The city council, by this adoptive ordinance, hereby implements Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.20)
Creation; general authority.
The building and standards commission is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044. The commission is established to hear and determine cases concerning alleged violations of the ordinances of the city relating to:
The preservation of public safety, relating to the materials or methods used to construct a building or improvement, including the foundation, structural elements, electrical wiring or apparatus, plumbing and fixtures, entrances or exits;
The fire safety of a building or improvement, including provisions relating to materials, types of construction or design, warning devices, sprinklers or other fire suppression devices, availability of water supply for extinguishing fires, or location, design or width of entrances or exits;
Dangerously damaged or deteriorated buildings or improvements;
Conditions caused by accumulation of refuse, vegetation or other matter that creates breeding and living places for insects and rodents; and/or
A building code, or to the condition, use or appearance of property in the city.
Composition, appointment and terms of members.
Members of the commission shall be comprised of the members of the city's board of adjustment, and shall be appointed by the city council.
The commission shall be composed of five members, with two alternate members, consistent with composition on the board of adjustment.
Appointments shall be for terms of two years, except any first appointment may be for a one-year term in order to continue the staggered two-year terms of the commission. Each member's term shall run concurrently with such member's term on the board of adjustment, which shall begin and end at the same time. A member may not serve more than two (2) consecutive, full terms.
The commission shall hold its meetings on the call of the chairperson, upon written request of at least one member of the commission or at the request of the city council.
All meetings shall be open to the public.
A majority of members of the commission shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of the members of the commission must hear a case.
Chairperson and vice-chairperson.
The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be selected by the members of the commission.
After the initial selection of chairperson and vice-chairperson, the election shall be conducted following the annual appointment of new members.
The members of the commission may appoint one of its members to be secretary to the commission, or the city council may appoint a non-member to be secretary. The secretary shall keep a record of the cases, activities and actions of the commission and its determinations, give notice of the date and time of hearings and perform such other duties as are consistent with or may be necessary for the enforcement of this division, as required by the commission.
Required vote.
A majority vote of the members voting on a matter shall be necessary to take any action on a matter before the commission.
Adoption of other rules.
The commission may adopt other rules, in accordance with this section and pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044, necessary to establish procedures for use in hearings, providing ample opportunity for presentation of evidence and testimony by respondents or person opposing charges brought by the municipality or its building officials relating to alleged violations of ordinances.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.21; Ordinance 2019-25 adopted 8/13/19; Ordinance 2023-27 adopted 4/11/2023)
The building and standards commission shall have the quasi-judicial authority authorized by Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044, and chapter 214 (as described in chapter 3, article 3.03 of this Code of Ordinances), to enforce the health and safety ordinances of the city.
The building and standards commission may:
Order the repair, within a fixed period, of a building found to be in violation of a city ordinance;
Have the quasi-judicial authority authorized by state rule to enforce the health and safety ordinances of the city;
Order, in an appropriate case, the immediate removal of persons or property found on private property, enter on private property to secure the removal if it is determined that conditions exist on the property that constitute a violation of an ordinance, and order action to be taken as necessary to remedy, alleviate or remove any existing substandard building;
Issue orders or directives to any peace officer of the state, including a sheriff or constable or the chief of police of the city, to enforce and carry out the lawful orders or directives of the commission;
Determine the amount and duration of the civil penalty the city may recover against the owner or owner’s representative with control over the premises on proof that the party was actually notified of the provisions of the ordinance and, after receiving notice of the ordinance provisions, the party committed acts in violation of the ordinance or failed to take action necessary for compliance with the ordinance, the civil penalty not to exceed $1,000.00 a day for the violation of an ordinance, except not to exceed $5,000.00 per day for a violation of an ordinance relating to point source effluent limitations or the discharge of a pollutant, other than from a non-point source, into a sewer system, including a sanitary or stormwater sewer system, owned or controlled by the city, all as provided by Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, section 54.017.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.22; Ordinance 2023-27 adopted 4/11/2023)
The city code enforcement officer or other person as may be appointed by the city administrator shall present the cases coming before the commission.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.23)
Notice of all proceedings before the commission must be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the record owner of the affected property and each holder of a recorded lien against the affected property, as shown by the records of the office of the county clerk in which the affected property is located if the address of the lienholder can be ascertained from the deed of trust establishing the lien or other applicable instruments on file in the office of the county clerk; and to all unknown owners, by posting a copy of the notice on the front door of each improvement situated on the affected property or as close to the front door as practical.
The notice shall be mailed and posted before the tenth day before the date of the hearing before the commission and must state the date, time and place of the hearing.
In addition, the notice must be published in the official newspaper of the city on one occasion before the tenth day before the date fixed for the hearing.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.24)
The commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member on each question or the fact that a member is absent or fails to vote. The commission shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions.
The minutes and records shall be filed immediately in the office of the commission as public records.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.25)
A determination by the commission which involves the establishment of an amount and duration of a civil penalty shall be final and binding and constitute prima facie evidence of the penalty in any court of competent jurisdiction in a civil suit brought by the city for final judgment in accordance with the established penalty.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.26)
The city secretary shall file with the district clerk of the county in which the municipality and property is located a certified copy of the order of the commission establishing the amount and duration of any civil penalty.
Thereafter, pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044, no other proof shall be required for a district court to enter a final judgment on the penalty. Also, pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, section 54.040, an abstract of judgment lien may be issued.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.27)
Any persons jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of the commission may present a petition to a district court, duly verified, setting forth that the decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the legality [illegality]. The petition must be presented to the court within 30 calendar days after the date a copy of the final decision of the commission is mailed by first class mail, return receipt requested, to all persons to whom notice is required to be sent.
The commission shall mail the copy promptly after the decision becomes final. In addition, a copy shall be published one time in the official newspaper of the city within ten calendar days after the date of the mailing of the copy, as herein provided, and a copy shall be filed in the office of the city secretary.
On presentation of the petition, the court may allow a writ of certiorari pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, sections 54.031 through 54.044. If no appeals are taken from the decision of the commission within the required period, the decision of the commission shall, in all things, be final and binding.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.28)
Action taken by the city under this division shall not affect the ability of the city to proceed under the jurisdiction of the city’s municipal court.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.29)