The city desires to enhance economic development activity within the city’s historic center.
The city therefore desires to amend a policy regarding grants of performance-based incentives to further economic development.
(Ordinance O-12-06-07-10D1 adopted 6/7/12)
This policy was developed by the city to enhance economic development within the city’s historic center - an area the city has aptly named the “Heart of Hutto.” It provides two types of incentives, one for new construction and one targeting new businesses that locate in the city’s historic area. This policy vests city staff with the ability to offer the incentives, as expressly set forth in this policy. Chapter 380 agreements will be utilized as the primary type of agreements between the parties and the city. Staff has no authority to offer or execute any agreement beyond the parameters as set forth in this policy. Requests for incentives above the levels in this policy will have to be made directly to the city council.
Effective date.
This policy shall become effective immediately upon favorable action by the city council. These incentives can also be applied to any new businesses that started in the historic area since October 1st of 2011.
Geographical boundaries.
The incentives provided by this policy shall only be applicable within the area of the city known as the historical overlay district. A map of the historical overlay district is attached as exhibit A to this policy.
Tax rebate policy.
Property tax: A reimbursement of city property taxes, in excess of the real property value of the property at the time the property owner requests the reimbursement as listed on the county appraisal district rolls, on real property will be granted when the proposed rehabilitation and/or improvement(s) of a nonresidential or mixed use, of 10,000 or less square feet, increases the value of the existing real property by a minimum of twenty (20) percent.
The reimbursement will be calculated on the appraised value of improvements as follows:
Design fees will only be included in the abatement if a registered architect has designed the project.
Sales tax: A reimbursement of city sales taxes on sales from any new retail businesses, of 4,000 or less square feet located in a permanent structure will be granted as follows:
An “agreement for disclosure of confidential tax information” must be filed with the state comptroller in order for the city to rebate city sales taxes. Sales tax rebates can and will only occur on businesses that generate sales tax. Sales tax rebates will generally occur one quarter after the actual payment of the sales tax. This is due to the processing time of sales tax information at the state comptroller. A business participating in this policy must be in business at the time of the rebate to be eligible to receive the rebate.
Development fee reduction program.
The following fees will be reduced by 80% for the following development applications:
Preliminary plat, final plat, amended plat and replat.
Abandonment of public right-of-way or easements.
Dedication of a public right-of-way or easement.
Building permit fees.
The following fee will be reduced 100% for the following development application:
Demolition of any nonhistoric building or structure.
Expedited permitting.
Permits meeting all submission requirements will be processed within five (5) working days of when they are submitted.
Proposed businesses interested in applying for assistance through the city’s program must file an application. City staff may approve an agreement with the business and/or property owner, if the business or property owner meets everything as specified in the policy.
Exhibit A. City of Hutto Historic Overlay District
(Ordinance O-12-06-07-10D1, ex. A, adopted 6/7/12; Ordinance O-16-06-16-7B adopted 6/16/16)
The historic preservation property tax freeze program is available to all residential properties designated to be a historically contributing structure within the city’s historic district that complete the substantial rehabilitation of their home. A property owner must invest twenty (20) percent or more of the value of the structure on qualifying expenses to be eligible for the program.
Qualifying improvements.
The historic preservation property tax freeze program qualifying expenses are: improvements that extend the life of the building and preserve it for future generations. Examples included, but are not limited to the following: installation of a new roof, repairs to the foundation, or restoration of the original wood windows.
Nonqualifying improvements.
The following improvements that are not considered eligible, include, but are not limited to, the following: Cosmetic changes such as new bathroom fixtures or kitchen counters.
The historic preservation property tax freeze program application is reviewed by staff prior to construction and verified when all improvements have been completed.
If an eligible property owner completes all qualifying improvements and meets all city requirements upon completion, the program freezes the municipal property taxes at the pre-renovation value for a period of five (5) years.
(Ordinance O-16-06-16-7C adopted 6/16/16)
The downtown facade improvement grant program is available to all properties located within the city’s historic district, including commercial and residential, provided that the improvements are visible from a public right-of-way.
Qualifying improvements.
Qualifying expenses eligible for reimbursement shall include repairs and improvements to the exterior of the building which are visible from a public-right-of-way. Qualifying improvements may include, but are not limited to, repairs to exterior siding or roofing, repointing brick, restoring original wood windows, fresh paint, and historically appropriate signage.
Application review.
The downtown facade improvement grant program application shall be reviewed by a four (4) member committee to include: one (1) member of the historic preservation commission, the historic preservation officer, the downtown manager, and the director of development services. Application deadline for projects is September 1st of each year. Priority will be given to:
Projects that demonstrate the greatest overall need/urgency.
Contributing structures.
Owner occupied buildings.
Permanent structures.
Buildings with high visibility or large frontages.
Buildings with no outstanding code violations.
The facade improvement grant program is a 50/50 matching grant. Upon satisfactory completion of the approved work, grant recipients shall be reimbursed at a rate of fifty (50) percent of the cost of eligible building improvements.
Maximum city match of funds is as follows:
Facade restoration (brick and/or siding): Up to $5,000.00.
New paint: Up to $2,500.00.
Signage: Up to $750.00.
Qualifying improvements shall meet the following requirements upon completion:
Prior to beginning work, the project shall be reviewed by the historic preservation officer.
All work must comply with chapter 6 of the Unified Development Code (UDC) and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
Paint colors shall be chosen from the approved list of historically appropriate paint colors.
The applicant must provide receipts for all work.
(Ordinance O-16-08-18-8B adopted 8/8/16)