(Ordinance 2023-123 adopted 11/14/2023)
Drainage Utility Fees
The drainage utility fee set forth in this section shall be collected through the city's bill for public utilities pursuant to the act.
Impervious Area: Fee Assessed
• Drainage utility fees shall be charged based on a property's contribution to the public drainage utility system. The contribution shall be based on the impervious area for the property.
• The drainage utility fee, payable monthly, shall be established with respect to all property within the city according to the following schedule.
Single-Family Residential
Tier 1 (smallest 20%, 0-3,750 sf IA)
Tier 2 (middle 60%, 3,750-6,400 sf IA)
Tier 3 (largest 20%, > 6,400 sf IA)
Non Single-Family Residential
Monthly rate per ERU
*ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) = 5,000 sf impervious area.
A minimum charge of one (1) ERU shall be applied to each nonexempt non-single-family residential developed property, regardless of classification.
Impervious Exemptions
• Property held and maintained in its natural state, until such time that the property is developed and all of the public infrastructure constructed has been accepted by the city in which the property is located for maintenance;
• A subdivided lot, until a structure has been built on the lot and a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the city;
• Property with proper construction and maintenance of a wholly sufficient and privately-owned drainage system;
○ State property;
○ City property;
○ County property;
○ School district property;
○ Tax-exempt religious institution property; and Public or private institutions of
○ higher education property.