Candidates Names on Ballots:
The names of all candidates who have filed for office shall be printed on the official ballots without party designation. The order on the ballot of the names of the candidates for each office or position shall be determined by lot in a drawing to be held under the supervision of the City Secretary.
Absentee Balloting:
Voting shall be governed by the Texas Election Code.
Write-In Votes:
There must be space for each position on the ballot for the voter to write in a name for a qualified candidate who meets State filing requirements. There can be no write-in votes in any run-off election.
Returns of every municipal election shall be delivered forthwith by the election judges to the City Secretary with a copy of the returns being sent to the Mayor. The Council shall canvass the returns, investigate the qualifications of the candidates and declare the official results of the election prior to the first regular Council meeting following delivery of the votes to the City Secretary all in accordance with the Texas Election Code. The results of every municipal election shall be recorded in the minutes of the Council. The qualified person receiving a majority of the votes cast for any office shall thereupon be declared elected by said Council. The decision of the Council, as to qualifications of candidates, shall be conclusive and final for all purposes.
If no candidate receives a majority of all the votes cast for an office, the Council shall immediately upon declaring the official results of the election, order a run-off election for each office to which no one was elected. Such run-off election shall be held in accordance with State law. In such run-off election the two (2) candidates who received, in the preceding election, the highest number of votes for each office to which no one was elected, shall be voted on again by the qualified voters, and the candidate who receives the majority of the votes for each such office in the run-off election shall be elected to such office.
The City Secretary, with the concurrence of the Council, shall promptly notify all persons elected to office. A candidate who is elected in a regular, special or run-off City election shall, after taking the oath of office as prescribed herein, take office, and enter upon his duties at the next council meeting after the date of the election.
Every officer of the City, whether elected or appointed, shall take the oaths of office prescribed by Article 16, Section 1, Appendix J & K of the Texas Constitution prior to assuming office.