In this article:
Job placement activities.
Any request, offer, enticement, or action which announces the availability for or of employment or seeks to secure employment. As defined herein, job placement activities shall be deemed complete when made whether or not an actual employment relationship is created.
Unauthorized location.
Any private area that complies with the notice requirements found under section 26.121(B) of this article.
(Ordinance 5601, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/01; Ordinance 7126 adopted 2/18/20)
No person shall engage in or attempt to engage in job placement activities in an unauthorized location. This section shall not apply to job placement activities concerning employment or business for the owner or lawful tenants of the subject premises.
This section shall only apply to private property where proper notice is posted in a conspicuous place. The notice shall be on a sign not less than eighteen (18) by twenty-four (24) inches in size with lettering not less than one (1) inch in height. The total area of the sign shall not exceed six square feet. The sign shall contain, both in English and Spanish, language that is substantially in the following form:
“It is unlawful to engage in job placement activities on these premises.”
(Ordinance 5601, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/01; Ordinance 7126 adopted 2/18/20)