For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words as used herein are defined as follows. Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be construed in accordance with customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practices.
Means of approaching or nearing. Includes a right of passage to and from an adjacent street.
Accessory Use or Structure or Building:
An accessory use or structure is one customarily a part thereof, which is clearly incidental and secondary to a permitted use and which does not change the character thereof.
Actual Construction:
The placing of construction materials in permanent position and fastened in a permanent manner; except that where demolition or removal of an existing building has been substantially begun preparatory to rebuilding, such demolition or removal shall be deemed to be actual construction, provided that work shall be diligently carried on until completion of the building involved.
Agricultural Use:
The use of land for the raising of crops or livestock with intent to make a profit on the sale thereof; as defined by the Central Appraisal District of San Saba County.
Alcoholic Beverage:
Any drink, either contained in a sealed container or served to be consumed on the premises, that contains an alcoholic content that causes it to be controlled under the authority of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
A Minor public right-of-way which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
A room or group of rooms used as a dwelling for one (1) family unit with cooking facilities therein located in a building where other family dwelling units are located.
Apartment House:
Any building or portion thereof which is designed, built and rented, leased or let to be occupied as three (3) or more dwelling units, or apartments or which is occupied as a home or place of residence by three (3) or more families, living in independent dwelling units.
Area of the Lot:
The area of the lot shall be the net area of the lot and shall not include portions of streets and alleys.
Automobile Storage Lot:
An off-street area not open for customers to drive into or through for the storage of unlicensed motor vehicles.
A type of steel building, a non-traditional structure, with a steel or wood frame and sheet metal siding, originally designed as a storage building or barn structure that has been repurposed by the addition of a living unit areas to previously open space within such original building. Such combination structure often acts as a dual-purpose living and shop or work and storage areas. The interior dwelling/living unit area must have square footage not less than 1,200 sq. ft. and meet all minimum housing requirements of the International Residential Code.
Base Site Area:
That portion of the gross site area remaining after (a) the dedication of public street and utility right-of-way; (b) subtracting the area within surface easement; and (c) buffer areas from the gross site area.
Bed and Breakfast:
A dwelling unit that contains no more than eight (8) guestrooms without individual cooking facilities that is rented for overnight lodging for compensation and serves at least one meal per day.
A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, shorelines of waterways, or boundary lines of municipalities.
Board of Adjustment:
The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of San Saba as established by this ordinance.
Buffer Area:
An area of land together with specified planting and/or structures thereon, which may be required between land uses of different intensities to eliminate or minimize conflicts between such uses.
Any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, chattels or removable property of any kind and which is affixed to the land. This term does not include fences.
Building Area:
The gross area covered by the building or buildings placed on a lot.
Building Code:
Those regulations as adopted in the San Saba Code of Ordinances.
Building Ends:
Those sides of a building having the least dimension as compared to the front or rear of a building. As used herein for the building spacing regulations for multiple-family dwellings, a building end shall be interpreted as being the most narrow side of a building regardless of whether it fronts upon a street, faces the rear of the lot, or is adjacent to the side lot line, or another building.
Building Line:
A line defining an area on the building lot between the street right-of-way or property line and the building line within which no building shall be constructed, encroach or project except as specifically authorized in an adopted ordinance of the City of San Saba.
Building Permit:
An instrument in writing signed by an enforcing officer authorizing described construction on a particular lot.
Cafe, Restaurant, or Cafeteria:
A commercial eating establishment where snacks or meals are vended for consumption primarily on the premises. This definition is intended to exclude establishments with delivery offered to automobiles away from the main building. This definition does not exclude “take-out” windows.
Certificate of Occupancy:
A written instrument signed by the enforcing officer authorizing a described use at a described location, which indicates conformance with or conditional waiver from the Zoning regulations.
A building or buildings used for public worship, including all accessory buildings used for recreation, administration and/or educational (not kindergarten, primary, secondary, junior high, or high school), but not including buildings used for residences.
The word “city” shall be the City of San Saba, Texas, together with all its governing and operating bodies.
City Administrator:
That person holding the office of City Administrator for the city of San Saba.
