Under the provisions of S.B. 371, as adopted by the 64th session of the Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1975, two (2) or more qualifying public entities are empowered to create a joint powers agency (to be known as a municipal power agency) as a separate municipal corporation, a political subdivision of the state and a body politic and corporate.
The incorporated municipalities of Texas known as the City of Bryan, City of Denton, City of Garland and the City of Greenville are each an agency or subdivision of the state so that each is a “public entity” within the meaning of that term as defined in section 2 of article 1435a, V.A.T.C.S.
Each of the aforesaid public entities is one which has the authority to engage in the generation of electric energy for sale to the public (by virtue of the provisions of title 28, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended) and on the eighth day of May, 1975, (the effective date of the senate bill hereinabove mentioned) were engaged in the generation of and sale of electric energy to the public.
The City Council has heretofore caused notice of its intention to adopt this article (to provide for the creation of a municipal power agency) to be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication to be at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for the passage of this concurrent article.
Prior to this date (the date established in this aforesaid notice as the date for the passage of this article), no petition signed by ten (10) percent of the qualified electors of this City has been submitted to any official of this City requesting that a referendum election be called on the question of whether this article should be passed and adopted.
The recitals contained in the preamble [section 51.15] hereof are found to be true and are adopted as findings of fact by this governing body [City Council].
The City Council of the City of Garland, in conjunction with the governing body of the remaining public entities mentioned in the preamble [section 51.15] hereof, do by this concurrent ordinance [section] hereby establish and create a municipal power agency, without taxing power, and such agency:
Shall be known as the “Texas Municipal Power Agency;” and
Shall have boundaries which include the territory within the corporate limits of the cities of Bryan, Denton, Garland and Greenville; and
Shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of eight (8) persons, who shall serve by places.
The initial term of office of the directors (calculated from the date of the passage of this article) and the governing body of the particular public entity who may appoint such director to fill each place, shall be as follows:
Place Number
Initial Term
Appointing Public Entity
One year
City of Bryan
Two years
City of Bryan
One year
City of Denton
Two years
City of Denton
One year
City of Garland
Two years
City of Garland
One year
City of Greenville
Two years
City of Greenville
Successors in office (for each place) shall be appointed by the governing body of the public entity appointing the initial director for such place for a term of two (2) years. Vacancies in office in each place shall be filled for the unexpired term by the governing body of the public entity which originally filled such position.
In accordance with section 4a of article 1435a, V.A.T.C.S., the right is reserved by this governing body to join with the other public entities specified in section 51.17 hereof to provide for the re-creation of such power agency by the addition and deletion, either or both, of a public entity so long as there is no impairment of obligation of any existing obligation of the agency.
The City Council hereby approves the rules, regulations and bylaws of the Texas Municipal Power Agency as attached and labeled exhibit I [to the ordinance from which this article derives].
The public importance of this measure and the fact that it is to the best interest of the City to create a municipal power agency under the provisions of article 1435a, V.A.T.C.S., at the earliest possible date constitutes and creates an emergency and an urgent public necessity, requiring that any rule providing for ordinances to be read more than one (1) time or at more than one (1) meeting of the City Council be suspended, and requiring that this article be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and any such rules or provisions are accordingly suspended and this article is passed as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage.