Except as hereinafter provided, no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected, altered or converted for any use permitted in the district in which it is located unless it is in conformity with all the minimum regulations herein specified for lot area, lot width, lot depth, lot coverage, and front, side and rear yards.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
The minimum residential lot area for the various districts shall be in accordance with the following schedule[1], provided that a lot having less area than herein required which was an official lot of record prior to the adoption of this ordinance may be used for a single-family or mobile home dwelling and no lot existing at the time of passage of this ordinance shall be reduced in area below the minimum requirements set forth herein except where a platted lot or a portion thereof is part of a lot of record as described in section 14-19-1(a)(96) and all or part of such lot of record is being platted in accordance with the minimum standards of this ordinance.
In the following zoning districts the minimum lot area for each indicated type of dwelling unit shall be in accordance with the following schedule[2]:
Schedule minimum required lot areas per family dwellings, single-family and two to four-family dwelling, special housing and mobile or HUD-manufactured homes.
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
In the following zoning districts, the minimum lot area for each apartment dwelling unit shall be in accordance with the following schedule[3]:
Schedule of minimum required lot areas per family unit, multiple-family (apartment buildings)
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The minimum lot width for lots in the various districts used for residential purposes, shall be in accordance with the following schedule, provided that a lot having less width than herein required which was an official lot of record prior to the adoption of this ordinance may be used as a single-family or mobile/HUD-manufactured home dwelling and no lot existing at the time of passage of this ordinance shall be reduced in width below the minimum set forth herein except where a platted lot or a portion thereof is part of a lot of record as described in sections 14-19-1(a)(96)(B) or (C) and all or part of such lot of record is being platted in accordance with the minimum standards of this ordinance.
In the following zoning districts the minimum lot width for residential uses shall be in accordance with the following schedule[1]:
Schedule - minimum required lot width - residential uses
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The width of the lot as specified (a) shall be measured at the specified setback or front building line, but in no case shall the lot width at the front street line be less than thirty (30) feet except where a lesser lot width is permitted in (a) in which event, the width of the lot at the front street line shall be no less than the width specified in (a).
Lot Width
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)
The minimum lot depth shall be a function of the minimum lot area and the minimum lot width but in no case shall the minimum lot depth for residential uses be less than eighty (80) feet except that for special housing the minimum lot depth shall not be less than fifty (50) feet.
Lot Depth
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
In the following zoning districts the minimum required front yard shall be in accordance with the following schedule and no building or structure shall hereinafter be located, erected or altered so as to have a smaller front yard than hereinafter required, and no front yard existing at the time of passage of this ordinance shall be reduced below the minimum set forth in the following schedule[1] except as hereinafter provided:
Schedule minimum required front yards
Method of Measuring Front Yards
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Where the frontage on one side of the street between two intersecting streets is divided by two or more zoning districts, the front yard shall comply with the requirements of the most restrictive district for the entire frontage from one intersecting street to the other.
Front Yard Where Zoning Changes in a Block
A mobile or HUD-manufactured home as a fixed dwelling shall observe the front yard specified for the district in which the dwelling is located. A mobile or HUD-manufactured home as a transient dwelling shall observe a minimum front yard of fifteen (15) feet from a public street and three (3) feet from a private drive.
Where a building line has been established by plat or ordinance and such line requires a front yard setback greater or lesser in depth than is prescribed by this ordinance for the district in which the building line is located, the required front yard shall comply with the minimum required front yard as established by section 14-7-5. All residential development located on a cul-de-sac shall have a minimum front yard building setback of fifteen (15) feet.
The front yard shall be measured from the property line to the front face of the building, covered porch, covered terrace or attached accessory building. Eaves and roof extensions may project into the required front yard for a distance not to exceed four (4) feet and chimneys not exceeding ten (10) feet in width may project into the required front yard for a distance not to exceed two (2) feet.
Where lots have double frontage, running through from one street to another, a required front yard shall be provided on both streets unless a building line for accessory buildings has been established along one frontage on the plat or by ordinance, in which event only one required front yard need be observed.
Double Frontage Lots
If buildings along the frontage of any street between two intersecting streets in any residential district have observed an average setback for that block which is greater or lesser in dimension than the minimum front yard or setback established for the district in which the street frontage is located, then the average setback of all buildings fronting upon such street between two intersecting streets shall establish the minimum front yard requirement. All vacant lots shall be assumed to have a minimum front yard specified for the district in computing the average front yard. These provisions shall not be interpreted as requiring a setback or front yard greater than fifty (50) feet nor shall they be interpreted as requiring any building to observe a front yard of more than ten (10) feet greater than the front setback observed by any building on a contiguous lot. These provisions shall be superseded on any lot where a minimum building line has been established by plat, site plan, or ordinance filed after December 28, 1971.
