It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who is not registered by the City as a landscape architect or landscape irrigator to secure permits as provided herein.
Each applicant for registration as a landscape architect or landscape irrigator shall have an established place of business or shop for which a certificate of occupancy has been secured if within the City limits. Such certificate of occupancy shall be displayed in his place of business.
To register with the City as a landscape architect or landscape irrigator, application shall be made in writing on forms furnished for that purpose and filed with the Building Official. The application shall show the architect’s or irrigator’s name, local address and telephone number, and such other information as may be required to properly identify the architect or irrigator.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to represent himself or themselves as a registered and licensed landscape architect or landscape irrigator, or to falsely use the words “landscape architect,” “landscape irrigator,” or words of similar import or meaning as defined by the state board of landscape architects, on signs, cards, stationery, or by any other misleading manner whatsoever within the City, unless said person, firm or corporation is, in fact, registered and holds a valid certificate issued by the state board of landscape architects.
(Ordinance 5371, sec. 5, adopted 6/1/99)
The actual work of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing of landscape irrigation systems for which a permit is required by this Code shall have supervision by a landscape architect or landscape irrigator as provided by the state board of landscape architects and this Code. Such registered landscape architect or irrigator shall be the supervisory architect or irrigator of only one firm or corporation within the City at any one time.
When contracts to install landscape irrigation systems have been obtained by persons who are not registered as plumbing contractors, landscape architects, or landscape irrigators, the actual installation work may be done only by a registered plumbing contractor, landscape architect, or landscape irrigator to whom the contract may be assigned or sublet.
It shall be unlawful for any person, except those exempt therefrom by the state board of landscape architects and the Plumbing License Law of 1947, who is not licensed as a landscape architect, landscape irrigator, or plumber in accordance with provisions of the laws of the state to install landscape irrigation systems as defined herein.
Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the employment of unskilled laborers to handle, haul or to carry materials when working under the immediate supervision of a landscape architect, landscape irrigator, or master plumber.
Each holder of a certificate as a landscape architect or landscape irrigator shall display his license in a conspicuous place in his principal place of business.
Each holder of a license or certificate shall carry evidence of proper registration on his person at all times while doing work and shall produce and exhibit same when required by an inspector or officer of the City.
An annual registration fee per section 30.301 of this chapter, as amended, shall be paid to the City prior to the acceptance of registration and after the person has been issued a certificate by the state board of landscape architects. The contractor registration provided for in this Code shall expire one (1) year following the date of issuance.
(Ordinance 5209, sec. 5, adopted 9/15/98; Ordinance 5371, sec. 5, adopted 6/1/99)
Permits shall apply to a specific installation to be done within a specific single building, structure, or premises.
All permits, issued pursuant to this Code, shall be issued upon the following conditions:
That connections with, or openings into, the water mains of the City shall be done by authorization of, and in the method prescribed by, the City Water Department.
That all installations meet the requirements of the Plumbing Code and such other requirements as may be directed by the Building Official.
All materials, up to and including the backflow preventer, shall meet the requirements of the Plumbing Code.
The landscape irrigation system fees shall be in an amount as provided in the fee schedule set forth in section 30.301 of this chapter.
(Ordinance 4847, sec. 6, adopted 3/7/95; Ordinance 5371, sec. 5, adopted 6/1/99; Ordinance 5628, sec. 16, adopted 2/19/02)
Violation of this article shall be a misdemeanor punishable in accordance with section 10.05 of this Code.
shall mean a place for the storage of personal property and the parking of motor vehicles.
Sales office
shall mean an area within a new model home that provides for the sale and display of other homes in the subdivision.
Sales offices allowed.
Sales offices are hereby allowed to be placed in the garages of homes located within any platted subdivision as long as any new home remains unsold in said subdivision, subject to the following conditions:
The overhead garage doors shall be installed in the garage so used as a sales office.
An appropriate notice, stating that the area used as a sales office is a garage and will be converted to same upon the sale of the home, such notice posted in a conspicuous place at all times in the area used as a sales office.
That the homes so used as sales offices shall be designated by the developer and filed with the Building Official.
That sales contracts providing for the sale of homes within subdivisions affected by this section shall contain appropriate language that a garage shall be maintained on the premises at all times.
(Ordinance 5371, sec. 5, adopted 6/1/99)
Merchandising is hereby prohibited on any street, alley, public square, or public place in the City and every person, including any peddler or itinerant merchant or his agents, officers, or employees, is prohibited from merchandising on any street, alley, public square, or public place in the City.
