Platting is required for the following purposes:
To create a building site and obtain a building permit on a single lot or tract;
To subdivide a lot or tract into two or more parcels for development of the parcels;
To combine lots or tracts; and
To amend a plat.
The following land divisions are exempt from the requirements of these regulations:
Sale, inheritance, or gift of land by metes and bounds description, of a tract of land upon which no improvements, development, subdivision or alteration is intended;
Use of existing cemeteries complying with all State and local laws and regulations;
A division of land created by order of a court of competent jurisdiction; and
A division of land that results in the creation of two or more parcels, each of which is greater than five acres, when each parcel has direct access to an existing public street, and no dedication of public facilities is required.
Exceptions for Alterations.
No construction shall commence upon a tract prior to the recordation of a plat of the tract in the county plat records, except that a building permit may be issued on an unplatted tract within the City for any of the following purposes:
Adding to an existing building or structure;
Altering an existing building or structure;
Constructing an accessory building or structure;
Restoring any building or structure previously destroyed by fire, explosion, or any other casualty or act of God, where the extent of the destruction is not more than fifty (50%) percent of its reasonable market value; or
Replacement of a mobile home previously legally permitted and used or occupied as a residential dwelling with a HUD-code manufactured home.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Approval of a preliminary plat is required for any proposed subdivision within the City which proposes five (5) or more lots or proposes any public works improvements prior to approval of a final plat. When subdividing a tract which proposes four (4) or fewer lots, the owner may elect to submit an application for approval of a final plat or a minor plat without obtaining approval of a preliminary plat. Any re-subdivision of existing platted lots shall require the submittal and approval of a replat or an amending plat.
Inside City.
Within the City limits, a plat may be approved in two stages: a preliminary plat and a final plat.
Within ETJ.
Within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, only a final plat is authorized, unless the land to be platted is subject to an approved developer’s or development agreement, in which case a preliminary plat may be authorized by the agreement.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
General Requirements.
The following must be submitted with any request to vacate a plat:
A complete plat vacation application form, as provided by the City, signed by all owners and identifying the plat to be vacated.
A nonrefundable plat vacation processing fee in the amount established by City Council.
The signatures of approval of all representatives of all utilities serving the subdivision must be on the vacating instrument.
If improvements have been constructed within the area of an easement, the easement must be dedicated by separate instrument prior to the recording of the plat vacation.
Submission to Council.
The request shall be placed before the Commission. Upon approval, it will be forwarded to the City Council for action.
Effect of Plat Vacation.
Upon the execution and recording of the vacation instrument, the vacated plat or portion thereof shall have no effect.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
A replat of a subdivision is controlling over the preceding plat without vacation of the plat if the plat:
Is signed and acknowledged by only the owners of the property being replatted;
Is approved by the City Council after a public hearing on the matter at which parties in interest and citizens have an opportunity to be heard;
Does not attempt to amend or remove any covenants or restrictions; and
When applicable, in compliance with subsection (b) below.
Replat for Residential Lots.
If any of the proposed property to be replatted, within the immediate preceding five (5) years, was limited by any interim or permanent zoning classification to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot, or if any lot in the approved subdivision was limited by deed restriction to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot, notice of the public hearing shall be given in accordance with state law.
Note on Plat.
A replat shall contain a note describing the purpose of the change or modification framed in a bold line so as to be distinctly visible on the face of the plat.
The application process, approval process, criteria for approval, and recordation of a replat shall comply with the processes as provided for a final plat, as applicable.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
An application for approval of a minor plat may be filed only when all of the following circumstances apply:
The proposed division results in four or fewer lots;
All lots in the proposed subdivision front onto an existing public street and the construction or extension of a street or alley is not required; and
The plat does not require the extension of any municipal facilities or public improvements to serve any lot within the subdivision.
Criteria for Decision.
The Administrative Official, or the City Council on appeal, shall decide whether to approve, conditionally approve or deny the minor plat application based upon the following criteria:
The minor plat application is consistent with all zoning requirements for the property and all other requirements of this Ordinance;
All lots to be created by the plat already are adequately served by all required utilities and services; and
The plat does not require the extension of any municipal facilities or public improvements to serve any lot within the subdivision.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
An amending plat may be submitted to correct certain minor errors. Any corrections not listed in the statutory criteria for an amending plat will require full resubmittal of the plat and will be treated as a replat.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)