The city council finds that the drivers, owners, and operators of vehicles are parking in loading and unloading zones, fire plug zones, and turning lane zones and on street corners, and also finds that the fine for these violations of $1.00 is not of sufficient amount to discourage violators from continuing these parking violations and has determined that the amount of the fine should be increased to $5.00 at certain locations where they create a severe traffic hazard.
The listed locations as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary have been determined by the city council to be severe traffic hazards when unauthorized violation parking occurs in these no parking areas mentioned in subsection (a) of this section.
(Ordinance 1983-11, secs. 1, 2, adopted 12/13/83; Ordinance adopting Code)
Marking of spaces.
Upon the request of the owner or operator of any off-street parking facility, the public works department of the city is authorized to designate stalls or spaces in an off-street parking facility for the exclusive use of vehicles which display a distinguishing license plate, specially designed symbols, tags, or other devices, issued pursuant Texas Transportation Code, to disabled veterans and disabled persons. Such markings shall be required for spaces required for the handicapped by the zoning ordinance of the city. Such stalls or spaces shall be designated by posting immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space a sign consisting of a profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on a blue background.
Parking restricted; towing of unauthorized vehicles.
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle not displaying a distinguishing license plate issued to disabled persons pursuant to Texas Transportation Code, or to disabled veterans pursuant to Texas Transportation Code, to stop, stand, park, or leave standing such vehicle in any parking space properly designated for the exclusive use of physically handicapped persons pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Such shall constitute a class C misdemeanor.
Any vehicles not displaying the proper license plates, tags, or devices may be towed from a handicapped parking space designated by subsection (a) of this section at the expense of the owner of such vehicle, and may be impounded until all towing and storage charges are paid.
(Ordinance 1984-13, sec. 1, adopted 10/9/84)
Prohibited; enforcement; penalty.
It is hereby declared unlawful, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., excluding Sundays and holidays, upon the public streets of the city, or parts thereof, in a time limit exceeding two (2) hours.
A violation of the time limit in subsection (a)(1) shall be determined by the marking of the tires of the stopped, standing or parked vehicle.
Any person violating the provisions of subsection (a)(1) is declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) for each violation thereof. Each separate violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Unlawful removal of markings on tires.
It is hereby declared unlawful, when the tires of a stopped, standing or parked vehicle have been marked as provided in subsection (a)(2), for any person to willfully and intentionally erase, eradicate or in any way remove or cause said mark to be erased, removed or eradicated from the tires.
A person erasing, removing or causing the removal of said mark from the tires of the stopped, parked or standing vehicle as defined in subsection (a)(2) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each separate violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Towing of vehicles with unpaid fines.
The city and its municipal employees are directed to cause to be towed away any vehicle found stopped, parked or standing in violation of subsection (a)(1) when previous parking violations by the vehicle or its owner remain unpaid and total the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
When a vehicle in violation of subsection (c)(1) has been towed away, the owner of such vehicle shall be civilly liable to the person doing such towing for the reasonable costs thereof.
(Ordinance 1985-11, secs. 1–3, adopted 12/10/85)
As used in this section the following terms shall have the meaning and definition as follows:
Commercial vehicle.
Any commercial vehicle as defined in section 641.001, Texas Transportation Code, that is not a passenger car or light pickup truck.
Vehicle load limit.
Any axle or gross weight limit as established by section 621.004, Tex. Trans. Code.
Parking of commercial vehicles.
Commercial vehicles shall not be parked and left overnight upon any public street or public way in the city.
Commercial vehicles within residential areas.
It shall be unlawful for any person or any owner to leave, park or stand any commercial vehicle, truck-tractor, road tractor, semi-trailer, bus, truck or trailer with a rated capacity in excess of one (1) ton, according to the manufacturer’s classification, upon any public street or highway within any area zoned as residential according to the zoning ordinance of the city. This shall not prevent the parking or standing of the above-described vehicles in said zoned areas for the purpose of expeditiously loading and unloading passengers, freight or merchandise, but not otherwise.
The following vehicles are exempt from the terms of this section while engaged in the listed activity:
Emergency vehicles (as defined by state law) responding to or from, or at the scene of, an emergency call;
Vehicles being used to provide any municipal service such as the installation, repair or maintenance of any public street, asset or property, collection of garbage, groundskeeping, etc.; and
Vehicles being used to install, repair or maintain any public service or utility such as telephone, electricity, cable television, gas, water or sewer line.
The chief of police and members of the police department, both regular and reserve officers, are empowered to enforce this section.
Towing and removal.
Any commercial vehicle which shall be or remain standing or parked upon any public street, avenue, way, alley or other public place in violation of this section, the owner or driver of which vehicle has been given previous notice or citation for parking such vehicle in violation of this section, may be removed by or upon an order by a police officer. The owner of such vehicle shall be responsible for the payment of any fees incurred for the towing and/or storage of said vehicle.
Parking on private property.
It shall be unlawful to park any commercial vehicle on any private property without the consent of the owner of the property.
Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine in an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
Prima facie evidence.
In any prosecution charging a violation of this section governing the standing or parking of a vehicle, proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was parked in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was, at the time of such parking, the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of such vehicle was the person who parked or placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, such violation occurred.
(Ordinance 2009-05 adopted 4/14/09)