Editor’s note–This article pertaining to the city sanitary landfill was amended and replaced in its entirety with similar provisions as set out herein by Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17. See end of this article for full history for this article.
All landfill and transfer station operations, including disposal procedures, disposal sites, and determination of acceptable users, are the responsibility of the Director.
City residents hauling solid waste from their homes to the landfill, transfer station, or wood recycling center shall present a valid state driver license as proof of residency to the attendant on duty before using these facilities.
A user fee shall be charged to all persons entering the landfill, transfer station, or wood recycling center, except that there shall be no charge to City residents who present a valid state driver license as provided for in subsection (B) above.
All vehicles or trailers hauling solid wastes to the landfill, transfer station, or wood recycling center must have a suitable cover placed over any open load to prevent solid waste from blowing or falling from the vehicle. A suitable cover is one capable of containing the cargo and constructed of canvas mesh, netting, or such other materials as may be deemed appropriate by the Director.
Fees related to any vehicle arriving at the City landfill, transfer station, or wood recycling center which does not have a suitable cover placed over the vehicle's load are in the amounts approved in the annual budget and may be administratively amended by the City Manager within the budget year to reflect current market or operational conditions."
Users of the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center shall only be admitted under the direction of an attendant on duty who shall be responsible for waste screening and safety.
In order to comply with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules and regulations, landfill staff shall perform random solid waste screenings on inbound loads to ensure that the waste material being delivered meets acceptance standards. Landfill attendants may verify load composition on site, and reserve the right to investigate and verify the origination of inbound loads of solid waste.
Scavenging at the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center is prohibited.
Persons suspected by a City attendant of being under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances will be denied entry or removed from the landfill, transfer station, or wood recycling center.
All users of the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center shall adhere to the posted speed limits. Failure to adhere to the posted speed limits is grounds for expulsion from the facility.
Only people actively engaged in the unloading of solid waste from a vehicle or trailer shall be allowed to leave the vehicle once the vehicle enters the off-loading area. No vehicles shall be admitted to the off-loading areas unless they are disposing of solid waste.
Children under the age of 12 years must remain inside a vehicle at all times while at the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere at the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center, unless specifically provided for in a designated location.
Fees related to clean brick and masonry goods are in the amounts approved in the annual budget and may be administratively amended by the City Manager within the budget year to reflect current market or operational conditions."
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22; Ordinance 7465 adopted 9/5/2023)
Hours of operation of the landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center shall be as determined by the Director and shall be posted in a conspicuous manner near the entrance to each facility.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Items prohibited in the City’s landfill, transfer station, and wood recycling center shall include household hazardous waste, caustics, acids, chemicals, and any substance which could cause an explosion or is highly flammable. Additionally, the Director may prohibit any other material if it is determined that acceptance of the material poses a risk of harm the general health and welfare of the citizens of the City or other human beings. Under no circumstances will liquid wastes be accepted.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Unless otherwise provided for in this section or directed to the landfill by the Director, all persons delivering solid waste for disposal in cars or pickup trucks without trailers are required to use the transfer station. The charge for haulers using automatic dumping vehicles to deliver municipal solid waste or construction and demolition debris to the landfill is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The charges for commercial roll-off and recycling customers shall be set by the Director at a rate which is consistent with the prevailing market conditions, and which provides for the recovery of the costs of commercial solid waste and recycling services.
Haulers using trucks or trailers that do not dump automatically shall be required to pay a fee designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10..
Charges for haulers using the transfer station shall be as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The minimum charge for haulers at either the landfill or the transfer station is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10..
Major commercial haulers under contract shall be billed on a monthly basis. Payment is due thirty days after the invoice date. Any balance remaining unpaid more than fourteen days after the due date of the invoice shall bear interest at the rate of 10% or the maximum allowed by law (whichever is less) per month until paid.
The City Manager may enter into individual contracts with commercial customers for the deposit of 1,000 tons or more of solid waste per month, at a rate less than otherwise established in this section, as he deems necessary or desirable to maintain the financial integrity and efficiency of the Sanitation Department.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7017, sec. 14, adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 7086, secs. 8–10, adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022; Ordinance 7465 adopted 9/5/2023)
Vehicles becoming immobilized in the City's landfill may be towed clear of landfill operations by City employees. Fees related to towing immobilized vehicles are in the amounts approved in the annual budget and may be administratively amended by the City Manager within the budget year to reflect current market or operational conditions. The City is not responsible for any damage to vehicles that require towing on landfill sites.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7465 adopted 9/5/2023)
Customers delivering solid waste for disposal by box trucks, multi-axle trailers, dump trucks, flatbed trucks and similar vehicles shall haul their solid waste to the City’s landfill unless directed to the transfer station by the Director.
The off-loading of solid waste at the landfill and transfer station shall be done by the customer without assistance from City personnel.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Wood mulch, which is made from ground tree trimmings and brush, may be obtained by customers free of charge with proof of City residency.