Interpretation Average Front Yard Where Yard Depth Varies
Basis of Computation Existing Buildings
Computed Minimum Setbacks
Set back
Need not set back over 10' from C
Other lots by 7-6(6)
Average Line = 31.25'
Need not set back over 10' from F
In the MF-2 and O districts, a minimum front yard of fifteen (15) feet shall be required in all cases provided, however, that in no case shall the distance as measured from the centerline of the street on which a building fronts to the face of the building be less than one-half (1/2) the height of the building; however, in no case need such distance exceed fifty (50) feet regardless of the height of the building.
Setback Standards High Rise Apartment and Similar Structures
In the PD district the following minimum front yards shall be provided:
Commercial development.
Fifteen (15) feet or as specified in the amending ordinance.
Housing development.
Fifteen (15) feet or as specified in the amending ordinance.
Retail development.
Forty (40) feet except drive-in service may be located within sixteen (16) feet of the front property line and a different front yard line may be established in retail developments as the setback is specified in the amending ordinance.
Industrial development.
Twenty (20) feet or as specified in amending ordinance.
Office, medical or other development.
Twenty (20) feet or as specified in amending ordinance.
In the SPD district a front yard may be reduced to zero provided that provisions are made for handling the storage of automobiles off the street without creating a traffic hazard and all front yard lines in an SPD district shall be subject to approval on the site plan as hereinafter specified to assure a compatible relationship to adjacent development and adequate provision for the health and safety of the occupants and the public.
Gasoline pump islands with or without canopy shall be located no closer than 20' to the property line. Canopies attached to the pump islands shall provide at least 14' of clearance from the ground to the bottom of the canopy and shall be located no closer than 10' to the property line.
In the MC, R, R-1, LC, HC, CB-2, LI, and HI districts a minimum 25 foot front yard is required for all nonresidential uses except where provision is made for adequate site design, by addressing traffic circulation, parking, visual clearance and surrounding development on an adopted site plan.
In the CB-1 district no front yard is required except no structure may be erected nearer than thirty (30) feet to the centerline of any street on which such structure fronts and all residential buildings located in the LC, HC, and LI districts shall provide a minimum front yard of fifteen (15) feet.
Residential uses in the MC, R, and R-1 districts shall provide a minimum front yard of twenty-five (25) feet.
In all districts where establishments providing service directly to the automobile are permitted, a setback and drive for stacking waiting vehicles shall be provided so that a minimum of four (4) automobiles may be accommodated between the front property line and the service window or order board of the facility.
Where single-family residential lots front upon the major or secondary traffic arteries of University Boulevard, 42nd Street, 52nd Street, Dixie Boulevard, Maple Avenue, Tanglewood Lane, West County Road, Golder Avenue, Crane Avenue or Dawn Avenue, a screening fence or wall may be constructed in the required front yard as a buffer and separation from the visual and noise impact of vehicular traffic generated by the proximity of the thoroughfares. No screening fence or wall authorized in the front yard under the provisions of this section shall exceed eight (8) feet in height and no fence or wall shall be located nearer than ten (10) feet to the front property line and in all cases a screening fence, wall or related landscape planting shall be so located and arranged as to assure a driver of a vehicle clear vision of the street and sidewalk when entering or leaving the premises and prior to the vehicles entering or leaving the street. The space created between the screening fence or wall may be used for the customary front lawn or as an entry garden or landscaped area including paved areas, sculpture, water features and trees.
In a mobile or HUD-manufactured home park or special housing arrangement where the location of a fence or wall has been approved on the site plan so as to be located within the required front yard, such fence or wall may be erected to a maximum height of six (6) feet provided that the location and height of such fence or wall within the front yard does not obstruct the clear vision of streets or sidewalks for a vehicle driver entering or leaving the lot or tract.
Lots in single-family - three (SF-3) zoning districts with a lot depth of one hundred (100) feet or less shall have a twenty (20) foot front yard setback.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)
In the following zoning districts the minimum required side yard shall be in accordance with the following schedule[1] and no building, structure or use shall hereafter be located so as to have a smaller side yard on each side of such building than herein required, and no side yard existing at the time of passage of this ordinance shall be reduced below the minimum set forth herein:
Schedule minimum side yards - residential uses
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Every part of a required side yard shall be open and unobstructed by any building except for accessory buildings as permitted herein and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices and other architectural features projecting not to exceed twelve (12) inches into the required side yard, and a roof eave, canopy or chimney projecting not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches into the required side yard.
