(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
The purpose of these design standards is to promote a regulatory process that provides options for innovation and significant flexibility to select appropriate building design, landscaping, stormwater management, and other site planning elements, which will ultimately help create developments that are in accordance with the overall concept of transit oriented development by providing for the flexibility of uses, stimulating a broad mix of commercial development, incorporating appropriate residential uses, supporting and sustaining property values of properties within the overlay district as well as those adjacent to it, and creating a quality and unique gateway for Burleson.
In order to take advantage of the growing desire for and ultimate development of commuter rail along the Fort Worth-Burleson-Cleburne line, the city and its consultant, Gateway Planning Group, have prepared a land use plan for a transit-oriented development (TOD) in the area. The mixed-use component of the TOD would provide for employment centers, integrated buildings with residential and retail/office components, potential governmental and other public buildings, and parks and open space. Surrounding the mixed-use component is a wide range of residential development, including higher-density condominiums and apartments in the range of 20 dwelling units per acre, and townhome/brownstone and other single family development in the 7—15 dwelling units per acre range. The layout of the overall acreage focuses on neighborhood centers, connected by sidewalks, paths and public trails in the parks, open spaces, and creek areas. The type of development encourages walking, and the compact nature of the development provides for short walking distances from the future rail station site to areas devoted to live, work and play.
Alsbury Boulevard and Shaffstall Road are critical elements of the success of the TOD. Through the TOD, these roadways will be designed with a unique cross-section. A "European boulevard" is envisioned so that pedestrian friendly areas and high volume, low speed travel lanes travel lanes can be created and complement each other in the overall design. Within the TOD, the goal is to construct these arterials as a feature of and integrated with the development, rather than a barrier between two different mixed-use developments. Outside the limits of the TOD, these roadways will be typical boulevards or undivided roadways with a center turn lane. Road "A" will provide direct access from both Alsbury Boulevard and Shaffstall Road to the rail station.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
The standards within this article shall apply to all properties as designated through base or overlay zoning districts. In event of a conflict between the standards described herein and elsewhere in the Burleson Code of Ordinance, the standards in this article shall apply. These design standards shall be applicable as follows:
For all new construction; or
When an existing building is proposed for remodeling, alteration, addition, or expansion, and the proposed construction value exceeds 50 percent of the current appraised value of the existing structure, as shown on the latest approved tax roll; or
When an existing building is proposed for addition that will increase the gross floor area of the existing building by 20 percent or greater; or
For any project proposed or considered under the approval of a specific use permit, planned development district, or site plan district.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
A commercial site plan review by the development assistance committee (DAC) shall be required (before issuance of a building permit) to ensure that all design standards have been adequately addressed.
A commercial site plan review shall follow the development review schedule of the community development department.
Application for a commercial site plan review shall include the following elements on minimum 24-inch × 36-inch sheet (detailed checklist for each element is available as a part of the commercial site plan application):
Dimensioned layout sheet.
Grading plan.
Landscape plan.
Stormwater management site plan.
Utility layout.
Erosion control plan.
Drainage area map.
Storm drain layout.
Building elevations.
Construction details.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
Any modification to the standards of this ordinance shall require review by the development assistance committee (DAC), and final approval by the city council.
Application for waivers or modifications shall follow the development review schedule of the community development department.
Application shall include:
A letter from the property owner stating the waiver requested, reason behind the request and merits of the request;
All applicable drawings (existing site plan, alternate site plan, elevations, details such as building materials, landscaping etc. on minimum [24-inch × 36-inch] sheet size).
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
An expression line shall delineate divisions between floors of all buildings, and a cornice shall delineate the tops of façades that do not utilize a pitched roof. For retail storefronts, a transom, display window area and bulkhead at the base shall be utilized.
To screen rooftop mechanical equipment, other appurtenances, and flat or built-up roofs, all structures having a footprint of 5,000 square feet or less shall be constructed with a pitched roof. Those structures having a footprint greater than 5,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched or parapet roof system enclosed on all sides.
