The Council, by majority vote of the entire Council, shall appoint a City Manager, who shall be the chief administrative officer of the City.
The method of selection shall be left to the discretion of the Council so long as the method insures orderly, non-partisan action toward securing a competent and qualified person to fill the position. The City Manager shall be chosen solely upon the basis of the person’s administrative training, experience, ability and character.
Neither the Mayor nor any Councilmember may be appointed City Manager or acting City Manager while holding office or for a period of two (2) years thereafter.
The City Manager shall receive compensation as may be fixed by the Council according to the person’s experience, education and training.
The City Manager may be appointed for a definite term, but may be removed at the discretion of the Council, by vote of the majority of the entire Council.
If removed after serving six (6) months, he may demand written charges and the right to be heard thereon at a public meeting of the Council prior to the date on which his final removal shall take effect; but pending such hearing, the Council may suspend him from office.
The action of the Council in suspending or removing the City Manager shall be final. It is the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix all responsibilities of such suspension or removal in the Council.
The Council shall require the City Manager, before entering upon the duties of his office, to execute a good and sufficient surety company bond, in such amount as the Council may demand, payable to the City and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. The premium of such bond is to be paid by the City.
The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all the affairs of the City and to that end shall have the power and be required to:
In cooperation with the City Attorney, to see that all State laws and City Ordinances are effectively enforced.
Appoint, suspend and/or remove all or any one of the heads of departments and all subordinate officers and employees of the City.
Exercise control over all departments and subdivisions thereof created by this Charter, or that may hereafter be created by the Council, except as hereinafter provided.
See that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise are faithfully kept and performed, and upon knowledge of any violation thereof to call the same to the attention of the City Attorney, whose duty it shall be to take such steps as may be necessary to enforce the same.
Attend all meetings of the Council except when excused by the Council.
Prepare a proposed budget annually and submit it to the Council on or before August 1 of each year and be responsible for its administration after its adoption.
Administer the budget of the City.
Prepare and submit to the Council at the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City for the preceding year.
Keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem to him advisable.
Prepare personnel rules subject to the approval of the Council.
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required of him by the Council.
The City Manager, within thirty (30) days after taking office, shall designate by letter filed with the City Secretary, a qualified administrative officer of the City to perform the duties of the City Manager in his absence or disability. Such designation shall be subject to approval of the Council. No member of the City Council shall serve as Acting City Manager. Upon resignation or termination of the City Manager, the Acting City Manager shall perform the duties of the City Manager until a new City Manager or Acting City Manager is appointed by the Council.
Should the need for an Acting City Manager occur prior to the City Manager submitting a designee or prior to the Council’s approval of the City Manager’s designee, the Council shall appoint an Acting City Manager.
The City Manager may select a different Acting City Manager by repeating the letter of designation and obtaining the Council’s approval.