Customers seeking to obtain wood mulch shall load the wood mulch without assistance from City staff, and must bring their own containers and shovels.
Wood mulch is available for sale to retail and wholesale markets.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)
Acceptance of any type of special waste is at the sole discretion of the Director and the Director reserves the right to refuse any special waste as he deems appropriate.
Household appliances containing no chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are accepted at the landfill, transfer station, and the wood recycling facility and shall be disposed of in scrap metal containers at landfill or drop-off recycling center.
Barrels, drums, and containers which were previously used for the shipping or storage of chemicals are acceptable at the landfill, but only after proper cleaning and preparation. This preparation includes triple washing, and removal of the top and bottom of the container. A shipping manifest and certification of triple rinsing are required. These containers are not accepted at the transfer station.
Prior to acceptance at the landfill, contaminated soils and dredged soils are required to be properly tested as directed by landfill staff. The customer shall present test report(s) for landfill staff review and approval prior to delivery for disposal. The customer shall present a manifest that states that soils comply with state requirements for regular disposal with each load delivered to the landfill. These soils are not accepted at the transfer station.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Medical waste that has been autoclaved and shredded may be accepted at the landfill. A manifest stating that the medical waste has been properly autoclaved and meets the definition of solid waste must be presented before disposal in the landfill.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)
The landfill may accept computer equipment and television screens classified as solid waste from residential customers. City residents are allowed to dispose of the aforementioned equipment at no charge.
Commercial disposal of electronic equipment is prohibited.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)
Watercraft and similar marine equipment shall not be accepted at the landfill unless the owner presents satisfactory proof of the owner’s identity and the title to the watercraft. Any equipment on the watercraft such as fuel tanks, batteries, and motors must be removed by the owner prior to delivery to the landfill.
Watercraft and similar marine equipment are not accepted at the transfer station.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)
Unless otherwise provided for in this section or specifically allowed by the Director, the following items are not allowed at the City’s landfill:
Motor-driven vehicles;
Fuel tanks;
Used motor oil, used oil filters or other devices that once contained petroleum-based compounds such as gasoline, fuel oil, hydraulic fluid, lubricants or other chemicals;
Liquid or hazardous waste, including paint, pesticides, fertilizer, pool chemicals, etc.;
Large appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc., unless disposed of in scrap metal containers at the landfill;
Debris from nonhazardous chemical spills;
Waste containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), which is a compound used in electrical insulators, flame retardants, and plasticizers;
Friable asbestos;
Infectious and/or hospital waste including any and all body parts and waste materials which have been in contact with said body parts, and are considered hazardous as defined by state and/or federal regulations. This includes, but is not limited to all “red bag” waste;
Sandblast grit and nonliquid paint wastes;
Spent filter media residue;
Septic tank clean-out waste;
Lead acid storage batteries;
Items containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), such as refrigerators and air conditioners;
Whole used or scrap tires;
Commercial loads of electronics, including televisions, office machines, and computer equipment;
Closed drums;
Unsecured loads; and
Any material determined by the Director to have the potential of causing harm to the general health and welfare of human beings or the environment.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Unless otherwise provided for in this section or specifically excluded by the Director, the following items are allowed at the City’s transfer station:
Household solid waste;
Bulky waste, such as furniture, carpeting, and mattresses; and
Small loads.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Unless otherwise provided for in this section or specifically allowed by the Director, the following items are not allowed at the City’s transfer station:
Barrels, drums, and containers used for shipping or storing chemicals;
Contaminated soils or dredged soils;
Dead animals;
Scrap metal;
Large timbers (such as railroad ties);
Light bulbs;
Fluorescent tubes;
Fuel tanks;
Used motor oil, used oil filters or other devices that once contained petroleum-based compounds such as gasoline, fuel oil, hydraulic fluid, lubricants or other chemicals;
Debris from non-hazardous chemicals spills;
Waste containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), which is a compound used in electrical insulators, flame retardants, and plasticizers;
Friable asbestos;
Infectious and/or hospital waste including any and all body parts and waste materials which have been in contact with said body parts, and are considered hazardous as defined by state and/or federal regulations. This includes, but is not limited to all “red bag” waste;
Sandblast grit and non-liquid paint wastes;
Spent filter media residue;
Lead acid storage batteries;
Pesticides or other household hazardous waste and chemicals;
Items containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), such as refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.;
Whole used or scrap tires;
Commercials loads of electronics, including televisions, office machines, and computer equipment;
Closed drums;
Unsecured loads; and
Brush and wood waste, dirt, rock, brick, and concrete.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17; Ordinance 7280 adopted 1/4/22)
Medical waste shall not be accepted at the transfer station.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)
The transfer station may accept computer equipment and television screens that are cathode ray tubes (CRTs), from residential customers which are classified as solid waste.
(Ordinance 6907 adopted 5/16/17)