The following terms, as used in this article, have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:
includes an omission or failure to act.
Administrative expenses
means the expenses of administering the program, to the extent designated as such by the Claims Board, including (but not limited to) the following:
The fees paid to:
Risk management consultant;
Claims adjusting firm;
Professional actuary; and
Professional rehabilitation consultant;
The expenses of defending any plan claim, including (but not limited to) the following:
Compensation paid to expert witnesses;
Attorneys’ fees and expenses, court costs; and
Investigation expenses;
Any expenses incurred by the City in the course of any financing undertaken to provide funding for the risk management fund or to repay any obligation incurred by the City in the course of such financing; or
The cost of program insurance (including any compensation paid to brokers) that is purchased in accordance with the article.
Advertising injury
means injury to a claimant that arises during the course of the City’s promotional activities, if such injury arises out of libel, slander, defamation, violation of right of privacy, piracy, unfair competition, or infringement of copyright, title or slogan.
Assumed risks
means the risks of liability that the City has assumed due to the risk of liabilities, losses, and expenses of, and possible claims against, its elected officials, appointed officials, employees and certain volunteers when and while acting in the ordinary course of their duties, powers and functions.
Auto liability
means coverage for liability, including bodily injury and property damage, to others caused by a City vehicle (automobile, truck, or construction equipment).
Bodily injury
means any physical harm or physical illness sustained by any individual including a resulting death.
means the City of Garland.
City vehicle
means a vehicle or any mobile equipment leased or owned by the City.
means any demand by an individual or corporation to recover for loss regardless of whether any damages resulting from such loss are permitted under the program article to be paid from the fund.
Claims adjuster
means a City staff person with the appropriate Texas Claims License or a licensed third-party claims adjusting firm.
Claims board
means the administrators of the City’s self-insurance program as outlined in this article.
Combined risks
means the corporate risks and the assumed risks.
Corporate risks
means risks of tort liability, and worker’s compensation liability for which the City may, under law, be held liable while the City, as a municipal corporation and corporate entity, is performing its governmental or proprietary functions.
Covered act
means any act of a plan member that:
Occurs during the discharge of the member’s official duties for the City; and
Is within the scope of the member’s office, employment, or assigned work with the City, as applicable.
means compensatory damages, punitive damages, special damages, or any classification of damages that lawfully may be awarded against the City or a plan member as a result of a claim.
Error or omission
means any act of a plan member that results in or constitutes an erroneous or improper discharge of such plan member’s official duties for the City (including the making of an incorrect statement), but that does not constitute legally actionable fraud or an intentional or knowing breach of duty.
Excluded action
means any claim or suit against a plan member or the City not covered by the program article.
Excluded payment
means payments for claims beyond the purpose or limits of the risk management fund. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:
The payment of any plan claim involving damages that arise from the exercise by the City of its power of eminent domain and lawful powers of condemnation.
The payment of all or that portion of any plan claim that in lieu of payment from the fund, can be paid from:
The proceeds of insurance carried by the City, including (but not limited to) casualty or liability insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, or property insurance;
The proceeds of any insurance carried under any health, accident, or similar plan of benefits provided by the City; or
Any fund, reserves, or other source of payment available to the City that has been designated or otherwise set aside for such purpose.
The payment of a claim that is in excess of amounts available in the fund for payment as prescribed in the program article.
Payments considered by the Claims Board as not in the scope or boundary of the program article.
Fund surplus
means moneys over and above those moneys needed to fund the risk management fund as determined by an independent actuary.
General liability
means liability coverage for all premises and operations of the City for which the City is legally obligated, including bodily injury and property damage.
means an accident, an incident or series of repeated incidents, that results in compensable injury to one or more persons.
Personal injury
means any injury arising out of false or wrongful arrest, detention, or imprisonment or malicious prosecution; wrongful entry or eviction or other invasion of the right of private occupancy or right of privacy; publication or utterance of a libel or slander or other disparaging or defamatory material; and bodily injury.
Plan claim
means any liability claim against a plan member arising out of or relating to acts or omissions occurring in the ordinary course and scope of a plan member’s duties, powers and functions for the City.
Plan member
means elected officials, appointed officials, employees and certain volunteers when and while acting in the ordinary course and scope of their duties, powers and functions.
Program insurance
means any insurance (other than the self-insurance provided by the fund) that is obtained by the City pursuant to section 41.100 of this article.
Program article
means this article and any amendments hereto.
Program liability coverage
means the liability insurance policies, if any, that the City has purchased from an insurance provider pursuant to Section 41.100 of this article.
Program risks
means any of the following risks:
The assumed risks.
The corporate risks.
The combined risks.
Property damage
means any damage to or destruction of tangible property or the loss of use of tangible property.
Public official and employees liability
means liability for alleged professional misconduct or lack of ordinary skill in the performance of public duties, including bodily injury and property damage.
Special circumstances
means claims associated with a covered act but which are not covered under this program article because of one or more exclusions.
Worker’s compensation
means a “corporate risk” for which the City may be held liable under the Municipal Worker’s Compensation Law.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 1, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 6895, sec. 1, adopted 2/21/17)
Whenever the context requires: reference in the program article of the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa; and words used in the program article denoting gender shall be construed to include the masculine, feminine, and neuter.
The table of contents and the titles given to any article or section of the program article are for convenience only and are not intended to modify or affect the meaning of the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 1, adopted 2/21/89)
The City Council hereby establishes and orders created the “City of Garland Self-Insurance and Risk Management Program,” which shall consist of the policies, rights, and duties embodied in the program article. The program shall be implemented and administered as provided by the program article, and shall be subject at all times to the superior authority of the City Council.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89)
The “Risk Claims Board” is hereby created.
The Claims Board shall be composed of the following five members:
The City Manager;
The Assistant City Manager of Management Services or a Deputy or Assistant City Manager of the City designated by the City Manager;
The Director of Financial Services;
The City Attorney; and
The Risk and Insurance Manager.
The City Secretary, or an Assistant City Secretary designated by the City Secretary, shall serve as the secretary of the Claims Board.
The Claims Board may select such officers as it determines appropriate from among its members.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 6895, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/17)
The Claims Board has the power and responsibility to administer the program on the City’s behalf in accordance with the program article, subject to the superior authority of the City Council. In the course of carrying out this responsibility, the Claims Board shall interpret and apply the provisions of the program article, applicable resolutions adopted by the City Council, and the provisions of the City Charter relating to the program article. The Claims Board may interpret and apply the program article to special circumstances as defined in section 41.70. The Claims Board may establish rules governing the conduct of its affairs and take such actions necessary to enable it to properly and effectively exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions delegated to it under the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 6895, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/17)
The fund is an internal service fund of the City created originally by Resolution 5879 for the purpose of self-insurance. The fund will provide capital for the more comprehensive risk and insurance management program to be used as provided by the program article.
Only the City, has, or is granted or vested with, any right to any of the money in the fund.
The cash of the fund shall be maintained at the City’s depository bank unless required to be maintained elsewhere by another City ordinance or by agreement entered into by the City.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89)
The systematic annual increase in the loss reserve balance of the risk management fund shall be provided for, as authorized by the City Council, through transfers from the operating reserves of the general fund and the utility fund, by moneys in amounts equal to the amount required. Additionally, the loss reserve balance of the risk management fund will be increased so that the year ending balance will be equal to total of the reported and incurred losses as determined through an annual review to be performed by a qualified consultant service or independent actuary;
The fund can also be provided for by contributions made to it from time to time, upon the order of the City Council, from budgeted, appropriated, and currently available City money; or
Derived from time to time by the City pursuant to agreement entered into with other third-person sources of funding.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91)
It is the policy of the City, subject to budgetary and general economic conditions, to self-insure against combined risks through the fund and to provide such self-insurance by depositing money into the fund in amounts sufficient, under actuarial determination, to provide for the defined self-insurance coverage prescribed by the program article. It is further the policy of the City, under the appropriate conditions, to obtain program insurance as provided by the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89)
The City, by virtue of establishing and maintaining the program, is not admitting liability for any claim. The City reserves the right to assert any defense to the payment or collection of any claim that is lawfully available, and nothing contained in this article shall be deemed or construed as a limitation or waiver of any defense whatsoever.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 2, adopted 2/21/89)
This program article shall serve to consolidate and supersede Resolution 4037 and Resolution 5827 by providing indemnity for plan members, assumed risks, and possible claims against a plan member, arising out of the plan member’s active or alleged error, omission, negligence, or breach of duty, intentional or negligent, by the plan member in the course and scope of the plan member’s employment with the City, or for any matter claimed against the plan member solely as a result of the plan member’s service as a City official, employee, or volunteer.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91)
The City shall defend any suit, except an excluded action, against a plan member that results from a covered act even if the suit is groundless or fraudulent
The City may investigate, designate legal counsel, negotiate, or settle any claim or suit against a plan member that results from a covered act, as the City determines necessary or appropriate without the consent of such plan member.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89)
Subject to subsections (B) and (C) of this section, the City shall defend and indemnify a plan member from a Plan Claim, but only if either:
The Plan Claim would be covered by the City’s applicable Program Liability Coverage but for the self-insured retention. In other words, the City’s agreement to cover any Plan Claim under this Section 41.81(A)(1) is co-extensive with and no greater than the coverage afforded under the insuring agreement and exclusions of the City’s applicable Program Liability Coverage. Any Plan Claim that would be excluded per the terms of the City’s Program Liability Coverage is likewise excluded from coverage under this Section 41.81(A)(1); or
The Claims Board determines that it is in the City’s best interests to cover the Plan Claim (regardless of whether the Plan Claim would be covered under the terms of the City’s applicable Program Liability Coverage). In determining whether it is in the City’s best interests to cover a Plan Claim under this discretionary provision, the Claims Board may consider, among other factors, the following:
The interests of the City, its citizens and the public;
The nature of the claim;
The nature of the conduct alleged;
The size of the claim; and
Any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations.
To be entitled to any coverage by the City for any Plan Claim, the plan member must:
Notify the Risk and Insurance Manager, in writing, immediately and as soon as practical of any pending legal proceedings begun against the plan member;
Cooperate fully with the Claims Board and any designated attorney in the investigation, negotiation, defense or settlement of any claim or suit giving rise to a Plan Claim and in enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against an individual or entity who or which may be liable to the City because of the payment by the City of a Plan Claim;
Assist fully in the conduct of any hearing or trial held in connection with a Plan Claim, including (but not limited to) attending the hearing or trial, securing and giving evidence, and obtaining the attendance of witnesses;
Not, except upon advice of the City Attorney or when questioned by a police officer at the scene of an accident, give any oral or written statement or enter into any stipulation or agreement concerning a claim or suit resulting in a Plan Claim;
Not, except at the plan member’s own expense, voluntarily make any claim or suit resulting in a Plan Claim without the consent of the Claims Board;
Deliver to the Claims Board, promptly upon receipt, any demand, summons, notice, or other process received by the plan member, in connection with any claim or suit that may result in a Plan Claim;
Comply with the claims administration procedures of the Claims Board;
Consent to legal counsel designated by the Claims Board; and
Perform the duties and comply with the requirements imposed on the plan member by the program article.
The plan member’s strict adherence to each of the above requirements is a condition precedent to coverage by the City. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will constitute grounds for denial and/or immediate revocation of coverage by the City.
The following claims made against a plan member are excluded actions, unless the City determines to provide coverage under subsection (A)(2) above:
Any claim brought against a plan member by the City;
Any claim that would be excluded per the terms of the City’s applicable Program Liability Coverage;
Any claim for liability assumed by a plan member under a contract, unless the contract is entered into at the request and with the approval of the City;
Any claim for damages in which the cause of action or any part of it arises out of or is related to conduct, acts, or omissions of a plan member which are not within the specific course and scope of the plan member’s employment and official duties.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/25/91; Ordinance 6895, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/17)
The City Attorney shall provide legal representation for a plan member in a claim or suit, except for an excluded action, in which the asserted or alleged liability of the plan member results from a covered act.
