A person commits an offense if that person engages in, participates in, aids, or commences a parade, as defined in section 1-15-1, upon the streets of the city without making written application for and receiving a parade permit from the chief of police.
Application for a parade permit for a parade of twenty-five (25) or more persons or five (5) or more motor vehicles shall be made not less than five (5) administrative working days prior to the date and time of the commencement of the parade. Application for a parade permit for a parade of ten (10) to twenty-five (25) persons shall be made not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time of the commencement of the parade.
No parade permit shall be required under this division for the following:
The armed forces of the United States of America, the military forces of the state, and the forces of the police and fire departments acting within the scope of their duties.
A funeral procession proceeding by vehicle under the most reasonable route from a funeral home, church, or residence of a deceased to the place of service or place of interment.
A peaceful demonstration at a fixed location which is not a street.
A sidewalk procession which observes and complies with traffic regulations and traffic-control devices, using that portion of a sidewalk nearest the street, but at no time using more than one-half of the sidewalk.
A special event parade, as defined in section 1-15-1 of this code, for which a special event permit has been issued.
Construction activity.
House moving.
Events covered by an interlocal contract between the city and another governmental entity.
Peddlers and mobile and other street vendors subject to the provisions in article 4-6 of the city code.
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-69)
The application for a parade permit shall contain the following information and be signed by the parade applicant before an officer authorized to administer oaths:
The name, address, and telephone number of the parade applicant and of any other person, organization, firm, or corporation on whose behalf the application is made.
The date and time of day requested for the parade.
The parade’s commencement time, the specific route to be traveled, and the starting and termination points.
The estimated number of persons and vehicles to participate in the parade and the estimated number of animals that will be used.
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-70)
Upon receipt of an application for a parade permit of twenty-five (25) or more persons or five (5) or more motor vehicles, the chief of police shall furnish to the parade applicant within three days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, appropriate approval or denial of the permit. For a parade of ten (10) to twenty-five (25) persons, the permit shall be approved or denied prior to the start of the parade.
Should the application for a parade permit reveal that the parade route requested will interfere with the orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the chief of police shall have authority to establish a reasonable alternate route and regulate the width of the parade.
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-71)
The grounds for denial of a parade permit are as follows:
The parade will begin during, or within two (2) hours after the end of or start of, a parade for which a permit has been granted and follow a route that passes within one-half mile of any point of the route of the parade for which a permit has been granted.
The parade will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available.
The parade will be for less than ten (10) pedestrians or less than five (5) vehicles. (If pedestrians do not require special traffic controls, and vehicles will not be operating at reduced speeds or require special traffic controls, a permit is not required.)
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-72)
The grounds for revocation are as follows:
The parade fails to begin within thirty (30) minutes or more of the appointed time of commencement and it would not be reasonable to start the parade taking into consideration night conditions or other conflicting events that would impact traffic conditions.
The information contained in the application for a parade permit is found to be false in any material detail.
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-73)
If the chief of police denies or revokes a parade permit, this action shall be final unless the parade applicant shall, within five (5) days after the receipt of notice of the denial or revocation, file with the city manager a written appeal. The city manager shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after the appeal is filed, consider all the evidence in support of or against the action appealed and render a decision either sustaining or reversing the denial or revocation. The decision of the city manager shall be final.
(Ordinance 96-67, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/96; 1957 Code, sec. 15D-74)