For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
All domesticated members of the canine family, but not including wolves, jackals, foxes, coyotes, or any other wild or dangerous member of such family.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.40)
All dogs six (6) months of age or over within the city are required to be immunized against rabies as required in 25 Texas Administrative Code section 169.29 by a licensed veterinarian and by a means of any standard vaccine as approved by the federal government for the prevention of rabies. The licensed veterinarian who administers such vaccine shall issue to the owner or person having such dog vaccinated a certificate of vaccination, stating the name of the owner, the address where the dog is kept, description of the dog, date of the vaccination, the number of the rabies vaccination tag, and the kind of vaccine used. The veterinarian shall also furnish to the owner of such animal a metal tag, one side of which is stamped “rabies vaccine administered” or a similar phrase and the year of vaccination. Such tag at all times shall be securely attached to a collar or to a harness around the neck and/or body of the dog.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.41; Ordinance adopting Code)
It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer of any dog over the age of six months to harbor or permit such dog within the city limits without registering the dog with the city by completing a form provided by the animal control officer. The form shall require that the owner or harborer provide the name, address and phone number of the owner, and the age, breed and sex of the dog.
There shall be no fee for the registration, but the owner or harborer of an unregistered dog found to be in violation of section 2.05.005 shall be fined twice the standard fine for violation of section 2.05.005, established by the judge of the city municipal court.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.42)
Upon payment of the annual registration fee required by section 2.05.003, the city shall furnish the owner of the registered dog a metal tag of distinctive design with the year for which the fee has been paid and the serial number of the tag. Such tag at all times shall be securely attached to a collar or harness around the dog upon which the registration fee has been paid.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.43)
It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in possession or control of any dog to permit such dog to run at large upon the streets, alleys, or any public place within the city. Every dog at all times shall be:
Under the control of its owner, a member of the owner’s family, or the owner’s servant or agent, by means of a leash or chain of sufficient strength and length to control the actions of the dog; or
Confined to the premises of the owner by a substantial fence of sufficient strength and height to prevent the dog from escaping therefrom, or inside the house or other humane structure to prevent the animal from leaving the premises. It shall be unlawful for dogs to be tethered, except for the periods when a dog is under the control of its owner and is being walked on a leash.
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to cause to be taken up or impounded all dogs loose or at large in violation of the terms of this article.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.44; Ordinance 09-055, sec. 4, adopted 9/14/09)
The owner, or owner’s agent, of any dog impounded under the terms of this chapter may redeem the dog within three (3) days after impoundment, unless otherwise prohibited herein. The owner of each dog so redeemed shall pay to the city the fees set forth in the city fee schedule. All fees and accrued costs must be paid in full prior to the impounded animals release.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.45)
All impounded dogs which are to be released to an owner must immediately be vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the provisions of this article. In order for the owner of a dog not vaccinated and registered in accordance with provisions of this article to obtain the release of a dog, such owner must sign a statement giving the name of the owner and the address where such dog is immediately to be confined, and stating that the owner will have the dog vaccinated immediately in accordance with the provisions of this article. Failure to have such dog immediately vaccinated and confined shall be grounds for immediate impoundment of the dog, and such dog may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the failure to comply immediately shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.46)
All dogs released from impoundment to an owner must be immediately restrained from running at large in the city. Failure to restrain the dog from running at large shall be grounds for immediate impoundment of the dog, and such dog may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the owner’s failure to so restrain the dog shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.47)
All impounded dogs shall be redeemed within three (3) days after their capture and impoundment. All dogs not redeemed within such time shall be given to new owners upon payment of all fees, costs, and registration fee as set forth in this article. If no new owner is found, the dog may be destroyed.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.48)
It is shall be unlawful for any person in the city to keep, use, or in any way be connected with or interested in the management of or to receive money for the admission of any person to any place kept or used for the purpose of fighting dogs; or for any person to aid, encourage, assist, or arrange for a dog fight, or to issue a challenge for the purpose of bringing about a dog fight, or to be so kept or used. Dog fight or fighting dogs shall mean the fighting of dog(s) against dog(s) and/or other animal(s).
(2001 Code, sec. 90.49)
All sections of this chapter wherein dogs are not specifically excluded within the body of the section shall apply to dogs as applicable.
(2001 Code, sec. 90.51)