City Council:
The governing body of the City of San Saba, Texas
City Engineer:
The duly authorized person in charge of engineering for the City, or his designated representative.
City Secretary:
That person holding the office of City Secretary for the city of San Saba.
An institution, public or private, or a station for the examination and treatment of outpatients by an individual or a group of doctors, dentists or other licensed members of the human health care profession.
Club, Private:
Quarters for a private organization, whose principal purpose is the preparation and service of food and drink for members and their guests only. The on-site use of alcoholic beverages may be allowed when granted a Specific Use Permit.
Collector Street:
A street which carries traffic from local streets to the system of major streets, including the principal entrance street or streets to subdivision development and streets designed primarily to provide traffic circulation within or between one or more subdivisions.
Commercial Amusement:
An enterprise whose main purpose is to provide the general public with an amusing or entertaining activity, where tickets are sold or fees collected at the gate of the activity. Commercial amusements include zoos, carnivals, expositions, miniature golf courses, driving ranges, arcades, fairs, exhibitions, athletic contests, rodeos, tent shows, ferris wheels, children’s rides, roller coasters, skating rinks, ice rinks, traveling shows, bowling alleys, pool parlors and similar enterprises.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of San Saba, Texas.
Common Driveway:
A driveway on a common property line serving more than one platted lot.
Common Property:
A parcel or parcels of land, together with improvements thereon, the use and enjoyment of which are shared by the owners and occupants of the individual building sites in a planned unit.
Conditional Use:
A use which may be permitted in a district, subject to meeting certain conditions or procedures set forth in this ordinance.
Two (2) or more dwelling units on a lot with individual ownership of a unit rather than a specific parcel of real property, together with common elements. See Article 1301a, Texas Revised Civil Statutes.
Container Home:
means metal containers previously used for transport. Container homes are not considered Industrialized/Industrial Housing or Modular Housing. When converted for dwelling/living unit purposes, must meet all minimum housing requirements of the International Residential Code, with a minimum square footage of not less than 1,100 sq. ft. dwelling/living unit. Limit of one dwelling/living unit per lot. May not be stacked. Must be permanently placed on a slab or tied down with skirting. Not considered a Tiny Home as defined herein. May not be used as storage sheds within city limits. May not have signs, logos, or other markings on the exterior walls.
Contractor’s Services:
Air conditioning, building construction and supply, electrical supply, landscaping service, lumber yard, plumbing supply, tombstone and monument work, utility materials yard.
Convalescent Home:
Any structure used or occupied by three (3) or more persons recovering from illness or receiving geriatric care for compensation.
Corner Lot:
A lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection.
An open, unoccupied space, bounded on more than two (2) sides by the walls of a building. An inner court is a court entirely surrounded by the exterior walls of a building. An outer court is a court having one side open to a street, alley, yard or other permanent place.
A short, minor street having but one outlet to another street and terminating on the opposite end by an appropriate vehicular turnaround.
The number of dwelling units per gross acre of subdivision, excluding floodplains and any areas that are nonresidential in use.
Depth of Lot:
The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear property lines.
An individual, partnership, corporation, or governmental entity undertaking the subdivision or improvement of land and other activities covered by these regulations, including the preparation of a subdivision plat showing the layout of the land and the public improvements involved therein. The term “developer” is intended to include the term “subdivider” even though personnel in successive stages of a project may vary.
The construction of one or more new buildings or structures on one or more building lots, or the use of open land for a new use. “To Develop” shall mean to create development.
A section of the City of San Saba for which the regulations governing the area, height, use of land and buildings, and other regulations as defined by this ordinance are uniform.
Any structure specifically designed to house student tenants associated with a university, college or school.
Drive-in Eating Establishment:
Any structure and premises specifically designed for the preparation and dispensing of food and meals for consumption in a vehicle parked on the premises with delivery of food to customers in cars away from the main building.
Two (2) single-family dwelling units joined by one (1) or more common side walls.
Any building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively for residential purposes.
Dwelling - Multifamily:
Any building or portion thereof which is designed, built, rented, leased or let to be occupied as three (3) or more dwelling units or apartments or which is occupied as a home or residence for three (3) or more families.
