The Downtown (DT) form-based code district focuses on creating a series of unique, but compatible, pedestrian-oriented areas within the context of the current Downtown. The district is designed to achieve a more positive outcome for development, to improve the quality of life both within and surrounding the district, to enhance property values, and to improve the overall perception of Downtown. The Downtown district combines minimum and maximum specifications with standards for site layout, building design, and streetscape. It provides for flexibility among compatible uses to allow developers and the City to respond to changing market demands. It also provides for parking ratios that increase land use efficiency and minimize disruption of the public realm.
The regulations build upon accessibility to the Downtown DART rail station as a means of enhancing the attractiveness of the area for young professionals, retirees, and others seeking to reduce their auto dependence.
Another important element of the Downtown district is the procedure for approval of development proposals. It compensates for high standards by providing for administrative review of plans and requests for waivers to certain requirements that would achieve a better development.