This division shall be known, and may be cited, as the diversity and inclusion commission ordinance of the city.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20)
For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
The City of Hutto.
The diversity and inclusion commission of the city.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20)
There is hereby created the diversity and inclusion commission of the city.
All commission members shall be appointed by the city council and shall serve without compensation.
The commission shall be composed of seven members to serve three-year terms.
Each candidate for appointment as a member of the diversity and inclusion commission shall be at least eighteen (18) years old and shall have resided within the corporate city limits, within territory annexed prior to the appointment, or within the boundaries of the Hutto Independent School District for at least twelve months preceding the appointment. The diversity and inclusion commission shall, to the extent possible, be broadly representative of economic status, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Commission members shall serve without compensation and shall not be employed by or hold any other position in city government. In addition to any other requirements prescribed by the city council, members shall maintain the qualifications established by this section while in office.
Members of the commission shall be limited to three consecutive full terms in office. A person who has served three consecutive full terms as a regular member may not again hold the same office until at least one term out of office has passed.
The commission members shall serve staggered three-year terms that will coincide with the term of the member of the city council with the same place number.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20; Ordinance O-2022-031 adopted 7/7/22; Ordinance O-2023-073 adopted 11/2/2023)
The commission shall elect from its members, at the first meeting of the commission held on or after January 1st of each year, a chairman and a vice-chair, and may elect a secretary. Such officers shall hold office for terms of one year, or until their successors take office.
The commission shall establish rules of procedure consistent with city ordinances, resolutions, and regulations.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20)
Any member who moves one’s residence outside the city limits shall automatically be dismissed from membership.
No member of the commission shall remain in his/her position after being elected or appointed to city, county or state board or office.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20; Ordinance O-2022-051 adopted 2022)
The commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and shall fix regular meeting dates at a regular meeting place. Special meetings may be called as necessary. A majority of the commission members serving shall constitute a quorum to do business.
All meetings shall be held in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act (Tex. Gov’t Code, §§551.001 et seq.), as it now exists, or as same may hereafter be amended or codified, to the extent of its applicability to the commission.
Every regular or special meeting of the commission shall be open to the public, except as may be authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20)
The commission shall serve in an advisory capacity and render recommendations upon request of the city council to include, without limitation, as follows.
Create focused recommendations specific to the city related to equity and empowerment issues.
Actively promote community awareness and education on the value of diversity.
Promote equity on the basis of economic status, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status, lawful source of income, physical or mental disability, familial status, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Develop recommendations for actions to strengthen policies, practices, services and programs.
Create a culture and framework of community equity, diversity and inclusion awareness efforts, programs and activities that are available and accessible to all community members.
The commission shall provide upon request of the city council coordination, collaboration, innovation and focus to development effective solutions to address equity and empowerment issues.
The commission shall provide an annual report to the city council by January 31st of each year and may be required to provide additional reports upon request of the city council.
(Ordinance O-2020-021 adopted 7/16/20)
A quorum of the commission shall consist of three (3) members.
(Ordinance O-2023-073 adopted 11/2/2023)
An action of the commission shall be approved by three (3) members.
(Ordinance O-2023-073 adopted 11/2/2023)