Dwelling - One-Family:
A detached dwelling having accommodations for and occupied by not more than one (1) family and not more than two (2) boarders or lodgers.
Dwelling - Two-Family:
A detached dwelling having separate accommodations for and occupied by not more than two (2) families or by two (2) families and not more than four (4) boarders or lodgers. Two (2) boarders or lodgers per unit.
Dwelling Unit:
A building unit or other unit structure which is designed exclusively for residential purposes for a family.
An interest in land granted to the City or other governmental entity, to the public generally, and/or to a private utility corporation.
Efficiency Apartment:
An apartment without a bedroom separate from other living quarters.
Emergency Vehicle:
Any vehicle meeting the requirements for emergency vehicles under State law.
Enforcing Officer:
The designated enforcing officer of the City of San Saba or his designated representative.
Exterior Yard:
A yard abutting and extending along the full length of the street line of all streets abutting a lot.
Any number of related persons or not more than six (6) unrelated persons living in a single housekeeping unit.
Fast Food Service:
An establishment which prepares and sells food on the premises primarily for consumption elsewhere. This definition does not include drive-in restaurants as herein defined.
Filling Station:
An establishment where gasoline is sold and dispensed into motor vehicle tanks. Such establishments may also have accessory facilities for washing cars, minor maintenance, oil and grease, battery charging, tire repair and sale of auto accessories. Such establishment shall not perform body repair, engine or transmission overhaul and shall not display vehicles for sale except in districts allowing such sales. No inoperative motor vehicles shall remain outside the business/building for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Flood Fringe:
That portion of the floodplain which may be filled and/or altered so as to permit the construction of improvements provided such alterations and/or filling is approved by the City of San Saba, and any State or Federal agency which may have jurisdiction thereof.
Any and all land area adjoining the channel of a river, stream, lake, watercourse, marshy area, or other drainage element, which has been or may be inundated by stormwater runoff. The extent of the floodplain shall be determined by the crest of a flood having an average frequency of occurrence of once in one hundred (100) years, as established by FEMA.
The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood, as defined by the Corps of Engineers or FEMA, without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot.
Floor Area:
The sum total of all floors as calculated from measurements to outside walls.
All the property on one side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets (crossing or terminating), measured along the line of the street, or if the street is dead-ended, then all the property abutting on one side between an intersecting street and the dead-end street.
Front Yard:
An exterior yard between an adjacent street and the entrance of a principal structure on a lot. See Yard, Front.
Garage, Private:
An accessory building or portion of the main used building, designated for or used for the housing of motor-driven vehicles which are the property of and for the private use of the occupants of the lot on which the private garage is located. Not more than one (1) of the vehicles may be a commercial vehicle and of not more than one and one-half (1-1/2) tons capacity.
Garage, Repair:
An establishment where motor vehicles receive maintenance, repair or where auto body repair takes place. Does not include salvaging.
The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a building and a point five (5) feet distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface between the exterior wall of a building and the property line if it is less than five (5) feet distant from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and within five (5) feet of a public sidewalk, alley or other public way, the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way.
Gross Density:
The number of dwelling units per acre without deduction for landscaping or impervious surfaces.
Gross Leasable Area:
The total floor area of a building which is designed for tenant occupancy and use, including basements and mezzanines, and measured to centerlines of common partitions and to outside of exterior walls, excluding mechanical equipment, storage, restrooms, stairwells, elevator shafts and other common areas.
Gross Receipts:
Receipts from all business conducted on the premises and shall be deemed to include the sales price received of the goods, including gasoline, sold on consignment without deduction for any amount due the consignor.
Halfway House:
A residence operated by a governmental entity, providing room and board, on a temporary basis, to one or more individuals who are in transition from an institution, either penal or medical, to the position where they are not directly supervised.
Height of Building:
The vertical distance from the “grade” to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof.
Historic Landmark Overlay District:
Any area which contains buildings, structures or sites which (a) have a special character or have a special historical or cultural interest or value, (b) represents one or more periods or styles of architecture typical of one or more eras in the history of the City, and (c) cause such area, by reason of such factors, to constitute a district pursuant to the provision of this Ordinance. The area of an Historic Landmark Overlay District may include one or more properties.