If the City Attorney determines that there exists a conflict of interest for the City Attorney to represent a plan member [pursuant to subsection (A) of this section], the City shall pay the reasonable fee of a private attorney to represent the plan member. The private attorney shall be selected by the Claims Board.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89)
If payment of a plan claim or legal representation is provided to a plan member under the plan, the City is subrogated to the plan member’s rights of recovery against any individual or organization to the extent of the City’s payment or liability for payment. A plan member shall execute and deliver to the Claims Board such documents as are necessary to secure this right of subrogation in the sole opinion of the City Attorney. A plan member shall not do anything after a plan claim is incurred to prejudice this right.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89)
If the City denies coverage under the plan to a plan member, the plan member may appeal to the Claims Board by filing a written notice of appeal with the Claims Board within five (5) days from the date coverage was denied.
If the Claims Board, upon appeal, upholds the denial of coverage, the plan member, within ten days from the date the Claims Board makes its determination, may appeal that determination to a court of competent jurisdiction. An appeal from the Claims Board shall be determined on the basis of the substantial evidence rule.
If the court rules in favor of the plan member, the City shall provide such coverage to the plan member and shall reimburse the plan member for the reasonable coverage determination expenses.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 6895, secs. 5–6, adopted 2/21/17)
Nothing contained in the program article shall be construed as creating a right or cause of action against the City or a plan member or as giving a right to a third party to institute or maintain a suit that would not otherwise exist under law as a legal claim against the City or a plan member.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89)
The Claims Board is responsible for the administration of the plan in accordance with its terms, subject to the superior authority of the City Council. In the course of carrying out this responsibility, the Claims Board shall interpret and apply the provisions of the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 3, adopted 2/21/89)
Money shall be withdrawn from the fund only for the following purposes:
To reimburse the City for administrative expenses as determined by the Claims Board;
To pay any plan claim, that the City shall become legally obligated to pay;
To pay any fund surplus (as determined only by an independent actuary or consultant service) to the City;
To retire (by scheduled payment, prepayment, defeasance, or otherwise) any obligation of the City incurred in connection with providing funding for the fund.
No withdrawal from the fund shall be made except in accordance with the program article.
Money shall not be withdrawn from the fund to make any excluded payment.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/25/91)
Subject to the regulations and limitations provided by the program article, the determination of whether any money in the fund shall be withdrawn shall be made at the discretion of the Claims Board.
An aggregate amount equal to or exceeding $100,000 shall not be withdrawn from the fund to pay the plan claims of any one claimant that arise from the same occurrence unless the City Council approves a greater amount for that purpose.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89)
Withdrawals from the fund shall be made, upon the order of the Claims Board, by check or draft drawn on the fund.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89)
A fund surplus shall not be withdrawn from the fund more often than once a year.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89)
The aggregate amount of withdrawals from the fund to pay any one claim shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in the Texas Tort Claims Act as currently enacted or as subsequently amended.
The aggregate amount of withdrawals in any one fiscal year to pay all plan claims shall not exceed three million dollars ($3,000,000).
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89; Ordinance 4476, sec. 1, adopted 2/25/91)
The Claims Board shall direct the investment of the moneys in the fund according to the City’s investment policy in investments that are eligible as lawful investments for other public funds of the City.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 4, adopted 2/21/89)
The Claims Board is responsible for the administration of claims.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 5, adopted 2/21/89)
The Claims Board may allow one or more claims adjusters to adjust or otherwise administer claims for the City.
Each person who is to serve as a claims adjuster shall be designated by the Claims Board. A claims adjuster shall either be selected from among the City’s administrative staff, or a professional claims handling or management service shall be retained as a claims adjuster.
If a professional claims handling or management service is retained as a claims adjuster, such employment shall be on a nonexclusive basis, and the contract under which such service is retained shall be made terminable by the City upon the expiration of a reasonable term fixed by the Claims Board.
Each claims adjuster shall be directly responsible to the Risk and Insurance Manager and shall follow all claims’ administration policies and procedures established by the Claims Board.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 5, adopted 2/21/89)
The Claims Board shall direct the defense of the plan claims.