Multiple-family dwellings shall provide a minimum side yard of fifteen (15) feet between any building wall containing openings for windows, light and air and any side lot line except that any such building face or wall not exceeding thirty-five (35) feet in length may provide a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet. Where a building wall contains no openings for windows, light or air, a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided between such wall and side lot line. Where high rise apartment buildings, exceeding three (3) stories in height are erected in the MF-2, MC, O or other districts permitting such construction, the side yard shall be increased one (1) foot for each two (2) feet the structure exceeds three (3) stories but no side yard need exceed fifty (50) feet.
Special Apartment Side Yard and Spacing Standards
On a corner lot, a side yard adjacent to a street for a multiple-family dwelling not exceeding three (3) stories in height shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet and no balcony or porch or any portion of the building may extend into such required side yard except that a roof may overhang such side yard not to exceed four (4) feet.
On a corner lot used for one-family, two-family or multiple-family dwellings a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet shall be observed. On lots which were official lots of record prior to December 28, 1971, the minimum side yard adjacent to a side street shall comply with the required side yard for the respective districts as specified in section 14-7-7 or with any side yard shown on a plat of record.
Corner Lot
A single-family attached dwelling or special housing development shall provide a minimum required side yard adjacent to a side street of ten (10) feet and no complex of attached single-family dwellings or attached special housing units shall exceed three hundred (300) feet in length. A minimum required side yard of five (5) feet shall be provided at the end of each single-family attached or special housing group so that the end of any two adjacent building complexes shall be at least ten (10) feet apart. A side yard other than herein specified may be indicated on a site plan and if approved by the planning and zoning commission shall be observed.
Side Yard Standards Attached Single-family Dwellings
No side yard is specified for nonresidential use in the P, R, R-1, O, MC, LC, HC, CB-1, CB-2, LI or HI districts except where a commercial, retail or industrial use or other nonresidential use abuts upon a district boundary line dividing such districts from a residential district in which event a minimum five (5) foot side yard shall be provided on the side adjacent to such residential districts. On a side street in an R, R-1, O, MC or LC district, a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided.
The minimum side yard requirements in a planned development district shall be established on the site plan or in the amending ordinance.
A minimum side yard of six (6) feet shall be provided for any mobile/HUD-code manufactured home located as a fixed dwelling and any structure attached to a mobile/HUD-code manufactured home. The minimum side yard space provided for a mobile/HUD-code manufactured home located in a mobile/HUD-code manufactured home park shall comply with the side yard space shown on the approved site plan for the mobile/HUD-code manufactured home park.
Special side yard arrangements, such as a zero lot line, may be provided for when the site plan or plat designates the special side yard condition and such site plan or plat is approved by the planning and zoning commission and filed for record. Special side yard arrangements shown on an approved site plan or plat shall be observed by the building official in issuing building permits.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
No building or structure shall hereafter be located, erected or altered to have a rear yard smaller than herein required and no rear yard existing at the time of passage of this ordinance shall be reduced below the minimum set forth below.
There shall be a five (5) feet rear setback line for main or accessory buildings unless no an alley exists or an easement with a minimum twenty (20) feet width abuts the rear property line. No single-family or two-family residential building and all accessory buildings on a lot shall cover more than seventy (70) percent of the overall lot. For accessory building standards see section 14-7-13.
In the P, O, MC, NS, R, R-1, CB-1, CB-2, LC, HC, LI and HI districts, no rear yard is specified for nonresidential uses except where retail, commercial or industrial uses back upon a common district line, whether separated by an alley or not, dividing the district from any of the residential districts listed herein, a minimum rear yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided.
Every part of a required rear yard shall be open and unobstructed to the sky from a point thirty (30) inches above the general ground level of the graded lot except for accessory buildings, landscaping, fences and similar appurtenances and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices and roof overhangs and other architectural features projecting not to exceed three (3) feet into the required rear yard.
The minimum required rear yard in a PD, SPD, or MU district shall be established on the Site Plan or by the amending ordinance.
Where multiple-family dwellings exceed three (3) stories in height, a rear yard equal to one (1) foot for each two (2) feet in height shall be provided except that no such rear yard need exceed fifty (50) feet as a result of this provision and except further that in the MF-2, O, MC, CB-1, CB-2, LC, HC and LI districts, no rear yard exceeding ten (10) feet shall be required where the rear wall of a multiple-family residential structure contains no openings or windows for light or air.
Special rear yard arrangements including a zero rear yard line may be provided for special housing when the site plan or plat designates such special housing rear yard condition and such site plan or plat is approved by the planning and zoning commission and filed for record. Special housing rear yard arrangements shown on an approved site plan or plat shall be observed by the building official in issuing building permits.
