To secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to lessen congestion in the streets; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation; to conserve the value of buildings; and, to encourage the most appropriate use of land, minimum off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided as set forth in the following schedules and provisions.
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)
Parking spaces and loading berths required herein, together with aisles and maneuvering area, shall be connected to a public street by a driveway, and shall have, in the case of single-family residences, an all weather surface; and, in the case of multifamily and nonresidential uses, a paved surface.
In determining the required number of parking spaces, fractional spaces shall be counted to the next higher whole number of spaces. Parking spaces located in buildings used for repair garages or auto laundries shall not be counted as meeting the required minimum parking. Vehicular queuing areas shall not be considered to satisfy required parking spaces.
The floor area of structures devoted to off-street parking of vehicles shall be excluded in computing the floor area for off-street parking requirements.
Where a lot or tract of land is used for a combination of uses, the off-street parking requirements shall be the composite or sum of the requirements for each type of use and no off-street parking space provided for one type use or building shall be included in calculation of the off-street parking requirements for any other use or building.
The following provisions shall apply to all head-in parking adjacent to a public street:
Head-in parking spaces so situated that the maneuvering of a vehicle in entering or leaving such spaces is done on a public street or within public right-of-way shall not be classified as off-street parking in computing any parking requirements herein.
The construction of head-in parking as described in subparagraph (1) hereof shall be prohibited hereafter. All such head-in parking facilities in existence on November 12, 1973 are hereby declared to be a nonconforming use of land subject to the provisions of division 12 of this article.
No off-street parking or loading space shall be located, either in whole or in part, within any fire lane required by ordinance of the city or within aisles, driveways or maneuvering areas necessary to provide reasonable access to any parking space.
No required off-street parking or loading space shall be used for sales, nonvehicular storage, repair or service activities.
Lighting facilities, if provided, shall be so situated as to direct light away from adjacent or nearby property zoned or used for residential purposes.
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)
In all districts there shall be provided, in connection with appropriate permitted uses, off-street vehicle parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements.
In any district, there shall be provided on each single-family residential lot two (2) vehicles parking spaces of not less than 180 square feet each, open or enclosed.
In all districts where such use is permitted, there shall be provided on any lot devoted to multifamily, townhouse or zero-lot line residence, there shall be provided two (2) vehicles parking spaces of not less than 180 square feet each, per dwelling unit. No part of such required spaces shall occupy a required front yard.
Required off-street parking for residential uses shall be provided on the lot or tract occupied by the principal use.
Required off-street parking for permitted nonresidential uses in the SF and MF districts and for permitted uses in all other districts shall be provided on the lot or tract occupied by the principal use or upon a lot or tract dedicated to parking use by an instrument, in a form approved by the zoning administrator, filed for record and consolidated under a single certificate of occupancy with the principal use. Such parking facility shall be located in the same zoning district as, and within 300 feet of, the principal use.
The board may permit a parking facility to accommodate either required or additional parking, as a special exception, under such regulations and conditions as the board may deem advisable, when:
The proposed parking facility is on a site within 300 feet of the property on which the principal use is located; and
The principal use is located in the SF or MF district as a conforming use and the proposed parking facility is located in one of such districts; or
The principal use is required by this article to be located in an “B-2” or less restrictive district, and the proposed parking facility is located in one of such districts.
This special exception shall be available, in any event, only to conforming nonresidential uses, and may be granted in the manner prescribed in division 8 of this article. In the granting thereof, the board shall approve the location of entrances and exits to parking areas, and may require screening devices along parking area boundaries.
In all districts where such use is permitted, there shall be provided for any nonresidential use parking spaces of not less than 180 square feet each, in a number not less than that provided in section 14.02.374. Such parking spaces shall be striped or otherwise clearly designated on the parking surface, and shall not include any fire lane or other area necessary for aisles or maneuvering of vehicles.
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)
Number of Parking Spaces/ Unit of Measure
Institution and special.