The term “merchandising,” as used in this section, shall mean the sale or offering for sale of any products, medicines, goods, wares, or merchandise, except newspapers, ice, tickets or buttons for local charitable or benevolent purposes, and vegetable, farm, poultry and dairy products raised, owned and in possession of a bona fide farmer.
It shall not be unlawful for any product, medicine, goods, wares, and merchandise sold by any dealer or owner of the same, and not sold in violation of this section, to be delivered over or via the streets, alleys, public squares, or public places to the residence or place of business of the purchaser.
It shall be unlawful for any person, by loud talking or speaking or unusual acts or exhibitions, to attract a crowd on any portion of any street or sidewalk of the City to solicit trade or patronage for any business, house or other premises. The use of any portion of any street or sidewalk in the City for advertising or soliciting the sale of any goods, wares or merchandise, is hereby prohibited.
It shall not be unlawful for any product, medicine, goods, wares, and merchandise sold by any dealer or owner of the same, and not sold in violation of this section, to be delivered over or via the streets, alleys, public squares, or public places to the residence or place of business of the purchaser.
Defense to prosecution: The possession of an active City license to operate a sidewalk space on a City sidewalk at time and the location complained of shall be a defense to prosecution under this section so long as the activity complained of is within the scope of said license.
(Ordinance 4883, sec. 5, adopted 7/11/95; Ordinance 7447 adopted 7/11/2023)
It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any portion of any sidewalk in the City by selling or offering for sale, at auction or otherwise, any goods, wares, or merchandise on or about any sidewalk. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to place any barrel, box, wood or any other substance on any sidewalk in the City so as to obstruct the passage on or along such sidewalk or any part thereof. No person shall have or maintain any stand or stall for any purpose on any portion of any sidewalk in the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any sidewalk in front of any church, theater or other public place, or place of business, or in any other way obstruct the passage in or out of any church, theater, or other public place.
Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent any merchant from occupying not to exceed one-half (1/2) of the sidewalk immediately in front of his place of business in receiving and forwarding goods, wares and merchandise, provided such goods, wares and merchandise shall not remain on such sidewalk for a longer time than one (1) hour.
Defense to prosecution: The possession of an active City license to operate a sidewalk space on a City sidewalk at time and the location complained of shall be a defense to prosecution under this section so long as the obstruction complained of is within the scope of said license.
(Ordinance 7447 adopted 7/11/2023)
Editor’s note–Former section 30.198 pertaining to the placing of advertising matter on sidewalks was repealed by Ordinance 6615, sec. 2, adopted May 21, 2013. Similar provisions can now be found in chapter 33, article XI of this Code.
For the purposes of this section, “commercial property” shall mean all property other than single-family residential property. “Commercial building” shall mean any building or structure located on a commercial property. The terms “commercial property” and “commercial building” specifically include apartment and multifamily properties and buildings. “Owner” shall include an agent of the owner who is authorized to, or who actually does, lease, manage, or collect rent from a commercial property on behalf of the owner.
Maintenance of parking areas.
The owner of a commercial property shall:
Repair or resurface all parking areas, driveways to and from parking areas, and the pads and driveways to and from refuse storage facilities so as to be free from potholes, cracks which may contain weeds or other vegetation, or changes in surface grade of one inch (1") or greater.
Repaint or restripe parking spaces and fire lanes so as to maintain clearly designated parking spaces and fire lanes.
Maintenance of landscaping.
The owner of a commercial property shall remove and replace all dead trees, shrubs, and groundcover which are part of required landscaping for the commercial property and, if not part of required landscaping, shall be removed or replaced.
Maintenance of commercial buildings and structures.
The owner of a commercial building shall:
Repair or replace broken, cracked, damaged, or missing doors and windows.
Repair or replace loose, damaged, or missing exterior trim, siding, and roofs.
Repaint or resurface exterior surfaces of the building with a weatherproof protection.
Disconnect or cap off unsafe electric and unsanitary plumbing connections in commercial buildings, or portions thereof, that have not been in use for six (6) months or more.
Schedule of maintenance.
The owner shall submit, within ten (10) days of notification of a violation of this section, a work schedule to the City and obtain all necessary permits for the work. All portions of the work shall be completed within thirty (30) days of issuance of a permit. However, major work such as reroofing a building or repaving (resurfacing) a parking lot will be allowed thirty (30) days to submit a work schedule and obtain a permit and a maximum of six (6) months to complete the work.
(Ordinance 4449, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/90)