The Claims Board, at its discretion, may retain attorneys, experts, and investigators in connection with the defense of any plan claim.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 5, adopted 2/21/89)
The Claims Board, at its discretion, may settle plan claims, subject to the limitations prescribed by this section and the program article.
The plan claims of any one claimant that arise from the same occurrence shall not be settled for an aggregate amount equal to or exceeding $100,000 without the approval of the City Council.
The Claims Board may authorize claims adjusters to settle, without the advance approval of the Claims Board, the plan claims of any one claimant that arise from the same occurrence for an aggregate amount of less than $10,000. The City Attorney shall be kept apprised of all settlement negotiations.
The Risk and Insurance Manager may settle, without the advance approval of the Claims Board, the plan claims of any one claimant that arise from the same occurrence for an aggregate amount of less than $10,000. The City Attorney shall be kept apprised of all settlement negotiations.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 5, adopted 2/21/89)
Payment of any claim that the City is legally obligated to pay that is not a plan claim or, if a plan claim, that is in excess of the amount permitted under the program article, shall be paid by the City from sources of payment other than the risk management fund.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 5, adopted 2/21/89)
The program shall include the services of a Risk and Insurance Manager.
The Risk and Insurance Manager shall be either an individual selected from among the City’s administrative staff or a professional risk management service retained by the City as the Risk and Insurance Manager. If a professional risk management service is retained by the City as the Risk and Insurance Manager, the selection of the service shall be made by the City Manager.
The Risk and Insurance Manager shall perform the duties and functions prescribed by the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 6, adopted 2/21/89)
The Risk and Insurance Manager shall engage in the following activities:
Identify and quantify (to the extent practicable) the risks that have the potential to result in loss to the City or plan members resulting from claims.
Devise and implement programs designed to reduce the City’s and the plan members’ exposure to loss due to program risks, including (but not limited to) risk assumption, risk reduction, risk retention, and risk transfer (including the purchase of program insurance).
Develop and maintain an information system, in coordination with any existing systems of the City, for the efficient recording of program information.
Implement and supervise the safety and other risk management policies and procedures that are to be followed by the City.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 6, adopted 2/21/89)
Program insurance may be obtained under the following circumstances:
As excess coverage over that provided by the fund, as reinsurance for the fund, or as first-dollar coverage in lieu of that provided by the fund (which may result in converting coverage provided by the fund into excess coverage), if, in each case, the insurance is obtainable on a fiscally sound basis, giving consideration to the investment opportunities for the fund and any shock loss exposure of the City due to the program risks;
When services that are necessary to effectively administer the program can be obtained only by purchase of commercial insurance;
When the City is required by contract or law to purchase commercial insurance;
When a higher level of risk transfer proves both prudent and fiscally sound, or
When exclusions under the program do not result in long-term economic advantage to the City.
The procurement of program insurance shall be coordinated by the Risk and Insurance Manager, reviewed by the Claims Board, and approved by the City Council.
Program insurance shall be obtained from sources determined to be in the best interest of the City. The insurance provider shall be in excellent financial condition as determined by the Risk and Insurance Manager.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 6, adopted 2/21/89)
To promote the efficient and effective administration of the program, the various department heads and other employees having administrative responsibilities for the City are encouraged and directed to cooperate with the Risk and Insurance Manager.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 6, adopted 2/21/89)
The Risk and Insurance Manager, at least annually, shall report to the City Council on the status and experience of the program, including the financial status of the fund.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 7, adopted 2/21/89)
The City, by ordinance, may alter the program from time to time without notice to any plan member or other person.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 7, adopted 2/21/89)
The program shall become effective on November 1, 1988.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 7, adopted 2/21/89)
The program article shall not operate to repeal or affect any other ordinance of the City except to the extent that the provisions thereof are inconsistent or in conflict with the program article, in which event, the program article shall take precedence.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 8, adopted 2/21/89)
If any part of the program article is held to be invalid for any reason, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of the program article.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 8, adopted 2/21/89)
The provisions contained and established by the program article are hereby declared to be governmental and for the health, safety, and welfare of the general public.
(Ordinance 4308, sec. 8, adopted 2/21/89)