There shall be established and maintained a court, designated as a Municipal Court for the trial of misdemeanor offenses, with all such powers and duties as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed by the Laws of the State of Texas relative to Municipal Courts.
The “Judge of the Municipal Court” shall be appointed by the City Council. The Judge shall be an attorney in good standing, licensed to practice in the State of Texas. The Council shall fix the compensation for the Judge and such compensation shall never be based on fines assessed or collected. Removal of the Judge shall be at the discretion of the Council, by vote of the majority of the entire Council.
There shall be a Clerk of said court appointed by the City Manager. The Clerk of said court and such deputies as said Clerk may appoint, shall have the power to administer oaths and affidavits, make certificates, affix the seal of said court thereto, and generally do and perform any and all acts usual and necessary as performed by clerks and deputies of courts. The Council shall require the Court Clerk, before entering upon the duties of the office, to execute a good and sufficient surety company bond, in such amount as the Council may demand, payable to the City and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office. The premium of such bond is to be paid by the City.
The Council may appoint an alternate Judge who shall have the same qualifications of Municipal Judge and who shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the Council. In case of the temporary disability or absence of the Judge of the Municipal Court, the alternate Judge shall have authority to act as Judge of said court. The Council shall by appointment fill a vacancy in the office of the Judge for the remainder of the unexpired term.
All monies received as court imposed fines or penalties shall be paid into the general fund of the City treasury, unless otherwise required by State law.