All water furnished by the water utility to its consumers shall be measured by meters. The size, type and right to own and control all meters installed or used by consumers shall be determined by the water utility.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)
Inoperable/faulty meter.
Should any meter fail to register correctly the amount of water used by a consumer since the previous reading, the right shall exist on the part of the water utility to average the month and charge for water on the basis of any three months’ average; provided, however, that the months used for the purpose of making the average are comparable to the month(s) the water is used. The director is authorized to adjust disputed charges upon evidence satisfactory to the director of a meter malfunction, misreading or other documented error.
Water leak.
Conditions arise that could merit a bill adjustment in the event of a water leak. The customer is asked to complete a leak adjustment form for the necessary details and acknowledge that an adjustment will be made only once in a 12-month period. A portion of the leak will be absorbed by the water utility. The remaining balance will be the current bill owed by the customer. Adjustment is conducted on water charge only, not sewer charge. The leak adjustment policy is used to calculate the adjustment. Leak adjustment policy is as follows.
The total adjusted water bill will be calculated using the following formula:
An adjusted leak water volume cost is first calculated which is derived from taking a volume average from the previous three months, subtracting the average from the actual billed gallons for the leak month, and multiplying the current rate charged to the city by the City of Arlington. This calculation will show the cost the city will pay regardless of any adjustment passed on to the customer.
A three month volume average is then calculated by taking the three month volume average but subtracting the first 2,000 gallons, and multiplying by the current rate the city charges the customer.
The total adjusted water bill is then calculated using the adjusted leak water volume cost, the three month average volume cost, and the minimum charge.
Diagram: Example Calculation
Leak month
Leak month billed gallons
Water leak adjustment calculation
Previous 3 months:
3 month avg.
Leak month billed gallons
3 month avg.
Gallons above avg.
Current Arlington Rate per 1K Gal
Adjusted leak water volume cost
3 month avg volume (less 2K gal)
Current DWG rate per 1K Gal
3 month avg volume cost
Minimum charge
Total adjusted water bill
Actual billed water amount
Water leak credit adjustment
When it is observed that a meter registers “0” usage where service is known to be active, the following is used to estimate the billing adjustment for the water consumed but not metered: The account’s historical-use data is utilized to find the lowest usage observed for the subject month(s). This same amount will be used in estimating the usage for the month it was not metered. If there is insufficient historical data for the subject month, use the best available data.
(Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 2/23/21)