Community or welfare center
1/100 sq. ft of floor center area
School – private
1/classroom plus 1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within the auditorium at one time
Junior high
1/classroom plus 1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within the auditorium at one time
Senior high
1/1 student
Place of public assembly
1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within the main (largest) room at one time
College or university
1/4 day students
Church/place of worship
1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within the sanctuary (largest room) at one time
Kindergarten, child care
1/300 square feet
Hospital, chronic care
1/2 beds
Hospital, acute care
Home for the elderly
1.5/dwelling unit
1/350 square feet of public area
Fraternity or sorority
1/150 square feet of floor room
Mortuary, funeral chapel
1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within all viewing rooms/chapels at one time
Recreational, special and entertainment.
1 for every 3 persons lawfully permitted within the theater at one time
Bowling alley
Pool halls, coin-machine arcades, other commercial amusements, indoors
1/100 sq. ft. of floor area
Commercial amusements, outdoor
1/600 square feet of site area
Ballpark, stadium
1/3 seats
Lodge, fraternal organization
1/200 sq. ft. of floor area
Personal service and retail.
Personal service shop
1/200 square feet of floor area
Retail store or shop
1/200 square feet of inside floor area
Furniture sales, appliance sales and repair
1/400 square feet of site area exclusive of repair buildings
Open retail sales
1/600 square feet of site area exclusive of buildings
Coin-operated or self-served laundry
Drop-off dry cleaners/laundry
Drop-off/no processing on site
5 spaces minimum
Processing on site
5 spaces plus 1/500 square feet of floor area
Food and beverage services.
Eating or drinking place (drive-up and take out)
1/75 sq. ft. of both indoor and outdoor floor; minimum of 8 spaces
Eating or drinking place (drive-up and eat on premises)
1/50 sq. ft. of floor area; both indoor and outdoor minimum of 12 spaces
Eating or drinking place (inside eating only; includes tavern, nightclub, private club)
1/100 sq. ft. of both indoor and outdoor floor area; minimum of 12 spaces
Business services.
1/300 sq. ft. of floor area
Savings & loan or similar institution
1/300 sq. ft. of floor area
Medical, dental, clinic or office
3 spaces plus 1/150 sq. ft. of floor area
Other office, business/professional
3 spaces plus 1/300 sq. ft. of floor area
Automotive equipment.
Service station
1/200 sq. ft. of floor area; minimum of 4 spaces
Auto repair, garage or shop (indoor)
1/500 sq. ft. of floor area; minimum of 5 spaces
Auto parts & accessories, sales
1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Vehicle or machinery sales
1/500 sq. ft. of floor area
Customer-operated bays
Full service or process lines
1/500 square feet of floor area; minimum of 10 spaces
Storage, wholesale and manufacturing.
Brick or lumber yard or similar use
1/1,000 sq. ft. of site area
Warehouse & enclosed storage, wholesale or manufacture operation
1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)
Off-street facilities shall be provided and maintained for receiving and loading of merchandise, supplies and materials within a building or on the premises, in accordance with table 14.02.375, “Schedule of Minimum Off-Street Loading Standards.”
Required off-street loading spaces may be adjacent to a public alley or private service drive, or may consist of a berth within a structure.
No portion of a loading space may extend into a public right-of-way or into an off-street parking area elsewhere herein required.
The off-street loading spaces or truck berths herein required shall have minimum dimensions as follows:
At least one-half (1/2) shall be not less than ten (10) by forty (40) feet.
The remaining one-half (1/2) shall be not less than ten (10) by twenty (20) feet.
Gross Floor Area
(in square feet)
Minimum Required Loading Berths
Retail, commercial
0 to 25,000
25,000 to 84,000
84,000 to 156,000
156,000 to 236,000
Each additional 100,000
1 additional
Hotels, office buildings, restaurants and similar establishments
0 to 150,000
150,000 to 300,000
300,000 to 500,000
Each additional 500,000
1 additional
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)
There shall be provided within 30 feet of the entrance to every building, according to the criteria set forth below, one permanently marked area not less than 30 feet in length and marked “Emergency vehicles only.” This requirement shall apply to:
Every building accommodating commercial, industrial or office uses and having a gross floor area of 9000 square feet or more; and
Every residential occupancy building exceeding two stories in height or 9000 square feet in area.
If visitor or tenant parking is permitted adjacent to the building or along a curb or walkway next to the building, the emergency vehicle zone shall be reserved adjacent to a raised island extending from the building or parking curb for a distance equal to the depth of the adjoining parking spaces, but need not be more than 20 feet.
(Ordinance 10-10 adopted 10/21/10)