The municipal government for the City of Celina shall be a “Council-Manager Government.” Except as otherwise provided by this Charter and the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas, all powers conferred on the City shall be exercised by a City Council to be composed of a Mayor and six (6) Council Members in places 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 elected by qualified voters for a term of three (3) years. There shall be no limits on the number of successive terms the Mayor or Council Members may serve.
The City of Celina shall be a Home Rule City under the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas and shall have all powers, functions, rights, privileges, and immunities of every kind and nature granted to a Home Rule City under Article XI, Section 5, of the Constitution of the state of Texas, known as the Home Rule Amendment, and all other laws passed by the Legislature of the state of Texas relating thereto, or which may hereafter be passed by said Legislature in relation to such matters including, but not limited to the following powers:
To assess, levy, and collect taxes for general and special purposes on all lawful subjects of taxation.
To fix and regulate the rates of gas, water, electricity, and other utilities, and to regulate and fix the fares, tolls, and charges of local telephones and exchanges, public carriers and motor vehicles where they are transporting passengers, freight or baggage, and generally to fix and regulate the rates, tolls, or charges and the kind of service of all public utilities of every kind, unless otherwise required by State law.
To sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with, to buy, sell, lease, mortgage, hold, manage, and control such property as its interests require.
To make and enforce all police, health, sanitary and other regulations, and pass such ordinances as may be expedient for maintaining and promoting the peace, good government, and welfare of the City, for the performance of the functions thereof, for the order and security of its inhabitants, and to protect the peace, lives, health, and property of such inhabitants, and to provide suitable penalties for the violation of any ordinance enacted by the City.
To borrow money on the faith and credit of the City by the issue or sale of bonds, warrants, certificates of obligation, notes or other securities authorized by the laws of the state of Texas.
To acquire, by purchase, gift or devise, or by the exercise of the right of condemnation, and own, in fee simple or otherwise, either public or private property located inside or outside of the corporate limits of the City for the extension, improvement and enlargement of its waterworks system, including riparian rights, water supply reservoirs, stand pipes, watersheds, dams, and the laying, building, maintenance and construction of water mains, rights-of-way in connection therewith, and the laying, erection, establishment or maintenance of any necessary appurtenances or facilities which will furnish to the inhabitants of the City an abundant supply of wholesome water; for sewerage plants and systems; rights-of-way for water and sewer lines; parks, playgrounds, fire stations, police stations, incinerators or other garbage disposal plants; streets, boulevards, and alleys or other public ways; municipal buildings, garages and parking facilities, or any rights-of-way needed in connection with any property used for any purpose hereinabove named; for the straightening or improving of the channel of any stream, branch or drain or for any other municipal or public purpose though not specifically enumerated in this Charter.
To institute and prosecute suits without giving security therefor, and appeal from judgments of the courts without giving supersedeas or cost bonds, other bonds or security whatsoever.
To have the exclusive right to erect, own, maintain and operate a waterworks and sanitary system for the use of said City and its inhabitants and to regulate the same, including the right to prescribe rates for water and sanitary sewer services, and to make such rules and regulations as the council may deem expedient, including the power to extend water and sanitary sewer lines and assess a portion or all of the cost therefore and affix a lien against the property and the owner thereof, and do anything whatsoever necessary to operate and maintain said waterworks and to compel the owners of all property and the agents of such owners to pay all charges for water and sanitary sewer services furnished.
To acquire property within or without its boundaries or within boundaries of other municipalities for any public purpose, in fee simple or lesser interest or estate, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, or condemnation when necessary or desirable to carry out any of the powers conferred upon it by this Charter or by the Constitution and the laws of the state of Texas.
To sell, lease, hold, manage, control and police any property now owned by it or which it may hereafter acquire, and shall have the right to lease or let its property whether inside or outside of the corporate limits of the City subject to any limitations set forth in state law or this Charter.
To lay out, open, close, establish, alter, widen, lower, extend, grade, supervise, maintain, and improve streets, alleys, and parks, and to regulate the use thereof and require removal of all obstructions or encroachments of every nature and character upon said public streets, sidewalks or other public property.
To create offices, determine the method for selection of officers, and prescribe the qualifications, duties, and tenure of office for officers.
To appropriate the money of the City for all lawful purposes to create, for, construct, regulate, and maintain public works, public improvements of any nature, economic development and to furnish municipal services as may be provided by resolution or ordinance of the City Council, or as required by law.
(Amended 5/7/16)
The enumeration of particular powers in the Charter shall not be held or deemed to be exclusive, but in addition to the powers enumerated herein, implied thereby, or appropriate to the exercise thereof, the City shall have and may exercise all other powers which under the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas it would be competent for the Charter specifically to enumerate.