 32nd Street
Ennis Street
From 11th St. to Olton Rd.
From its intersection with the Olton Highway south to its intersection with S.W. 3rd St.
Quincy Street
NW city limits (Highland Rd.) for a distance of 0.872 miles
From that point to W. 24th Street
From W. 24th Street to W. 11th Street
From W. 11th Street to State Hwy. 70 (5th Street)
From the south edge of U.S. 70 (5th Street) south a distance of 0.553 miles to the north edge of FM 3466 (S.W. 3rd Street)
U.S. Highway 87 service roads
From U.S. Highway 87 to U.S. Highway 70
From U.S. Highway 70 to U.S. Highway 87
From U.S. Highway 87 to U.S. Highway 70
From U.S. Highway 70 to U.S. Highway 87
From U.S. Highway 87 to State Highway 194
From State Highway 194 to U.S. Highway 87
5th Street (U.S. 70, Olton Road)
From west city limits to a point 0.328 miles west of U.S. Highway 87
Thence a distance of 0.200 miles
Thence a distance of 0.620 miles to Ennis Street
From Ennis St. to Columbia Street (2.021 miles)
From Columbia St. to Ash Street (0.293 miles)
From Ash St. to Elm St. (0.285 miles)
Thence a distance of 0.534 miles
Thence a distance of 0.115 miles to the east city limits
From east city limits to a point 0.099 miles east of Milwee St.
Thence a distance of 0.534 miles to Elm St.
From Elm St. to Ash St. (0.285 miles)
From Ash St. to Columbia St. (0.293 miles)
From Columbia St. to Ennis St. (2.021 miles)
Thence a distance of 0.620 miles to a point 0.128 miles west of U.S. Hwy. 87
Thence a distance of 0.200 miles
Thence a distance of 0.246 miles to west city limits
6th Street
From Columbia St. to Joliet St.
11th Street
From its intersection with the west boundary line of Date St. west to its intersection with Ennis St.
Thence from Ennis St. west to the intersection of Jefferson St.
24th Street
From east city limit to west city limit
Grandview Drive
From the intersection of Grandview Dr. and the Olton Highway thence in a southwesterly direction along Grandview Dr. for a distance of 721 feet
Beginning at a point on Grandview Dr. 721 feet south of the intersection of Grandview Dr. and the Olton Highway, thence to the west end of Grandview Dr. at its intersection with the Highway I-27 service road
S.W. 3rd (FM 3466)
Beginning at the west right-of-way of I-27 and extending east for a distance of 0.927 miles
Thence east for a distance of 0.833 miles
Thence east for a distance of 0.0502 miles
Thence east for a distance of 0.487 miles to the point of intersection with the west right-of-way line of Business I-27 (Columbia Street)
S.W. 3rd (FM 3466)
Eastbound and westbound
Beginning at the west right-of-way line of the grade separation for S.W. 3rd Street, for a distance of 0.927 miles, a point 900 feet east of the centerline of Ennis Street
Thence for a distance of 1.335 miles, this point being the centerline of Joliet Street extending to the north
Thence for a distance of 0.487 miles, this point being the west right-of-way line of Business I-27 (Columbia Street)
FM 3466
Beginning at I-27 exchange and the west city limits on S.W. 3rd (west end of FM 3466 and I-27 crossover bridge) and running the full length of FM 3466 to FM 400 (Date Street and SE 4th Street), for vehicles traveling eastward on FM 3466 is as follows:
Point (1): From the west city limits (west side of I-27 overpass) eastward for 0.200 miles to point (2)
Point (2): From point (2) eastward for 0.450 miles to point (3)
Point (3): From point (3) eastward for 1.406 miles to point (4)
Point (4): From point (4) for 0.590 miles to point (5)
Point (5): From point (5) for 0.433 miles to Date Street (FM 3466)
FM 3466
Beginning at Date Street (FM 3466) and running the full length of FM 3466 to the west side of I-27 overpass and to the city limit, for vehicles traveling westward on FM 3466 from Date Street is as follows:
Point (1): From FM 400 (Date Street and S.E. 4th Street) westward for 0.617 miles to point (2) on FM 3466
Point (2): From point (2) westward for 0.406 miles to point (3)
Point (3): From point (3) westward for 1.406 miles to point (4)
Point (4): From point (4) westward for 0.450 miles to point (5)
Point (5): From point (5) westward for 0.200 miles to the city limits
Westridge Road
Northbound and southbound
Beginning at the south right-of-way line of the grade separation for U.S. Highway 70 (north city limits on Westridge Road) to the south city limits of Westridge Road
(2000 Code, sec. 24-158; Ordinance 08-3500, sec. I, adopted 8/12/08; Ordinance adopting Code)
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-159)
The portion or portions of the streets of the city hereinafter described and designated are hereby declared to be school zones:
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter or any type of motor vehicle which is self-propelled at speeds greater than twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of each week on the following portions of the following streets:
West Alpine Drive between West Crestway Street and the intersection of West
Alpine Drive and Columbia Street by Hillcrest School.