Mansard roofs and flat membrane-type roofs that are visible are prohibited. Roofs shall be constructed of a process and of materials that shall have a minimum installation and manufacturer's warranty of at least 20 years.
Ground floor retail building plate heights shall be at least 15 feet in height.
Windows shall be oriented vertically. Windows on single family or town house residential buildings shall also utilize significant surrounds or shutters, as well as mullions between grouped windows.
Columns and piers shall be spaced no farther apart than the height of the column or pier.
Each floor of any building façade facing a park, plaza or street shall contain transparent windows covering from 15 to 75 percent of the façade area. In order to provide clear views of merchandise and to provide natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the street-level floor along the retail storefront façade shall have transparent storefront windows covering no less than 50 percent of the façade area.
Permitted finishes for commercial or mixed use buildings.
At least 80 percent of the exterior of all new buildings (excluding doors and windows) shall be finished in one or more of the following materials:
Brick, stone, cast stone, rock, marble, granite, glass block and/or tile.
Exterior insulating finishing system (EIFS) as an accent (abuse resistant EIFS above eight feet above grade).
Cementatious-fiber clapboard with at least a 50-year warranty.
Split face concrete block, poured-in-place concrete, and tilt-wall concrete. Any use of concrete products shall have an integrated color and be textured or patterned. Tilt-wall concrete structures shall include reveals, punch-outs, or other similar surface characteristics to enhance the façade on at least 25 percent of each façade.
The following permitted finishes for residential buildings and live/work units shall be allowed: Cementatious-fiber clapboard (not sheets) with at least a 50-year warranty; brick; stone; manmade stone and stucco utilizing a three-step process. The following shall be allowed up to 30 percent as an accent material: wood, exterior insulating finishing system (EIFS) (abuse resistant EIFS above eight feet above grade) or similar material over a cementatious base, rock, glass block and tile.
Side façades and rear façades shall be of finished quality and of the same color and materials that blend with the front of the building. Rear façades may be painted tilt-wall or painted block matching the same color of the rest of the building if the rear façade faces an alley or is not viewable from a public street or right-of-way.
On single-family residences, at least one of the following shall be utilized: porches, stoops, bay windows, balconies, masonry clad chimneys, attached pergolas or colonnades. Those architectural elements may encroach into the build-to-line.
Plate heights for single-family residential homes shall be no less than ten feet for the first floor and nine feet for the second or higher floors.
Garages for residential buildings generally shall be located at the rear on alleys, except in order to preserve trees at the rear of the lots. Pull-through garages are allowed if the garage door is set back behind the rear façade of the main structure. If front-loaded garages are utilized on single-family residential lots, the garages shall be no greater than 24 feet wide and set back at least ten feet measured from the face of the main structure closest to the garage, or rotated 90 degrees with windows on the wall facing the street. All garage doors shall be divided into single bays separated by at least an 18-inch column. Front-loaded garages on residential lots less than 60 feet wide shall not be allowed. Town homes and courtyard apartments shall utilize rear-loaded garages.
An enclosed garage or carport shall be designed and constructed of the same material as the primary building.
The exterior walls of buildings may be lit with wall washer type lights, natural gas lamps, or low wattage decorative electric lamps.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
Civic space.
Each platted project shall assign at least five percent of the acreage (not including public right-of-way or floodplain) to civic space as graphically depicted below. This standard shall not be satisfied through the option of payment into a parkland dedication fund.
Seventy percent of all residential or mixed-use lots shall be located within 800 feet of green or civic space for any given platted project.
Backing buildings onto trails or natural areas is strongly discouraged. If a building backs onto trails or natural areas, it shall utilize a rear fence that is metal and not opaque in order to enhance visual security of the public space, trails or natural areas. If a rear-loaded garage or pull through garage is utilized, the garage shall be located within three feet of the side property line or utilize a common wall with an adjacent garage to enhance the visual security.
The civic space shall be designed in accordance with the following illustrative standards.