Home Occupation:
A business, profession, occupation, or trade conducted for gain or support and located entirely within a residential building, which use is accessory, incidental, and secondary to the use of the building for dwelling purposes and does not change the essential residential character or appearance of such building or neighborhood or significantly increase the volume of traffic.
Hospital, Sanitarium, Nursing or Convalescent Home:
A building or portion thereof, used or designated for the housing or treatment of sick, aged, mentally ill, injured, convalescent or infirm persons; provided that this definition shall not include rooms in any residential dwelling, hotel or apartment/hotel not ordinarily intended to be occupied by said persons.
Any building containing six (6) or more guest rooms, intended or designed to be rented, or hired out to be occupied, for sleeping purposes by paying guests.
Impervious Surface:
A surface which does not absorb water and consisting of all building[s], parking areas, driveways, road[s], sidewalks, structures, and any areas of concrete or asphalt.
Industrialized Building:
means a commercial structure constructed in one or more modules or using one or more modular components built at a location other than the commercial site, that is designed to be used as a commercial building when the module or modular component is erected or installed, and that includes the structure’s plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical system. The term shall have the meaning given in Sec. 1202.003, Tex. Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, and does not include a structure that exceeds three stories or 49' in height.
Industrialized Housing:
means a residential structure that is designed for occupancy of one or more families, constructed in one or more modules or using one or more modular components built at a location other than the permanent site, that is designed to be used as a permanent residential structure when the module or modular component is erected or installed on a permanent foundation system, and that includes the structure’s plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical system. Industrialized housing does not include:
Housing constructed of a sectional or panelized system that does not use a modular component; or
A ready-built home constructed in a manner in which the entire living area is contained in a single unit or section at a temporary location for the purpose of selling and moving the home to another location.
The term shall have the meaning given in Sec. 1202.002, Tex. Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, and shall not include structures referenced in Sec. 1202.002(c) of the Tex. Occupations Code. Each module must bear a certification decal (label). A description of these decals is found in IHB Bulletin #97-001 on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Institutional Educational Use:
A college or university; a private or public institution approved by the appropriate State of Texas educational authority to teach two (2) or more grade levels such as kindergarten and first grade, first and second grade, etc.
Interior Yard:
A yard other than an exterior yard extending along the common boundary of adjoining lots.
Any building, lot or premises on or in which four (4) or more dogs (at least eight (8) weeks of age) are kept, or any building, lot, or premises where dogs or cats are housed or accepted for boarding, for which remuneration is received. This term does not include a veterinary clinic.
Lakes and Ponds:
Natural or artificial bodies of water which retain water year-round.
A building or site of immeasurable value in preserving the cultural heritage, or an outstanding example of design or a site closely related to an important personage, act or event in history. Such designation marks the site for preservation and restoration to its historical character and is intended to discourage modifications which detract from its historical significance.
Adorned or improved by contouring land and placing thereon live plants, flowers, shrubs, trees or grass.
Land Use Plan:
The element of the Comprehensive Plan that designates future intentions regarding the location and intensities of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses in relation to open space, community, transportation, and utility needs. This information is presented in a graphic format.
Legal Height:
The maximum height of a building permitted by any airport zoning ordinance or other ordinance restricting the height of structures.
Living Unit:
The room or rooms occupied by a family and must include cooking and sanitary facilities.
Lodging House:
A building where lodging for five (5) or more persons is provided for compensation.
An undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage on a public street or an approved open space having direct street access, and which is, or in the future may be, offered for sale, conveyance, transfer, or improvement, which is designated as a distinct and separate tract, and which is identified by a tract, or lot number, or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly filed and recorded.
Lot Coverage:
The percentage of the total area of a lot occupied by the base (first story or floor) of a building located on the lot.
Lot Lines:
The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
Lot of Record:
A lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Clerk of San Saba County prior to the adoption of this ordinance.
Lot Width:
The width of a lot at the front building line.
Main Building:
The building or buildings on a lot which are occupied by the primary use.
Maintenance Agreement:
An agreement providing for public utilities, drainage, or streets or work to insure the correction of any failures of any improvements required pursuant to City regulations or to maintain same.
