The 2015 International Plumbing Code and the regional amendments and interpretations thereto recommended by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (herein called the “IPC”) is hereby adopted as the official plumbing code of the city and is fully incorporated by reference as though copied into this section in its entirety.
(Ordinance 16-12, sec. 5, adopted 11/28/16)
The code adopted in this division is incorporated in this chapter of the city code the same as if such code were copied at length herein, subject to the additions, insertions, deletions and changes prescribed in this division. A copy of the code shall be maintained on file in the office of the city secretary.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.2.01(C))
In the event there is determined to be a conflict between the provisions of the code as adopted and the provisions of this division, the latter provisions shall be construed as controlling and shall take precedence over the former.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.2.01(D))
The adoption by reference of the IPC as provided in section 3.02.251 of this division is made subject to and is modified and amended as follows:
Section 404.2. The first sentence of section 404.2 is amended to read as follows:
404.2. Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly and mercantile occupancies, an accessible unisex toilet room shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more male or female water closets are provided. {The remainder of the section is unchanged.}
(Ordinance 16-12, sec. 6, adopted 11/28/16)
Notwithstanding any provisions of the code adopted in this division, the zoning board of adjustments of the city shall serve as the board of appeals with reference to the code adopted by this division. All provisions in such code in conflict with the provisions of this division are hereby repealed.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.4.04)
Notwithstanding any provisions of the code adopted in this division, the provisions of the fee schedule in appendix A of this code shall govern the fees prescribed pursuant to such code as the same are applied and enforced within the city. All provisions in such code in conflict with the provisions of the city code are hereby repealed.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.4.05)