18th Street between Independence Street and Joliet Street (Lakeside School).
Independence Street between 18th Street and 20th Street (Lakeside School).
Joliet Street between 18th Street and 20th Street (Lakeside School).
16th Street between Quincy Street and Smythe Street (High School).
Provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, or any type motor vehicle which is self-propelled at a speed greater than 20 (twenty) miles per hour between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week on the following portions of the following streets:
11th Street between Oakland Street and Raleigh Street (Highland).
10th Street between Portland Street and Quincy Street (Highland).
Portland Street between 10th Street and 11th Street (Highland).
32nd Street between Joliet Street and Lexington Street (Thunderbird).
Lexington Street between 31st Street and 32nd Street (Thunderbird).
Joliet Street from 24th Street to 26th Street (Coronado).
Ash Street between 9th Street and 10th Street (Ash).
9th Street between Ash Street and Beech Street (Ash).
20th Street between Utica Street and Yonkers Street (Estacado).
Southwest Fifth Street between South Garland Street and South Ennis Street (PCA).
South Ennis Street from the north curbline of the intersection of South Ennis Street and Southwest Fifth Street hence 750 feet south (PCA).
That portion of South Ennis Street from the south curb of the intersection of South Ennis Street and S.W. 3rd Street, south to the north curb of the intersection of South Ennis Street and S.W. 5th Street (PCA).
That portion of Quincy Street from 10 feet north of the centerline of West 10th Street to 10 feet north of the centerline of West 12th Street.
That portion of West 24th Street from the radius of the northeast corner of 24th Street and Joliet Street to within a distance of 460 feet east of said intersection (24th Street and Joliet Street), and within the same distance (460 feet) to the west from the same intersection of 24th Street and Joliet Street.
The necessity to change the time providing for the hours of maximum speed limit for the operation of motor vehicles was brought about by the fact that some schools do not have children leaving the school grounds during the 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. time period.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, or any type of motor vehicle which is self-propelled at a speed greater than 25 miles per hour when the school zone traffic signal control light is flashing on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of each week on the following portions of the following streets:
South Broadway Street beginning at the north curbline of the intersection of South Broadway and West Crestway Street, north a distance of 192 feet, and beginning at the south curbline of this intersection of South Broadway Street and West Crestway Street, south, a distance of 114 feet (Hillcrest School).
Texas 194 (Quincy Street) between West 13th Street and West 16th Street (high school).
(2000 Code, sec. 24-160)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle which is self-propelled, automobile or motorcycle on the following designated portions of streets in Broadway Park and Running Water Draw Regional Park at a speed greater than twenty (20) miles per hour:
Broadway Park:
Ash Street between East 1st and Southeast 1st Streets;
Beech Street between East 1st and Southeast 4th Streets;
Southeast 1st Street between Broadway and Beech Streets;
Southeast 2nd Street between South Beech and Date Streets.
Running Water Draw Regional Park:
West 4th Street between Garland Street, West, and the end of 4th Street.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-161)
The chief of police, by and with the approval of the city council, is authorized to regulate the timing of traffic signals so as to permit the movement of traffic in an orderly and safe manner at speeds slightly at variance from the speeds otherwise applicable within the district or at intersections, and shall erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-162; Ordinance adopting Code)