Manufacturing, Processing and Fabrication:
Beverage plant, fabrication, metal finishing, foundry, ice plant, machine shop, planing mill, printing plant, publishing and bindery plant, masonry products manufacturing, research laboratory, and all other uses of similar land use intensity and impact on adjacent property.
A roof-like structure projecting over the entrance to a building. It may also project over a sidewalk adjacent and parallel to the front wall of a building.
Enclosed space rented to members of the general public for private use for dead storage of motor vehicles, trailers, boats and household goods. The rented space shall be used for private use only. No retail, service, professional, nor any other form of business that involves the general public and creates traffic by anyone other than the renter shall be conducted or performed on or from the rented space.
Mobile Home:
A movable or portable dwelling which is eight (8) feet or more in width and thirty-two (32) feet or more in length, constructed on a chassis, and which is designed to be towed over Texas roads and highways under special permit, designed for year-round occupancy, primarily to be used without a permanent foundation, and designed to be connected to utilities. It may consist of one or more units that can be telescoped when transported and expanded later for additional capacity, or of two or more units, separately transportable, but designed to be joined together into one integral unit.
The following shall not be included in this definition:
Travel trailers, pickup coaches, motor homes, camping trailers, or other recreational vehicles.
Manufactured modular housing which is designed to be set on a permanent foundation, and which uses standard sheathing, roofing, siding, and electrical plumbing, and heating and cooling systems which comply with the applicable ordinances and codes of the City.
Modular Component:
means a structural part of housing or a building constructed at a location other than the building site in a manner that prevents the construction from being adequately inspected for code compliance at the building site without damage or removal and reconstruction of a part of the housing or building.
An inn or group of cabins or guest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by paying guests.
Multiple-Family Building:
Same as apartment house.
Nonconforming Use:
A building, structure or use of land lawfully occupied at the time of the effective date of this ordinance, or amendments thereto, and which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is situated.
The use or intended use of the land or building by proprietors or tenants.
Open Display:
The placement for viewing of goods or products, for sale or for viewing only, that is not contained or restricted by fencing, walls, counters, or other barriers; allowing the general public free access to handle the product or view them without obstruction.
Open Space:
Private property under common ownership designated for recreational area, private park (for use of property owners within the subdivision), play lot area, plaza area, building setbacks (other than those normally required), and ornamental areas open to the general view within the subdivision. Open space does not include streets, alleys, utility easements, public parks or required setbacks.
Outside Storage:
The storage of material, outside of the walls of the main structure, incidental to the use of the property. Said material is screened from view by a solid, non-transparent screening fence with a minimum height of six (6) feet; and does not exceed the height of the screening fence.
Overlay Zone:
A zoning district which characteristically lays over another zoning district. The base zoning district usually retains the restrictions provided by the zoning ordinance; but is further restricted by the regulations provided in the overlay zone.
Parking Space:
An area of not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet (measuring approximately nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet), unless other provisions are made in this ordinance, not on a public right-of-way or alley, surfaced with an all-weather surface, enclosed or unenclosed, together with an all-weather surfaced driveway connecting the parking space with a street or alley permitting free ingress and egress. Head-in parking adjacent to a public thoroughfare shall not be permitted.
Parkway Area:
That portion of the public right-of-way lying primarily between the edge of the pavement or curb and the private property line.
An establishment where articles are traded and exchanged for money plus a right to redeem such articles within a given amount of time upon repayment of such money with interest.
Permitted Use:
A use specifically allowed in one or more of the various districts without the necessity of obtaining a specific use permit. This does not include conditional uses.
An individual, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns; a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or assigns; or the agent of any of the aforesaid.
Personal Service Shop:
An establishment for the purpose of supplying limited personal services such as: cleaning and laundry collection station, interior decorating, watch and jewelry repair, reader, art gallery, library, museum, studio for professional artwork, photography, dance or fine arts, including teaching of applied and fine arts, this definition does not include massage parlors, barbershops, beauty shops or hairdressers.
