The zoning regulations and districts as herein set forth are approved and established. The city is hereby divided into classes of use districts, such districts being of the shape and area deemed best suited to carry out the purpose and intent of this article. Within such districts, this article hereby regulates and restricts the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair and use of buildings, structures and land as herein set forth.
Residential districts.
Residential District
Residential District
Residential District
Commercial districts.
Business District
Business District
Business District
Light Industrial District
Overlay districts.
Planned Development District
Redevelopment District
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.01)
“SF” residential district (single-family).
This district is intended to be composed of single-family dwellings on large-sized lots, together with the public and parochial schools, churches, public parks and other public facilities essential to create basic neighborhood units, particularly along existing streets and thoroughfares of the city. This district is also considered to be the proper classification for large areas of undeveloped land appropriate for future single-family use, in order to protect and encourage the continued development of such areas for such use.
“GH” residential district (single-family).
This district is designed to accommodate detached single-family dwellings in a medium density setting allowing for innovation in development designed to encourage individual home ownership either on platted conventional lots or in a clustered site-plan configuration.
“MF” residential district (multifamily).
This district is designed for attached multifamily dwellings on moderate-sized lots, to provide in appropriate locations an orderly transition from neighborhoods of exclusively single-family dwellings to less restrictive use districts.
“B-1” business district.
This district is designed for limited, low-intensity offices, financial institutions and governmental buildings and facilities not involving retail trade, located in close proximity to and compatible with residential uses. The regulations of this district require a high standard of development in order to protect and provide an orderly transition from more restrictive adjacent districts.
“B-2” business district.
This district is provided to accommodate convenience retail sales and personal service activities as well as limited general business activities. The district regulations are designed for the types of commercial uses which do not typically generate high volumes of vehicular traffic. Nevertheless, it is not anticipated that development of land in this district will take place other than at or near the intersection of major thoroughfares.
“B-3” business district.
This district is intended to accommodate general business uses, offices, banking, governmental, utility and institutional business services, community shopping centers and some automobile-related uses, primarily in appropriate areas along major highways.
“LI” light industrial district.
The “LI” light industrial district is characterized by industrial development of a warehousing, distribution and light processing type. The regulations of this district are intended to preserve a light industrial nature, particularly with regard to noise, odors, dust and other noxious conditions. This district may be appropriate adjacent to commercial districts or on major highways.
“PD” planned development district.
The classification, procedures and regulations of this district are designed to be used in combination with and superimposed upon the geographical area of other districts (one or more) in large area developments so as to permit creative land use design, the flexible location of buildings and other structures, and the maximizing of open space and public amenities. The overlay district may be used with both residential and commercial districts.
“PD-R” redevelopment district.
This district is to be used in areas where existing development has deteriorated substantially and there is need for the redevelopment of the land and its infrastructure. Using the PD processes, this district may be overlaid on either residential or commercial districts.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.02)
The boundaries of the districts are as shown on the official zoning district map, which is hereby adopted and made a part of this article as if the boundaries of the district, notations and information shown thereon were fully contained and described herein. It shall be the duty of the city secretary to keep two complete sets of the official zoning district maps, one of which shall be kept in its original condition as a permanent record; and, the second of which shall indicate the dates and locations of all revisions subsequent to the adoption of the map in its original condition. The city secretary shall also keep any other maps used for administration purposes up to date, clearly indicating thereon all changes, variances and special exceptions. These maps shall be maintained in the city hall and shall be available to the public during normal business hours.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.03)
The uses of the districts listed in section 14.02.041(1) shall not be cumulative.
The districts listed in section 14.02.041(2) shall be deemed a hierarchy of districts in the order in which they are there listed, the most restrictive use being “B-1” and the least restrictive being “LI”. The city council may, upon proper application to zone property to a particular district, zone the property to such district or any more restrictive district within the hierarchy of districts.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.04)
Upon the effective date of this amendment, the zoning map, as heretofore amended, shall be changed as follows:
All districts designated “SF-1” and SF-2” shall be redesignated “SF”.
All districts designated “MF-1” and “MF-2” shall be redesignated “MF”.
All districts designated “LB” shall be redesignated “B-2”.
All districts designated “B” shall be redesignated “B-3”.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.05)
Whenever a street or alley that forms a district boundary is vacated by the council, adjacent district boundaries shall extend to the centerline of the street or alley vacated.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.2.06)