Meters shall be read to the one gallon monthly at approximately the same time each month and the consumer notified in the manner chosen by customer in writing of the applicable charges and the due date for payment of such charges.
Utility bills shall be due and payable on or before the 10th day of the month following the month for which the charges are made. Utility bills not paid by the 10th day of the month shall be deemed delinquent, and the city shall collect an additional amount equal to 10% of the bill, inclusive of water, sewer, household hazardous waste and solid waste collection charges, before delinquency, as penalty for late payment.
Water service on accounts not paid by the last Wednesday of the month in which payment was due shall be cut off, and a charge in the amount prescribed in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary shall be paid to the city before said water service is reconnected. The city may allow, upon written request from the consumer, a payment plan agreement. Payment plans shall require payment in increments to allow payment in full by next billing date. In certain circumstances, the city administrator may allow a longer period to pay. In cases where more time is given, water shall be cut off if payee defaults on payment plan.
For customers who start or end with a partial month remaining, the following policy shall apply: Customers who establish/discontinue accounts with seven or less days remaining in a month are not charged the minimum charge. Customers who establish/discontinue accounts with more than seven day remaining in a month will have the minimum charge prorated based upon the number of days remaining in the month.
Should service be discontinued as above stated, applicable service charges will be added to the delinquent amount due and the delinquent amount plus service charges must be paid before service is resumed. Additionally, if at the time of discontinuation of service the customer has not previously paid a service deposit as required by this code, such deposit shall be paid before service is resumed.
The utility deposit shall be held by the city until such time as the account is closed or the city receives information indicating the customer intended to close the account and/or is no longer using utility services. If the account has been paid in full at closing, including the final billing, the deposit shall be refunded in full. Should the account not be paid in full, the city may apply the deposit to the account balance and either refund the surplus deposit or bill for the excess account balance.
Deposits shall be refundable under the conditions described herein. Charges are not refundable, and shall be cumulative.
The schedule of customer deposits and charges shall be as provided in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)
Water rates.
The rates charged for water service furnished to customers within the corporate limits of the city shall be as provided in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary.
Sewer rates.
The rates charged for sewer service furnished to customers within the corporate limits of the city shall be as provided in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary.
All water usage necessary for the normal construction of water, sewer, street, and other public works projects shall be measured by meters furnished by the water utility and billed to the contractor’s account based on the city’s prevailing rates. Upon payment of the deposit, the contractor shall obtain a meter from the water utility and shall be responsible for the meter, valve, fittings, and hydrant. Any damages that may occur to the meter shall be repaired by the city at the contractor’s expense. The contractor’s deposit for the portable meter and deposits as outlined in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary, less repair costs, if applicable, shall be refunded provided that the account has been paid in full.
A meter may be moved to various locations, but the contractor shall report its location to the water utility at the time of any relocation. The contractor shall assure that the meter is read on or about the 15th day of each month by notifying the water utility of its location, bringing it to the water utility to be read, or taking a photo of the reading and sending to the water utility. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in a penalty charge to the contractor’s account in an amount equal to the monthly billing for 100,000 gallons of water.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)
To open a new water account, water customers shall be required to make a deposit with the city that conforms to the established policy of the water utility as outlined in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary.
Bills may be paid by cash, check, money order, or credit card. The water utility reserves the right to refuse payment by personal check if through experience or other information there is reason to believe the check will not be honored at the payer’s bank.
A charge shall be made by the water utility for each new tapping of or connection to any water main or sanitary sewer line of the city, said charge to be determined by the size of the connection in accordance with the schedule therefor provided in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary.
In addition to the charges set forth in subsection (c) above, customer shall be responsible for paying any additional costs such as street patching as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary. If third-party services are used, the customer is responsible for coordinating, hiring, and paying for said services in accordance with the city fee schedule. City shall supervise and inspect work prior to applicant receiving water services.
For work not addressed in the fee schedule adopted by the city council and available from the city secretary, the water utility shall charge the actual costs incurred by the water utility, including all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to make the tap, run the service line, set the meter and box, and any other work reasonably necessary thereto.
All street cuts require council approval. For major thoroughfares, no cut shall be made if boring is possible in the judgment of the city.
On sewer services 5" and larger in size, a manhole approved by the director shall be installed at the city sewer main over the sewer service unless a wye has been installed at the time the main was laid.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the sewer service from the sewer main to and on his property, including the connection to the sewer main. The cost of the manhole and sewer service shall be paid by the customer.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)
Water rates.
The rate charged by the city for water outside the corporate limits of the city shall be determined by the city council.
Sewer rates.
The rates charged by the city for sewer service outside the corporate limits of the city shall be determined by the city council.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)