Planned Development:
A subdivision of land that consists of commercial and/or residential land uses, public land uses, common open space, park and recreational area, adequate to serve the needs of the tract when fully developed and populated, which is to be developed as a single entity, under unified control.
Planning and Zoning Commission:
The agency appointed by the City Council as an ADVISORY body to it and which is authorized to recommend changes in zoning and approval of plats.
Land together with any building or structure occupying it.
Is the act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form, integrity, and material of a building or structure, and the existing form and vegetative cover of the site. It may include initial stabilization work where necessary, as well as ongoing maintenance of the historic building materials.
Print Shop:
An establishment utilizing offset, letter press, duplicating equipment, but not rotary presses or line-a-type equipment.
Private Garage:
An accessory building housing vehicles owned and used by occupants of the main building; if occupied by vehicles of others, it is a storage space.
Professional Office:
An office occupied by a doctor, lawyer, dentist, engineer, planner, or any other vocation involving predominately mental or intellectual skills. Does not include veterinary clinics.
Shall mean the promotion of a public cause or service, including utilities having a franchise from the City, but excluding other profit-making organizations.
Public Right-of-Way:
A strip of land used or intended to be used, wholly or in part, as a public street, alley, crosswalk, pedestrian path, drainageway or other public way.
Rear Yard:
An interior yard extending along the full length of the rear lot line and defined by a line along and parallel to the rear lot line. See Yard, Rear.
Is the act or process of reproducing by new construction the exact form and detail of a historic building, structure, or object, or a part thereof, as it appeared at a specific time period.
Recreation Space:
Any open or enclosed area which is available to inhabitants of an occupancy for recreational activities. This term includes swimming pools, recreation rooms, ball courts, grass areas, and any other area, both open to all inhabitants of the occupancy and not required for another purpose, such as walkways, parking areas, and landscaping.
Is the process of returning a property to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values.
Same as dwelling; also when used with the word district, an area of residential regulation.
Is the act or process of accurately recovering the form and details of a property and its setting as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of later work or by the replacement of missing earlier work.
A building or portion of a building which is arranged, occupied, or intended to be occupied as living or sleeping quarters but not including toilet or cooking facilities.
Rooming House:
A group of rooms provided for compensation either in a converted single-family home or in a structure specifically designed for such purpose. No cooking facilities are provided in individual living units. See Lodging House.
Salvage Yard:
A property that has as its primary use salvage processing and sale, such as auto wrecking yards and junkyards.
One space for an individual to sit equal to 18 inches to a bench and pew width if other than an individual chair.
Service Establishment:
Barber and beauty shops, hairdresser, shoe repair, dry cleaners, etc.
Setback Line:
Also known as the Building Line. The line which marks the setback distance from the property line, and establishes the minimum required front, side or rear yard space of a building plot.
Shopping Center:
A composite arrangement of shops and stores which provide a variety of goods and services to the general public, when developed as an integral unit.
Any word, number, figure, device, design or trademark by which anything is made known, as used to designate an individual, firm, profession, business, or a commodity and which is visible from any public street.
Site Capacity:
The number of dwelling units permitted on a given site.
Site Plan:
A map, drawing or chart showing the location of all existing and planned structures, landscaping, design ingress and egress, parking, height of structures, and/or any other elements as required by these regulations, and which a subdivider shall submit for approval in accordance with these regulations.
Specialty Shop:
An establishment for the purpose of supplying limited specialty items, such as antiques, art objects and supplies, candy, florist, gifts, greeting cards, framing, stamps and coins, stationery, tobacco, etc.
Steep Slopes:
Areas that contain slopes over fifteen (15) percent grade and are characterized by increased runoff, and erosion.
Storage and Warehouses:
Commercial storage, crating service, petroleum product storage, truck terminal warehouse.
Storage Sheds:
Prohibited as residential dwelling/living units, including tiny homes. Storage sheds are allowed only for accessory storage. Storage sheds must be placed on a slab or be tied down with skirting.
The height between successive floors of a building or from the top floor to the roof. The standard height for a story is twelve (12) feet. Does not include the roof structure, chimneys, and parapets.
A public right-of-way which provides primary vehicular access to adjacent land, whether designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, avenue, lane, boulevard, road, place, drive, or however otherwise designated.