A minimum rear yard of five (5) feet shall be provided for all mobile or HUD-manufactured home dwellings located on lots and the minimum space to the rear of a mobile or HUD-manufactured home in a mobile or HUD-manufactured home park shall comply with the rear yard space shown on the approved site plan for a mobile/HUD-manufactured home park.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)
The maximum percentage of any lot area which may hereafter be covered by the main building and all accessory buildings shall not exceed the following schedule:
In the following zoning districts the maximum building lot coverage shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Maximum Lot Coverage Main Building
Maximum Lot Coverage Main Building and All Accessory Buildings*
Maximum Lot Coverage Main Building and Parking in Parking Structure
Residential Districts (GR, SF-1, SF-2, SF-3, SF-4, SF-E, MH, MH-E, 4-F, 2F-1, 2F-2)
To be specified in site plan or in amending ordinance, but not exceeding 80%
To be specified in site plan or in amending ordinance.
Note: 1.
No lot coverage standard is specified for districts not listed.
Open off-street parking space or loading space shall not be computed in lot coverage as herein specified and parking structures shall not be computed in lot coverage in the O, MC, R, R-1, LC, HC, LI, HI or PD districts.
Coverage applies to accessory buildings where all or part of the off-street parking is provided in the open.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)
Except as hereinafter provided, no building or structure shall be erected, added to or altered to exceed the maximum floor area ratio standards in the various zoning districts as set forth herein.
In the following zoning districts, the maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for any building or structure shall be as follows:
Maximum Floor Area Ratio
Multifamily-Two (MF-2)
Office (O)
Medical center (MC)
Central business-1 (CB-1)
Central business-2 (CB-2)
Light commercial (LC)
Heavy commercial (HC)
Light industrial (LI)
Heavy industrial (HI)
Note: Accessory structures used for off-street parking of vehicles shall not be computed as area subject to floor area ratio standards.
Floor Area Ratio
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
Court standards: The minimum dimension and area of outer or inner courts provided in buildings occupied for residential purposes shall be in accordance with the following provisions.
Outer courts residential structures.
For residential structures, three (3) stories or less in height, any outer court which is used for access of light or air or which may be used for emergency access purposes shall have a minimum width equal to the depth of the court up to twenty (20) feet, but the width of any such outer court need not exceed twenty (20) feet even though the depth of the court may exceed such dimension.
For residential structures exceeding three (3) stories in height, any outer court which is used for emergency access purposes shall have a minimum width equal to the depth of the court up to fifty (50) feet, but the width of any such outer court need not exceed fifty (50) feet even though the depth of the court may exceed such dimension.
Inner courts residential structures.
For residential structures three (3) stories or less in height, any inner court which is used for access or light or air or which may be used for emergency access purposes shall have minimum dimensions in the width of its base equal to the height of the roof or eave at the top of the wall enclosing such court, but neither the width nor the length of the base of such inner court need exceed twenty (20) feet even though the height of the enclosing walls may exceed such dimension.
For residential structures three (3) stories in height, any inner court which is used for access of light or air or which may be used for emergency access purposes shall have a minimum dimension in the length and in the width of its base equal to the height of the roof or eave at the top of the wall enclosing such court, but neither the width nor the length of the base of such inner court need exceed fifty (50) feet even though the height of the enclosing walls may exceed such dimension.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19)
Front yard.
Attached accessory buildings or structures shall have a front yard not less than the main building. Detached accessory buildings or structures shall be located in the area defined as the rear yard.
Side yard.
There shall be a side yard for any attached accessory building equal to the minimum requirement for the main structure located in a residential area. For a detached accessory building located behind the front yard building setback, there shall be no side yard required, provided that all building code standards are met. Accessory buildings must maintain a six (6) feet separation from any other structure. If the six (6) feet separation is not maintained, the accessory building shall be considered to be an integral part of that structure and shall be required to observe the same side yard as the main structure. Adjacent to a side street, the accessory building shall observe either the platted setback line, the setback line established by the main structure, or the setback lines established by ordinance, whichever is most restrictive.
Rear yard.
There need be no rear yard for accessory buildings or structures except that, if no alley exists, the rear yard shall not be less than five (5) feet as measured from the rear lot line.
In arrangements of special housing and where special yard arrangements are approved on a site plan or plat, the side or rear yard requirements for either attached or detached accessory buildings shall be as provided on the approved site plan or plat.
(Ordinance 2019-13 adopted 4/9/19; Ordinance 2020-08 adopted 3/10/20)