Any business, whether individually and/or corporately owned, shall apply for a commercial permit at the city billing and collection office, if that business wishes to conduct commercial activity in the city.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
Said business shall submit the plans for fire alarm, sprinkler, and vent hood suppression systems to the city billing and collection office.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
The fire marshal shall review, approve and stamp the approved plans after said fire alarm system has been tested by the fire marshal’s division.
The fire alarm system must be tagged by the fire alarm company and the system shall be placed in LIVE Mode and be monitored twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week.
The fire alarms system shall be certified by the fire alarm company with a tag indicating the installation date and fire alarm company’s information.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
The fire marshal shall review, approve and stamp the approved plans after the sprinkler system has been tested by an underground hydro which must conducted, with the sprinkler system pressured at 200 PSI and it must hold pressure for a minimum of two (2) hours.
The fire marshal shall receive all required documentation for the underground flush, underground and aboveground hydro in order to pass inspection.
The sprinkler system shall be certified by the sprinkler company with a tag indicating the installation date and sprinkler company’s information
The sprinkler system must be placed in LIVE mode, connected to and monitored with the fire alarm system.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
The fire marshal shall review, approve and stamp the approved plans after said vent hood plans have been tested by the fire marshal’s division. The vent hood system shall be certified by the vent hood company installing the system and tag it with the installation date and the vent hood company’s information.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
All commercial buildings shall have post indicator valves (PIV) and wall indicator valves (WPIV) and shall be approved by the fire marshal division.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
All commercial structures shall exit lights, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, exterior emergency lighting and landing on all sides of the structure, the electric box shall be labeled, the riser room shall be labeled, the electrical room shall be labeled, the storage room shall be labeled, and the structure shall contain a Knox Box where the fire alarm is required by the fire marshal.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
Every fire apparatus access roads, which are dead end, shall be provided with a turn around. The following types of roads are approved, such as hammer head, cul-de-sac, “Y” turn around, and must have an approved fire apparatus road prior building vertical.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
The fire marshal shall approve all fire lanes in the city.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)
All fire hydrants shall be within 400 feet from the commercial buildings.
(Ordinance 2020-07 adopted 2/25/20)