The city council will have the authority to establish by rule or regulation such standards and specifications as may be deemed necessary for the installation, construction, and maintenance of any utility system owned and operated by the city. Violations of these rules and regulations will be deemed a misdemeanor.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.001)
Any authorized inspector of the city has free access at any time to all premises supplied with any utility service by the city for the purpose of examination to protect the systems from abusive use.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.002)
The city will not be liable for any damage due to backflow of sewage, failure of supply, interruption of service, or any other cause outside the direct control of the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.003)
It will be unlawful for any person, not having authority to do so, to open any water hydrant or tamper with, molest, damage, or trespass upon any equipment or premises of any utility service furnished by the city. The meter tampering fee listed in the city fee schedule will be charged to any customer who tampers with a water meter. Tampering includes but is not limited to turning a meter valve or damaging a lock placed on the meter by the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.004)
The city reserves the right to cut off any utility service without notice in case of emergencies. When an interruption in service is necessary for the maintenance and/or improvement of the utility system, affected customers will be notified as circumstances permit.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.005)
The city reserves the right to at any time restrict or prevent the use of any utility service furnished during periods of emergency or circumstances demanding such restrictions or preventions of use.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.006; Ordinance adopting Code)
Every building, structure, or consumer in the city will have a separate utility service connection unless otherwise approved by the city. All connections to utility services supplied by the city will be made under the supervision of the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.007)
No person may make a connection in any manner to any utility system, whether owned by the city or not, without prior knowledge and consent of the owner of the system.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.008)
The customer of city-supplied utility services will maintain and keep in good repair all connections, appliances, and other apparatus installed and used in connection with such utility service. The city will maintain the water and sewer mains and the service lines to the meter and/or tap. The customer is responsible for maintaining the service lines between the meter and/or tap and the house.
All customers of the sewer service system will maintain their service lines and clean-outs in such a manner that prevents the inflow and infiltration of water other than that of water that was metered and returned to the system for disposal. If the customer refuses to make repairs necessary to prevent inflow and infiltration when requested by the city, the city reserves the right to make such repairs and charge the customer for the expenses incurred.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.009)
In the event a customer experiences a blocked sewer line, the city will check the city’s line to locate the source of the blockage. If the blockage is on the city’s side of the tap, the city will clear the lines. If the blockage is on the customer’s side of the tap, the city will notify the customer. The city will not pay for any costs incurred by a customer to determine the source of a blockage unless the customer first contacts the city about the blockage and the city errs in informing the customer that the city’s lines are clear.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.010)
The city will have the right to disconnect, refuse to connect, or refuse to reconnect any utility service for any of the following reasons:
Failure to meet the applicable provisions of law;
Violation of the rules and regulations pertaining to utility service;
Nonpayment of bills;
Willful or negligent waste of service due to improper or imperfect pipes, fixtures, appliances, or otherwise;
Molesting any meter, seal, or other equipment controlling or regulating the supply of utility service;
Theft or diversion and/or use of service without payment; and
Vacancy of premises.
(2001 Code, sec. 51.011)