No person shall sell alcoholic beverages in the city unless a permit or license authorizing such sale is first issued by the state alcoholic beverage commission and remains in effect.
No permit or license shall be issued except in conformance with all state and city regulations.
A fee for each application for a permit or license to sell alcoholic beverages, the amount of which is established in the fee schedule, shall be collected by the city when the application for such permit or license is requested.
(2001 Code, sec. 116.03)
If the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption is permitted by the code, the hours permitted for the sale of beer or wine shall be governed by V.T.C.A., Alcoholic Beverage Code, section 105.04 and 105.05, as now written or hereafter amended.
(2001 Code, sec. 116.04)
A person or entity engaged in the sale of mixed beverages in a restaurant under a food and beverage certificate shall, on an annual basis, on a day coinciding with the date that such information is furnished to the state, file with the city secretary an affidavit showing the gross receipts and sales of the business. The affidavit shall contain a statement reflecting the gross receipts attributable to the premises and the gross receipts attributable to the sale of alcoholic beverages.
The food and beverage certificate holder shall also file with the city secretary, on an annual basis, on a date coinciding with the date such information is furnished to the state, the gross receipts and figures furnished to the state for sales tax and alcoholic beverage tax purposes. This provision applies to restaurants, cafes, cafeterias or eating establishments and to a permittee of a federal or state agency.
The food and beverage certificate holder shall also furnish receipts from suppliers upon request of the city secretary. Such receipts shall reflect current operations and operations for the previous twelve (12) months.
(2001 Code, sec. 116.05)
The sale of beer or wine shall be prohibited in all residential areas of the city. No permit shall be issued for the sale of beer or wine in any residential area of the city. For the purpose of this section, the term “residential area” shall include all areas of the city presently zoned residential, including RE, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and residential PD Districts, and all land hereafter zoned residential, provided that this section shall not apply to any permit issued for premises zoned commercial at the time of such issuance and subsequently rezoned residential.
(2001 Code, sec. 116.01)
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity who is engaged in the business of selling alcoholic beverages to sell the same at a place of business that is within:
Three hundred (300) feet of a church, public or private school, or public hospital; or
One thousand (1,000) feet of a private school if the city council receives a request from the governing body of the private school.
The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and the church or public hospital shall be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in direct line across intersections.
The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and the public or private school shall be:
In a direct line from the property line of the public or private school to the property line of the place of business, and in a direct line across intersections; or
If the permit or license holder is located on or above the fifth story of a multi-story building, in a direct line from the property line of the public or private school to the property line of the place of business, in a direct line across intersections, and vertically up the building at the property line to the base of the floor on which the permit or license holder is located.
Every applicant for an original alcoholic beverage license or permit for a location with a door by which the public may enter the place of business of the applicant that is within one thousand (1,000) feet of the nearest property line of a public or private school, measured along street lines and directly across intersections, must give written notice of the application to officials of the public or private school before filing the application with the city and the state alcoholic beverage commission. A copy of the notice must be submitted to the city and the state alcoholic beverage commission with the application. This subsection (d) does not apply to a permit or license covering a location where minors are prohibited from entering the premises under V.T.C.A., Alcoholic Beverage Code, section 109.53.
Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to the holder of a license or permit who also holds a food and beverage permit covering a premises that is located within three hundred (300) feet of a private school.
Subsection (a)(2) of this section does not apply to the holder of:
A retail on-premises consumption permit or license if less than 50% of the gross receipts for the premises is from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages; or
A retail off-premises consumption permit or license if less than 50% of the gross receipts for the premises, excluding the sale of items subject to the motor fuels tax, is from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages.
To the extent applicable under V.T.C.A., Alcoholic Beverage Code, section 109.331, the provisions of subsection (a)(1) relating to a public school also apply to a day-care center and child-care facility as those terms are defined in V.T.C.A., Human Resources Code, section 42.002.
The city council may allow a variance to this section if it determines that the enforcement of the regulations in a particular instance is not in the best interest of the public, constitutes waste or inefficient use of land and resources, creates an undue hardship on the applicant for a license or permit, does not serve its intended purpose, is not effective or necessary, or for any other reason the city council determines, after consideration of the health, safety and welfare of the public and the equities of such regulations, that the variance is in the best interest of the community. No variance may be granted hereunder except after a public hearing for which notice has been given to owners of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the location of the place of business seeking a variance. Such notice must be provided, not less than ten (10) days before the date set for hearing, to all such owners who have rendered said property for city taxes, as the ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll.
(2001 Code, sec. 116.02)