Street Line:
A dividing line between a lot, tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street.
Structural Alterations:
Any change in the supporting member of a building such as a bearing wall, column, beam, or girder.
That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
Temporary Home Sales Office:
A single-family residential structure used solely for the display and/or sales of residences within a subdivision.
An establishment charging admission to the general public for the privilege of observing live, televised or motion picture performances.
Thoroughfare Plan:
That portion of the Comprehensive Plan, both text and map, that provides the description of street classifications and general location of the placement of the designated thoroughfares.
Tiny Home:
Single-family residential dwelling/living unit with minimum square footage of not less than 800 sq. ft. Must meet all minimum housing requirements of the IRC. To be allowed and considered a residential dwelling/living unit, it must be permanently placed on a slab as well as comply with the minimum development standards in the zoning district where they are permitted. Tiny home on wheels is considered a recreational vehicle and may not be used as a dwelling unit in any district. Only one tiny home per lot. Tiny Homes shall only be located on Bluffton and Water Streets within the Boundaries of Annex and Mound Streets.
A single-family attached dwelling unit on a separately platted lot which is joined at another dwelling unit on one or more sides by a party wall or abutting walls and occupied by not more than one family.
A vehicle equipped for use as a dwelling and designed, or capable of, being hauled along a highway. Removal of the running gear will not change the definition.
Trailer Camp or Mobile Home Park:
An area designed, arranged, or used for the parking or storing of two (2) or more auto trailer or mobile homes which are occupied or intended for occupancy as living quarters by individuals or families. See mobile home and modular home.
The principal purpose for which a property or structure is employed or utilized.
Used Car Lot:
A lot or portion thereof to be used only for the display and sale of automobiles that are in condition to be driven on or off the lot. A used car lot shall not be used for the storage of wrecked automobiles, or the dismantling of automobiles or the storage of automobile parts.
A legal modification of the district provisions, such as yard, lot width and yard depth, signs, setback, off-street parking and loading regulations, height, access and screening, granted due to the peculiar conditions existing within a single piece of property.
Veterinary Clinic:
A place where a veterinarian maintains treatment facilities.
Wholesale Distributor:
Alcoholic beverage distributor; wholesale equipment and furniture, wholesale groceries, meats, fish and poultry; wholesale produce; wholesale supply house; wholesale laundry and dry-cleaning plant; and any other distributor of goods for resale.
A required open space, other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed by any structure or portion of a structure from the general ground level of the graded lot upward; provided, however, that fences, walls, poles, posts, and other customary yard accessories, ornaments, and furniture are not deemed to be obstructions if height limitations and requirements limiting obstruction of visibility are observed.
Yard, Front:
An open, unoccupied space on a lot facing a street, extending across the front of the lot between the side lot or street line with the minimum horizontal distance between the street line and the main building line as prescribed for the district in which the building is located.
Yard, Rear:
An open unoccupied space, except for accessory buildings as herein permitted, extending across the rear of the lot from one (1) side lot line to the other side lot line and having a depth between the main building and the rear lot line as prescribed for the district in which the building is located.
Yard, Side:
An open unoccupied space or spaces on one (1) or two (2) sides of a main building and on the same lot with the building situated between the building and a side line of the lot and extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line. Any lot line, not the rear line or front line, shall be deemed a side lot line.
Zoning District Map:
The official certified map upon which the boundaries of the various zoning districts are drawn and which is an integral part of the Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning Inspector:
The individual or individuals that have been designated by the City to conduct inspections in the field of the zoning requirements of structures and parcels of land.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2009-09 adopted 5/19/09; Ordinance 2015-13, sec. 2, adopted 9/8/15; Ordinance 2021-04 adopted 6/8/21)
Amendments to the definitions in this section, or additional definitions to be added to this section, may be made by the City Council of the City of San Saba, after receiving the recommendations and report of the Planning and Zoning Commission on such amendments or additions and after a public hearing before the City Council, as provided by law. Public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission, on any proposed amendment or addition to the definitions of this section, shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission after notice of such hearing shall have been given by publication at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of San Saba, of the time and place of such hearing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of such hearing.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91)