Editor’s note–Former section 1-8-1 pertaining to the fiscal year and deriving from the 1950 Code, ch. 1, sec. 10 and the 1957 Code, sec. 2-3, was deleted by section 3 of Ordinance 2008-37 adopted by the city on September 9, 2008.
The following guidelines shall be used to monitor the general fund balance within the new classification of unassigned general fund balance:
A reserve for contingency account shall be established with a 60-day balance based on the last adopted budget. This account shall be increased/decreased in proportion to general fund budgeted expenditures each fiscal year.
A reserve for budget stabilization account shall be established with a 25-day balance based on the last adopted budget. This account would be increased/decreased in proportion to the general fund budgeted expenditures each fiscal year. One portion of the budget stabilization account will be established to accommodate up to a 15% sales tax revenue decline. The remaining balance will protect against a 10% decline in property tax revenues or any other revenue loss.
The remaining balance shall be classified as undesignated fund balance. These funds would be available for council to appropriate for either emergency expenditures, on-time capital expenditures, or any special project that city council would authorize.
Future unassigned fund balance increases shall be added to fund balance in the following order:
Sixty-day reserve account.
Budget stabilization account.
Undesignated fund balance account.
Future unassigned fund balance decreases shall be removed from fund balance in the following order:
Undesignated fund balance account.
Budget stabilization account.
Sixty-day reserve account.
Fund balance classifications for the general fund and all other governmental funds are now reported as nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned and unassigned. The city council shall commit fund balance to specific purposes as determined by a formal action of a resolution. Assignment of fund balance (intended use) shall be expressed by the council, or by the city manager. Assignments of fund balance are finalized, detailed and available to council as of completion of each fiscal year’s draft of the comprehensive annual financial report.
The city’s policy for spending fund balance shall be as follows:
Restricted resources.
Unrestricted resources:
(Ordinance 99-04, sec. 1, adopted 1/26/99; 1957 Code, sec. 2-120; Ordinance 2011-34 adopted 9/27/11)
All city officials and employees collecting all fees, fines, court costs or all other charges for the city are authorized to accept payment by credit card for such fees, fines, court costs or all other charges.
In conjunction with payment by credit card, the city officials and employees are authorized to collect a fee from the customer for the expense in processing the payment. This fee shall be in the amount of two (2) percent of the total amount of the fee, fine, court cost or other charge.
If for any reason a payment by credit card is not honored by the credit card company on which the funds are drawn, the city official or employee may collect a service charge from the person who owes the fee, fine, court cost or other charge. The service charge is in addition to the original fee, fine, court cost or other charge and is for the collection of that original amount. The amount of the service charge is the same amount as the fee charged for the collection of a check drawn on an account with insufficient funds.
The city manager may contract with a company that issues credit cards to collect and seize credit cards issued by the company that are outdated or otherwise unauthorized. A fee may be charged to the company for the return of such credit cards.
The official or employee collecting a fee or charge under this section shall deposit the fee or charge in the appropriate city account.
(Ordinance 91-06, sec. 2, adopted 2/12/91; 1957 Code, sec. 2-109)
The planning and zoning fee schedule for the city shall be as follows:
Original zoning and rezoning, not requiring site plan: $400.00.
Site plan approval, specific use permits and rezoning requiring site plan approval (i.e., PD, SPD): $500.00.
Preliminary, final, short form plats and replats: $300.00.
Variances, special exceptions, appeals: $200.00.
Portable signs permits: $28.50 per sixty (60) days.
Vendor permits: $25.00 processing fee per ten (10) days, $50.00 sales location investigation fee and $5.00 fee for each agent in excess of two (2).
Zoning letter (official): $25.00.
(Ordinance 93-49, sec. 1, adopted 9/28/93; Ordinance 2001-41, sec. 1, adopted 9/11/01; 1957 Code, sec. 2-110; Ordinance 2008-37, sec. 9, adopted 9/9/08; Ordinance 2009-37, sec. 1, adopted 10/13/09)
The reproduction prices for city maps for the city shall be as follows:
Type of Map
City basic (1)
2' x 3'
$ 4.00
City aerial (1)
2' x "3'
1.5' x 1.5'
Sepia plats
1.5' x 1.5'
City basic or zoning (one part) (2)
3' x 14'
City basic or zoning (two parts) (2)
7' x 14'
City basic or zoning (three parts) (2)
10' x 14'
City basic or zoning (four parts) (2)
14' x 14'
City basic or zoning (five parts) (2)
17' x 14'
City water or sewer (one part) (2)
3' x 14'
City water or sewer (two parts) (2)
7' x 14'
City water or sewer (three parts) (2)
10' x 14'
City basic (one part) (2)
3' x 8'
City basic (two parts) (2)
7' x 8'
City paving (one part) (2)
3' x 6'
City paving (two parts) (2)
7' x 6'
City fire hydrant (one part) (2)
3' x 8'
City fire hydrant (two parts) (2)
7' x 8'
City skeleton (one part) (2)
3' x 7'
City skeleton (two parts) (2)
7' x 7'
City skeleton (3)
3' x 3'
Plus $2.00 for each overlay.
Plus $5.00 per part per overlay.
Plus $2.50 for overlay.
Copies of the Ector County Utility District maps may be purchased for $20.00 each, or $35.00 for both maps.
Prints made of reproducible sepia paper are .50 cents [50 cents] per square foot in addition to the regular price.
Prints of small areas (inserts) from larger originals @ .50 cents [50 cents] per square foot, with a $3.00 minimum charge.
No reproducible maps or photographic negatives will be sold or loaded without special permission of the city engineer.
Prices do not include sales tax.
(Ordinance 93-48, sec. 1, adopted 9/28/93; 1957 Code, sec. 2-111)
All proposed donations to the city must be reviewed by the city manager or designee prior to formal acceptance by either the city manager or city council in accordance with this section. The term “donation” includes, all monetary gifts, equipment, land, buildings, personal services, or any other item.
All donations up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in value must be approved by the city manager or designee. All donations over that amount in value must be approved by the city council.
All donations accepted by the city will become the irrevocable property of the city to be used at its discretion. In cases where restrictions are placed upon the use of donations, the donor must specify in writing all such instructions as to the desired use of these donations prior to city acceptance. All donations other than monetary gifts must be accompanied by written instructions and/or restrictions as to their use and must include a statement of estimated value by the donor.
Upon acceptance of any donations by the city, all information relating to those donations, including the amount involved and any restrictions or other instructions, shall be immediately submitted to finance for deposit and inclusion in the city’s normal reporting and control systems. All such donations will be disbursed or used in accordance with all city ordinances and other administrative policies. Proceeds from proposed donations shall not be used by any city department until formal acceptance by the city and submission to finance for formal incorporation into the city’s normal financial and other recordkeeping records.
(Ordinance 2018-30 adopted 7/24/18)