All other requirements for landscaping shall be in accordance with chapter 86 of the Burleson Code of Ordinances.
a. Park. A natural area available for unstructured recreation. A park may not framed by building frontages. Parks shall be composed of trails, paths, meadows, tree stands and open shelters. Parks may be linear, following natural corridors and waterways. The minimum size shall be 15 acres.
b. Green. An open space, available for unstructured recreation. A green may be spatially defined by landscaping rather than building frontages. Its landscape shall consist of lawn and trees laid out naturally. The minimum size shall be two acres and the maximum size shall be 15 acres.
c. Square. An open space available for unstructured recreation and civic purposes. A square is spatially defined by buildings. Its landscape shall consist of paths, lawns, and trees laid out formally. Squares shall be located at the intersection of important streets. The minimum size shall be one acre and the maximum size shall be five acres.
d. Plaza. A primarily hardscaped open space with formal landscaping, available for civic purposes and commercial activities. A plaza shall be spatially defined by buildings. Plazas should be dimensioned at an approximate 3:1 ratio in terms of its width relative to the building heights. It shall not be dimensioned at more than a 6:1 ratio.
e. Playground. An open space designed and equipped for children's recreation. A playground shall be fenced and may include an open shelter. Playgrounds shall be located within residential areas and may be placed within a block as illustrated. They may included in parks and greens. There shall be no minimum or maximum size.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
Street connectivity and vistas.
All streets shall be located so that all streets terminate at other streets, except where not feasible due to natural site conditions. Cul-de-sacs shall be permitted only when warranted by natural site conditions.
Alleys should be utilized where feasible.
At every termination point of a street, or where it makes a 90-degree turn (plus or minus 15 degrees), the street shall terminate on a building or vertical element to establish a terminated vista, unless the street terminates into a park, a monument trail entrance or natural area.
Off-street parking.
Location generally.
Off-street parking shall not be located between the primary address of the building and the public right-of-way.
Area within Hulen Street, Alsbury Street and the railroad delineated in exhibit A. [1]An off-street parking lot on the side of a building shall not be wider than 65 feet, and a street-screen shall be provided such that the side of the parking bays closest to the street shall be screened by a wall or landscaped wrought iron fence three feet in height.
Editor note-Exhibit A is on file in the office of the city clerk.
Spaces required.
Residential uses—As required by the applicable housing type in the Building Type Matrix (Table B).
Nonresidential uses—As required by the Burleson Zoning Ordinance.
Neighborhood commercial incentive—The number of off-street parking spaces required for retail services, retail goods sales; pharmacies; dry cleaners; art, antique, furniture or electronics studios (retail, repair or fabrication); restaurants, cafes, delis or coffee shops; and retail bakeries shall be waived for the first 1,500 square feet of retail floor space (excluding kitchen, administrative and storage space) for a particular use as long as the total square footage of the use is no greater than 5,000 square feet.
Shared parking.
Off-street parking requirements for any and all uses permitted may be waived subject to a shared parking agreement or a coordinated parking plan approved by the city manager or designee, subject to appeal to the city council.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
All freestanding dumpsters shall be screened on all four sides with an opaque closure measuring to a height at least six inches above the top of the dumpster. A dumpster located in an alley on the perimeter of the project shall be screened from view on all sides with an opaque enclosure or building niche measuring at least six inches above the top of the dumpster. The building niche shall be constructed of material that matches the building.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
Requirements for signs shall be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 63 of the Burleson Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
In order to facilitate walkability and livability, all streets shall provide accessible sidewalks with street trees or adjacent trails. Block lengths shall be as short as possible to accommodate a walking environment. Street types and cross-sections are established herein to facilitate an integrated set of transportation choices—driving, walking, cycling and transit, as well as to form a place bounded by building façades creating "street walls." Carefully designed civic spaces such as greens, squares, plazas and trails shall be integrated into the neighborhoods.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)
Outdoor cafe seating for restaurant, cafe, deli or coffee shop uses shall be limited to the building's private frontage unless cafe seating is licensed with functional restrictions with the building's public frontage (i.e., the public right-of-way) upon the approval of the city manager or designee, subject to appeal to the city council.
(Ord. No. B-792-10(A0410), § 1, 4-19-2010)